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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 836x394, Screenshot from 2017-10-15 05:41:03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3883084 No.3883084 [Reply] [Original]

Is it me or does LINK appear to be following it's own pattern instead of being affected by the BTC moon like every other altcoin? In LINK's case, it might be pure coincidence that the BTC moon happened at the same time as the LINK dip.

(If this is true, LINK is set to rise soon.)

>> No.3883090

only stronk hand left in LINK

>> No.3883106

LINK is basically the Microsoft Windows of Cryptocurrency

>> No.3883114

It would have found a floor at 8-9k if it weren't for the BTC moon mission.

>> No.3883118

But yes, it seems to be following a pattern that's about to reverse.

>> No.3883121

LINK is basically the Unregistered Hypercam 2 of Cryptocurrency

>> No.3883123

>(If this is true, LINK is set to rise soon.)
It'll rise when we get at least something out of the devs. It'll bleed forever before than happens.

>But yes, it seems to be following a pattern that's about to reverse.
And what pattern is that? Lower lows and lower highs = reversal?

>> No.3883125

After yesterday's dip to 6.3k sats, many weak hands have been removed

>> No.3883127

link will be $5 by the end of december.

buy buy buy and enjoy your lambo in december

>> No.3883161
File: 409 KB, 1929x1224, LINK advanced memetic TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lower lows and lower highs = reversal?

>> No.3883166


>> No.3883193

Someone please tell me this won't happen

>> No.3883197


its obvious FUD so people like you will sell and people like >>3883161 will buy

>> No.3883211
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I do it for free, actually.

>> No.3883215

Why is it obvious? It makes sense to me. The news after SIBOS better be fucking amazing

>> No.3883222

>these weak hands.

He's after your LINK bro. Wants you to piss yourself and sell cheap so he can buy it back

>> No.3883233

we don't need weak handed pussies that are gonna spoil the moon mission for us.
If you are thinking about selling Link at $1 sell it now you stupid fucks, this rockeship has no space for pussies, only the best will put their feet on the moon's surface

>> No.3883243

>moon mantra now
>WE ARE LINKMARINES in one month

biz never changes

>> No.3883245

Can you point out a reason why LINK is guaranteed success?

>> No.3883250
File: 54 KB, 245x206, 1507538516588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think they'll feel when they realize I'm the good guy?

>> No.3883253

The reality is that chainlink is nothing more than a mere weak hypothesis. It's currently a shit ERC20 token that is heavily overvalued. This will go nowhere and never surpass a market cap of 200 million. It's way too shit for that. We will see it fall this week. Glad I got out near ATH. Crypto is a wonderful thing but you got to know when to leave a sinking ship.

>> No.3883262

Browse /biz/ for a couple of days and educate (lmao) yourself. Half of /biz/ is talking about LINK be it positive or negative. You have to decide for yourself

>> No.3883266

they better ask digimarines, arkies and dnt hodlers

>> No.3883265

Because it's useful technology. Even if the banks decide not to use it (literally why though) it will be a vital component of pretty much any smartcontract/dapp that needs external data or off-chain computation (i.e. all of them). There are endless use cases.

>> No.3883277

this :) I don't know how people are so hung up on this coin. I guess getting emotionally attached to a coin is actually true, who woulda known

>> No.3883291

/biz/ is actually not as bad as many think
just the fact alone that Link known basicly only on this borad at first shows that there are smart people

everything's been said many times already, I won't even shill swift partnerships etc anymore, Link is bigger than that, swift needs link more than the other way around, that should tell you enough

/biz/ is now divided into 2 groups, those who saw the Link's potential early and went balls deep and salty fucks who are too much of brainlets to even grasp what;s in the whitepaper so as a natural psychological reaction they resort to shit talking because that's easier
fuck em, they will all disappear in a few weaks or will pretend like they were on the trains since the beginning kek

>> No.3883301


Haha cuck. I will laugh at you this week, I will laugh very hard. Prepare for the freefall.

>> No.3883311

'the next eth' and 'le hodl' memes are kinda dangerous, especially when you're dumb

>> No.3883314


see those fucks? perfect example of somone who would've sold ETH at $20 and assure anyone that doing so is the smart decision, because they're scared they will miss the moon mission

Your tears will be precious in a few weeks you cowards

>> No.3883319

I have no doubt it will fall this week. But I also have no doubt it'll rise again once they start releasing news

>> No.3883321

he did it 4 seconds later
wew laddie

>> No.3883341

Very much so.

LINK kept going sideways around 40 cents pretty much independently from Bitcoin.

>> No.3883343

well the dangerous thing is that no-linkers are no less emotionally attached than holders
what does it tell you? do you spend time convincing people they shouldn't invest in other coins you don't believe in or do you just move on?
If I don't like coin x I don't even bother discussing it kek
you all have the beaten wife's syndrome you cucks, you will lurk those threads about Link whether you like it or not, that's how attached you are

>> No.3883350

He drew the bad lines himself anon.

>> No.3883351

Who honestly gives a fuck about this coin, really? There are shitloads of coins in the top 100 that have better use than this piece of shit I don't understand why everyone is hyping LINK too much. I don't think you understand its use case because you seem to believe in it too much. Oracles are a dime a dozen, stop being retarded. Your shitcoin isn't special. Even the FUD threads are annoying because they're just giving you disgusting LINKtards attention. fuck this, im even wasting my time replying to this shit.

>> No.3883359

>It's a shit ERC20 token
And an airplane ticket is a shit piece of paper.

