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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 656x369, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3894397 No.3894397 [Reply] [Original]

You wanna fuck with me? Huh? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? How about I FUD your overpriced scam back to the stone age. Would you like that you pathetic piece of shit? Let me get out a list of all the companies that YCombinator has that have failed, never made it, crashed to zero... it's like 97% of them. Think your scam coin is any different? Do we really need yet another payments clone? No. We don't. They are already far far behind. This ain't fucking stripe lol. YCombinator is desperately trying to play catchup. Y Combinator wishes they were still relevant in our world. But they are a dinosaur in the crypto game. Look at the Brave browser with VC funding... crashing and burning. That's because it's a shitty useless clone, just like Req.Net.

Have fun dropping your bags at half the ICO price. No one wants your stupid scam ICO bullshit anymore. Look at enigma. Wow, it sold out in like 2 minutes. Gonna go 10x right? Right? Muh MIT. Muh hedge funds for crypto. That was actually a revolutionary idea... and yet... It's trading on a major exchange at well bellow ICO price. The same is true for your shitty Request.To.Die bags.

So please.

I REQUEST that you fucking go fuck yourself.

LINK is the future motherfucker. Link will be $500 by Q1 of 2018

Cap this.

>> No.3894432

Req is gonna use LINK.
I put 100 eth in the presale for CL and 100 eth in Request. Both projects have their strengths and weaknesses. Dumb to be so emotionally invested in only one coin.

>> No.3894455
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3894462

came here to reply this actually. request is gonna use LINK, everyone bullish in link should be bullish in req too. quantstamp is another one if youre interested, has relations with both link and req. they audited req supposedly, and one of their advisors advised on link too, stating link and quantstamp as most promising tech recently

>> No.3894475

fag if OP

but yeah, balls deep man

>> No.3894478

Funny you expect Enigma to be 108232x by now. I suggest you scoop up em at this price while you can.

>> No.3894511

What I don't understand is the amount of FUD and FOMO when this coin has held stable at ~$.40 for the last three weeks.

This board needs more general threads to clean it up. Link is being spammed at this point.


>> No.3894526
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the lock's proportions

>> No.3894543

im bullish on REQ but that logic is shaky.

since REQ is using LINK you should be bullish on link if you're bullish on REQ.

but it does not hold the other way around. LINK will not be using REQ so its possible to be bullish on LINK and not on REQ.

>> No.3894548

Also Tierion (TNT) is tied to Microsoft and guess who is tied into Tierion? Hint...Scroll down


>> No.3894572

Market is still baby i expect a billion dollar market cap by December

>> No.3894575

yep youre right i fucked up the explanation, my point was more that association with each other should make you bullish on both although typing it out right now seems flimsy. yours sounds much better

>> No.3894592
File: 191 KB, 500x375, ModernArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it I was looking for this image.
I used a worse version.

>> No.3894636

Yeah, dude, no logic was used here.

hurr durr put tierion on the website, it was obviously just a placeholder for the design

>> No.3894762

>not following my chainlink logo github

>> No.3894769

This is req fud and link shilling. Reread the OP

>> No.3894778

link pls

>> No.3894795
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, ChainLink-Clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kidding

>> No.3894823


>>>>op's bitch post

muh 4chan fud faggots