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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3885412 No.3885412 [Reply] [Original]

Ok deluded linkies let's hear your plans for:

$50/token eoy, and
$0.10/token eoy

>> No.3885430

5 dolla eoy easy for me

>> No.3885461

>$50 token
Nice, I have $50,000. Fucking hell, I have to give half of that to the taxman. Alright, now I have $25,000. Not much but it's a start. That new iMac pro coming out in December looks nice, but it's $5000. Suppose I'll just buy that and keep trading with the rest of my money

Just claim the capital loss tax credit and get extra money on my return. I only spent like $200 on this anyways

>> No.3885473

Lambo or rope
Make money or die trying

>> No.3885495

I'm probably going to have sold and bought back in multiple times before EOY. If it's $0.10 by the end of year, it probably was on a downhill slide long before that and I'd be gone from LINK, hopefully with minor losses.

At $50 I probably would have sold prematurely at $10 or something thinking it couldn't possibly go higher. Regardless, I'd cash out maybe a quarter of the proceeds and reinvest the rest.
>making it big
>wasting 20% of your profits on a fucking iMac

>> No.3885503

>$50/token eoy, and
>$0.10/token eoy

>> No.3885517

how many linkies for a evangelion like that

>> No.3885525

>$5000 iMac
>1k Link
never ever ever EVER making it

>> No.3885689

LINK probably isn't breaking $1 anyways though

>> No.3885714
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"probably" youre not even sure of yourself you retarded manlet go kill yourself

>> No.3885728

It can't even break $0.50 pre-conference HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

There aren't even going to be any announcements during the conference, it's just a powerpoint demo of what we already know

>> No.3885735

hahahaha a fucking mac, and with 1/5 of your "making it big" gains too.

Faggots like you will never, EVER make it. Go diversify your $500 portfolio between 20 shitcoins.

>> No.3885741

Better than buying a computer with winshit preinstalled

>> No.3885771

If it can make $50, it can make $100+, so hodl

>> No.3885783
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It can't make $1. You're better off just taking your money out and buying the new iMac coming out this december

>> No.3885811

>making it big
$25k isn't big though. Well if an iMac is too expensive for someone like you, then maybe $25k is "big" for you.

>> No.3885822

Myman Mac masta race

>> No.3885825


Holy shit

Kill yourself

>> No.3885839
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>> No.3885843
File: 35 KB, 650x373, Blue-Screen-of-Death-Windows-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Applying updates, Windows needs to restart..."
*catches wannacrypt*
*accidentally installs a bitcoin miner*

>> No.3885860

You build the computer and install whatever OS you want. Personally I went with Windows, don't fall for Apple meme

>> No.3885865


Use linux nigger

>> No.3885867

MacOS is the best operating system on the planet.

Good man. I'm on gentoo

>> No.3885874

1USD high, is eoy. Req is a 3.5x when released to ED. Feels good to have both.

>> No.3885882

>Implying i'd ever have a million dollars
God damnit it's going to .10 isn't it?

>> No.3885887
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Yes. Sell your LINK and buy a mac

>> No.3885888

i remember when macfags last excuse was that macs were for serious media work (music production, video, etc.)

Now literally all of those programs run on windows, and some of the best are windows exclusives.

>> No.3885893

Probably kill myself either way

>> No.3885908

what is the name of this token?

>> No.3885909

I'm sure it'll be very poetic.

>> No.3885911
File: 3 KB, 209x242, (((windows))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the (((best)))
>(((Windows))) (((Exclusives)))
You're not paying for serious media work with a mac, you're paying for a better lifestyle.

>> No.3885955


Why not just get a thinkpad?

>> No.3885959

I already have one

>> No.3885972
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Fair enough

Now all you have to do is buy more Link before it hits a billion market cap

>> No.3885980

And then buy a mac

>> No.3886014

I'd have over 27 million dollars, so I'd just buy a mansion and retire.
I'd be incredibly disappointed, but it's not the end of the world. I'd probably just keep holding it unless some major bad news caused the crash.

>> No.3886069

>$50/token eoy
Well, I'm not that deluded. But if real, I..just don't know. I have some ideas, which require money - I will probably quit my cuckjob and start working on what I want right away.
>0.1/token eoy
Won't happen, I'll sell off at 0.25

>> No.3886084
File: 908 KB, 1900x866, Selection_050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Won't happen
It can and will happen faster than you think when all the whales sell off to buy the new iMac Pro this December

>> No.3886116

link doesn't have a chance when super imacs on every city

>> No.3886118

Goddamn this was the punchline I was leading up to. FUCK you.

>> No.3886124

Wasted an hour in this fucking thread for nothing

>> No.3886138
File: 84 KB, 500x667, 1507779124055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id have 5M id put 100k back on my shitcoins and live in a nice little house.

Id cry

>> No.3886154

i'm sorry, ignore my line

>> No.3886344

I like your style though.

>> No.3886425

I'll have over $250k with a $2k investment. That's enough to completely turn my life around for good.

I'll cash out my $501 and swear off crypto for life.