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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3879410 No.3879410 [Reply] [Original]

Which coin has JUST'd you the hardest, /biz/?

>> No.3879425


>> No.3879444

Monaco. Bought close to 300k, dollar cost averaged down, but still losing hard.

>> No.3879448


>> No.3879453

ARK but the loses were made back up by chainlink

>> No.3879467

Bitshares and Sia

>> No.3879468


I'm new to crypto and so far none. It's like people forgot that it's still 4chan.

>> No.3879483
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currently -99% on espers and -85% on stox with the rest of my portfolio as follows
>-50% on blockcat
>-40% on adex
>-35% on shift
literal only thing keeping me afloat right now is the obsidian i bought 3 months ago

>> No.3879485

All of these coins. Fuck them all. I moved on to bigger and better things.

OPUS - Lost 0.3 eth
BitDice - Lost 0.2 Eth
STX (STOX) - Lost 0.2 ETH
BAT - Lost 0.2 Eth
OMG - Lost 0.1 ETH

>> No.3879512
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>chad recommends ripple
>brad recommends chainlink
>So desperate to forever end wagecucking that I take a blind faith from brad
Tl;dr; Chainlink and ripple are kill

>> No.3879560

ODN. Didn't sell when I made 2x.
It also seems like Cryptopia has stolen it, 30+ hours since I attempted a withdraw.

>> No.3879562


>> No.3879577

bitcoin cash

>> No.3879592

Oh, I forgot MBRS (Embers Coin)
Fuck that as well and the Asain shill.

Anyway, I learnt my lessons and made much more in gans now so all goods.

>> No.3879597

Opus fluctuates 50% every day because it's valued so low and whales are playing games to accumulate, I wouldn't sweat it.

>> No.3879603

no, this is Business & Finance. we're very serious here.

>> No.3879675
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>> No.3879685


>> No.3879724

I locked in my losses because I sold. It was doing nothing but going down for ages until recent news. Anyway, all my eth is in request network and wanchain now and have made 7+eth from chainlink and other ICOS.

>> No.3879787

losing my whole shit (1.5) bitcoins cause i fucked up with a backup

>> No.3879913

Byteball, lost over 4 BTC (and counting)

>> No.3880639

bought at $70
sold at $50

>> No.3880670

Elix, BAT.

>> No.3880725

BTS, they went up to like 20% at first. I HEDLED. Now they're worth fucking 20% of what I bought them for.

>> No.3880734


bought at 750 stats yesterday

now i want to kms

>> No.3880892

Neo by far. I lost so much money on it both when it was ans, and after it became neo, because I kept selling and buying at wrong times due to manipulation. Someday I hope for burgerland to annihilate the chinks off the face of the earth.

>> No.3880921
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Okay to be fair this has been a kek-worthy thread to read because all the coins listed here I made money off. Top kek

>> No.3880994

Went all in on OMG at 20k sats.
Down 1.2k rn.

>> No.3881182
File: 362 KB, 900x1593, hangmans_noose_png_by_mysticmorning-d4ns3ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was all in on DGB at 1940. Didn't sell at 2100+. Still holding...I uninstalled blockfolio a long time ago but I occasionally check my Bittrex hoping for a miracle. I honestly have suicidal thoughts everytime I see the DGB market on Bittrex...

>> No.3881257

Civic and Link.

Both might rebound but as soon as they hit my buy-in price, I'm out.

>> No.3881320


>> No.3881349

EBET, but it'll go up next year.

>> No.3881364

OMG fucked me

>> No.3881390

walton, neo, chainlink, sia, bytom, civic

literally came in here the night before the devs dumped and told biz to get out while they still had a chance. next day price is 600 sat lel. and I thought it hurt when I sold at 1700, that shits like 300 sat right now.

>> No.3881405

Most people weren't hear for this somehow

>> No.3881424

Iota? More like I-oughta listen to pol and invest in something not shit.

Lost over 55k.

>> No.3881430
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mfw mined heaps and dumped at 4k sat

>> No.3881496

>dollar cost averaged down
>on a losing stock
so you bought more?

>> No.3881503


>> No.3881513

OMG... So much hype around this coin, I also didn't buy at an ATH. probably around $9.50. I have lost so much bitcoin it is not even a joke.
Anyone else with heavy OMG bags still?

>> No.3881559

same. im up lije 40k across almost every coin mentioned even after the alts planewreck. you guys must be retarded

>> No.3881619

First blood, zencash and dnt got be pretty good

>> No.3881655
File: 12 KB, 225x224, 1506728055543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at the top of the massive May pump and got JUSTd out of my life savings from listening to you fucking cunts

>DGB at 20k sats
>SIA 800 sats


Still holding them too. Life savings was $33k. Let's just say it's no where near that now..

>> No.3881685

Bnt and cfi

>> No.3882074
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>> No.3882089

why the FUCK would you sell a top 10 coin at a loss. do you really think it will never ever go back to that price in the future

>> No.3882204

coss fucked me, bought into the shillings at ath like a retard even though i could tell it was made by pajeets

>> No.3882215

i told you, buy $5 worth, not $300