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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3893945 No.3893945 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, I'm sure you know why I brought you in here. Its been several months and we need a status update on the "girlfriend" project you're heading. Do you have any leads? Any sales? Any progress at all?

>> No.3893977

I have one. Now i just need to get rich off cryptos

>> No.3894005

Project has been cancelled due to the realization that anything acquired will be a depreciating asset

>> No.3894129

I really think like this about gf cunts, dont really need one.
The crypto richfag escort fucking life is more my thang

>> No.3894154

>The crypto richfag escort fucking life is more my thang

I bet this isn't your lifestyle, if it is, please share. Doesn't seem like a happy one

>> No.3894155

Hookers are cheaper in the long run.

>> No.3894180

how is this /biz/ /finance/ or /crypto/ related?

Or is this just another thread for self-hating curmudgeons to reveal how little they know about women because they never leave the house?

>> No.3894197

I guess if sex is all you care about

Why exactly are you trying to make money, anon? What do you want to do with it?

>> No.3894224

cancel yourself then

>> No.3894257

/biz/ and investing are about acquiring assets. Relationships are assets.

>> No.3894588

>Relationships are assets.
I thought relationships are just a glorified sequence of experiences.
Experiences aren't assets, they are liabilities, they are for a lot of people what the whole accumulation of capital is all about (for those, who aren't so singleminded that the 'game' of running a business or investing is their greatest passion in life - therein the 'experience' is in parallel to the process of making money, but also the object of it) - having experiences, be it traveling, going to a rock concert, eating in a fancy restaurant, or going on a date with someone you like.

How is a relationship an asset?

>> No.3894605

The girlfriend thing is gong well. Please don't tell my wife.

Or hers.

>> No.3894640

>generate return
>is a type of relationship
what do i win?

>> No.3894689

After market research on tinder & plenty of fish the project has been cancelled.
The only interested customers are single mothers and fatties

>> No.3894731

>Save on rent (less annoying & requires fewer bedrooms than a normal roommate)
>Can provide additional motivation and support for terms of education, career, various ambitions
>As >>3894640 points out, can generate direct return in the form of pimping, camwhoring, etc.
>Opens up the time honored path to wealth known as "marrying into money"

It's like a house. Sure it's got liability aspects and could tank you, but it's not all downside.

>> No.3894808

>roastie detected

>> No.3895029

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