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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 773 KB, 800x800, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3886247 No.3886247 [Reply] [Original]

I'm analyzing the 50 biggest LINK accounts on a daily basis. Yesterday I posted some conclusions at >>3878217.

I just checked again and 46 of them are not moving. 2 others slightly increased their position, another slightly decreased it.

The only outlier is this guy, who has been buying and selling in small quantities, mostly selling: https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be

He's been trading like crazy for the last 17 days and is now manipulating the market on his own. Keep this puppet master in mind before you make a rushed decision.

If you like this information, send some LINK or ETH my way. 0x81bfe704cedf6bc099f2d4712bad4db62d812bbf.

>> No.3886259

Holy fucking shit.


>> No.3886282
File: 35 KB, 600x885, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman has no cap between her hair and the chainlink. She's gonna look like pic related when her hair gets ripped out. I suppose that's fitting for LINKies.

>> No.3886325

People with those sums of money make buys with conviction and let them pan out instead of second-guessing their thesis like everyone here.

>> No.3886383

Moreover, that is crappy butted mail.
It protects from nothing. I could easily stab her with a butter knife through it

>> No.3886842

>If you like this information, send some LINK or ETH my way.
KYS begging cunt

>> No.3886904

Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.3886918

Good work but that account you linked is the BINANCE wallet!

>> No.3886982
File: 725 KB, 500x245, 47347347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has 70million dollars in tokens xDDD

>> No.3887011

Thanks for that callout. I'll erase it from further analysis.

So, if that's a Binance wallet, it means none of the 50 biggest whales is doing ANYTHING. They're just waiting.

>> No.3887026

lol how can you be so low tier.....here take it...


>> No.3887028


there is also a top 30 wallet that has been accumulating 50k LINK per day on etherdelta for the last 3 weeks

>> No.3887058
File: 503 KB, 500x375, 5463456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

46 million dollar in walton xd

>> No.3887082

This one?
https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0xc7f0a3268aabb0e6f56d901c68486ea3a11b1663.. He's been accumulating

>> No.3887088

Probably because they killed themselves.

>> No.3887219
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1476072403716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 mother fucking million dollars in altcoins?
is this fucking real life?

>> No.3887235

Real talk guys, what are the odds LINK goes up tomorrow vs plummets to a horrible death?

>> No.3887239

That would be me.

>> No.3887253

Link whales are the Binance admins.

Shady as fuck.

>> No.3887263

They may not be selling but the pajeets who overpaid are dumping. Thanks for the 5×

>> No.3887285

Thanks OP I'd tip you but I spent all my eth on link

>> No.3887286

I honestly have no clue man.
Realistically I don't see what news is going to increase the demand and this presentation is priced in already. Probably its going to be similar to OMG - a bit of a bull run during and after the presentation and down we go afterwards.

>> No.3887299

If you really read this thread you notice we dont matter.Therefore we are in the hands of whales and what they think.

>> No.3887304

Joking aside, LINK isn't going anywhere as long as it's only listed on binance. More exchanges will come though, that's when the real fun starts.

>> No.3887316

Nothing's going to happen tomorrow. No news. If anything, they'll let us know who the big investors are in a couple week. That should move the price.

>> No.3887363

No one knows for sure and anyone that claims otherwise is full of shit. My best guess is not much happens to price tomorrow.

It could moon if there's a big partnership announcement but that seems unlikely.
It could dip a bit if enough Sell The News retards decide to dump.

>> No.3887398

Anyone that thinks Chainlink isn't going to be in the top 10 needs to rethink their involvement in this space. I mean FFS even new ICO's are starting to use them https://prnt.sc/gxlbsl http://confido.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Whitepaper-v0.2-1.pdf I would say by the end of this year they will be $1.50-2.00. People fail to see the importance of what the Chainlink Oracle is.

>> No.3887418

whatever the whales will decide
I'm hodling, will set some low buy orders tonight just in case and see what happens

>> No.3887442
File: 82 KB, 400x400, c76UqNN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess I'm going to just sit tight and try to forget about crypto for a year then.

>> No.3887469


The smoothbrains on here don't understand this.
If /biz/ says fundamentals don't matter, they don't matter. like buy high sell low.

>> No.3887556

I'm actually convinced that this is all a coordinated fud opeartion just like after the ICO that many people didn't manage to get in.

>> No.3887595

Why does it have to do anything? Oh yeah, the idiots shilling vs the idiots fudding over a presentation that will ultimately just be a demo. Im a long term link enthusiast, but lets be real its a FUCKING DEMO. I cant wait to see the shitshow tomorrow when people proclaim link to be dead because they expected way too much out of a demo presentation.

>> No.3887634

I'm just worried I should have waited till after SIBOS to buy in vs now.

>> No.3887646

>t. sold at .42

>> No.3887783

Im in mostly since 10 cents. Have added a bit more to my stack since (30%). Im expecting it to dip, but no where near the ICO price. Really just want to see what happens tomorrow, and then forget about it for a while.

>> No.3888031

If the whales starts to sell we are FUCKED

>> No.3888107

Fact check: True.

>> No.3888143

well then we scoop up cheap links and hold it for a year

>> No.3888164

If the whales sell I'll drop a bit more lunch money and hunker down.

>> No.3888241
File: 81 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they will

>> No.3888302

Analyst in my firm predict 80% chance of rising, but thats with insider info factored in

>> No.3888456

Does your father work at Nintendo?