The point of LINK is that it's a decentralized node network that allows for mainstream smart contracts.

>> No.3883364

Added 11% to my link pile yesterday. U wanna feel my hands?

>> No.3883373

>If I don't like coin x I don't even bother discussing it kek
I'm glad I'm not you, that sounds boring. I like discussing crypto, but I like even more prodding people to get them emotional about their investments, because it's the best way to judge sentiment for me, and partially because it's just fun. The market should be able to find the correct value without my help. If I am helping to get rid of weak hands, am I not doing a service? I have no intention of buying LINK. Why do you think people shitpost in general? We aren't the same.

>> No.3883378

this very much

Fuders are simply people who sold with the intention of buying back in at a lower price.
Or simply people who are genuinely scared

If they really didn't believe in LINK they'd just ignore it and move on.
Zero money to be made focusing on shit you aren't going to get involved in anyway.

>> No.3883383

LINK is being shilled 24/7 and anons are just keking at retards that love internet coin so much that they would fuck it if they could.

>> No.3883384

- beastly use case
>(mainstream fucking smart contracts)

- rock-solid fundamentals
>(peer-reviewed white paper featuring Ari Juels)

- practically finished working product
>(v1.0 of network done)

- major partnerships and endorsements
>(SWIFT, Cornell, Gartner, WEF, ...)

- massive marketing event coming up at SIBOS
>(invited by SWIFT as the ONLY external crypto dev to do a demo)

- sky-high interest from some of the biggest players in global economics
>SWIFT, WEF, Capgemini, Gartner all underlining the importance of smart contracts and mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

Sources for this last bullet point:

WEF: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24
World economic forum talking about smart contracts and crypto as a technological tipping point, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

Capgemini: https://www.capgemini.com/consulting/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2017/07/smart-contracts.pdf
Massive consultancy and IT firm Capgemini devoting an entire report to the importance of smart contracts, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com and Sergey Nazarov by name as the only providers of a smart contract solution that can use external data

SWIFT: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
SWIFT itself saying how "Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers."

Gartner: (see pic)

tl;dr not only are the very biggest global economic players tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech, they are specifically lusting after smart contracts, AND mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com specifically.

>> No.3883386

Where can I shitpost for money besides steemit? That platform is shit. I already told you I do it for free.

>> No.3883388

I was sleeping my man. Glad I didn't have to personally experience that torture.

>> No.3883392
File: 187 KB, 1280x800, 1454088032613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then,
now dance for me boy

>> No.3883400
File: 15 KB, 800x450, 1507770905882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh big banks are going to buy my 100x bags and they want ME to set up a node for them
>im speshful, be you're own bank, bank the unbanked

>> No.3883445
File: 22 KB, 600x450, 646791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha just kidding loser I work at Goldman and we're covertly trying to buy as many of your bags as possible because we know the true value of these diamonds, the price will literally never ever dip again. Just confirmed it with the higher ups. The next daily candle on the chart is going straight up until it's at par with bitcoin at least, and there won't be a dump.

>> No.3883457

Link has had he same market cap for weeks. It's the coin of iron hands.

>> No.3883463

If banks like what my oracle is oracle-ing, they might use it, sure.

>> No.3883472

>LINK 0.0017->0.0012
>ETH 300->330
>Same market cap

Literally retarded

>> No.3883493
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 1503256374980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 10 anime wiffus dynamic feed live from /a/
>live streaming shitcoin prices feed
>random number generator seeded by the bird calls outside my window
>live feed of the atmospheric noise in your vicinity
>another node to access another public webpage that the bank would rather do with their own trusted nodes

>> No.3883497

Link has spend the vast majority of the last two weeks between 37 and 44 cents.

With some lows and highs.

>> No.3883499

In USD, anon.

>> No.3883517

I won't make a loss until it drops to 21 cents anyway. So it's all the same to me.

>> No.3883547

Why do you care about USD mcap? Do you realise that LINK price dipped badly, and BTC/ETH price spike is the only reason why USD mcap stayed pretty much same? Otherwise it would have been around 100mil now.

>> No.3883566

1) because it makes no sense to compare one volatile asset to another volatile asset.

2) because USD is still what you use to actually pay for most stuff.

>> No.3883589

the nigger even tried to conflate the two. link dipped badly but stayed nearly same usd mcap because of btc/eth, lmao how bout link dipped because btc/eth spiked? like every other fucking alt? fucking dumbass

>> No.3883624


Why are you measuring in USD? The goal is more BTC.

>> No.3883633

See >>3883566

>> No.3883640

What is a BTC besides a miserable pile of secrets?

>> No.3883674

This. Every alt price linked to BTC, not USD. USD price is irrelevant, unless you're going to sell and cash out. But LINK is a long-term hodl, isn't it? And we're not selling, r-right?

>> No.3883700

>USD price is irrelevant

>> No.3883744

Why should I care about the price in an old and weak shitcoin?

>> No.3883761

Because if this old and weak shitcoin dumps back to $1000, link will become absolutely worthless and you probably will hang yourself

>> No.3883867

How hard is it to reply to a specific post?

>> No.3885116

>Do you realise that LINK price dipped badly, and BTC/ETH price spike is the only reason why USD mcap stayed pretty much same?
Are you even reading your own post? BTC went up in value and therefore could buy more LINK. LINK's value didn't change, which is why the market cap stayed the same.

That's how currencies work. The same principle is why Japanese exporters suffer greatly when the Yen is strong. Or what, do you seriously think LINK just coincidentally dipped enough to keep the same value at the same time BTC increased in value?