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File: 75 KB, 634x651, article-2632058-1DF719B500000578-66_634x651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
388777 No.388777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>anon your coworkers complained that you haven't decorated your cubicle at all. They are worried you are some kind of sociopath about to go on a spree.

the ride never ends,

even once you get a job...

>> No.388778

Idk, I left my cubicle pretty much unmodified. I never saw a point to decorating it.

>> No.388780

>he hasn't decorated his cubicle.

get a load of this autist sociopath.

>> No.388782

Good. They should be worried.

>> No.388783
File: 185 KB, 699x720, 13878480473487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I did with pictures of my waifu.

>> No.388786

People used to do this kind of shit in a call center I used to work in when I was a teen

thank god I'm out of there

>> No.388794

fine a new job

>> No.388796


Do you think if the pictures aren't to suggestive people would care? Also if I made sure to only have one solo image and then all the others groups, so people don't realize I only really care about my waifu. I feel like I've seen put up sailor moon and pokemon posters, surely nobody would give a shit....

>> No.388798
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So do I, but they didn't like that either.

Some people are just impossible to please.

>> No.388803

Jokes on you, no one in the office is allowed decorate so we keep our minimalistic clean look in the office.

>> No.388813

Bitch, i'm working my ass of and never thought about this shit. Maybe you can help me decorate my shit and then we can go to my place so i could fuck you in the ass.

>> No.388845

something similar to this happened to me, was right around the time i was able to write a computer program that automated around 40% of the office's job

i swear those "corporate" environments are just filled to the brim with mouth breathers and people who didnt get attention from mommy and daddy

>> No.388873
File: 93 KB, 700x450, do-not-wake-up-a-programmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a programmer
>Be expected to be autistic
>Nobody understands or cares what you do.

Life is good.

>> No.388878

Meanwhile the non-autistic programmers will get promoted to management and get paid doubled their salary for less than half the work.

>> No.389579
File: 53 KB, 510x923, 1402012925999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't have my own cubicle
>tfw ~20 other people in MegaCube with walls on two sides with desks and a row of desks in the middle
>tfw there's a 2 person cubicle we use as overflow but the computers are slow af
>tfw my usual spot is in a corner, giving my optimal desk space (wraparound never ending desk attached to walls)

Whatever it's all the same with my headphones in.

>> No.389598

>non-autistic programmers

nice fake story there bro :^)

>> No.389611

I'm an intern 3 days a week. Another intern shares my cubicle the other two. Don't have to worry about menial bullshit like decorating it because it doesn't belong exclusively to me. Feels good, man.

>> No.389614

Why do people on this board think internships are so great? I always see people bragging about internships and telling people to ask them questions about what it's like. Thats like asking a burger flipper how it feels to flip burgers.

>> No.389620

Are you stupid?

Most entry level positions, like in my field, require previous experience. Thus an internship. Plus I'm paid, so it's like a job.

>> No.389621

So why brag about a job below an entry level position?

>> No.389634

Who's bragging? I answered the question on the OP. "Feels good" that I don't have to worry about stupid shit like decorating the cubicle I use.

You sure seem defensive.