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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3872512 No.3872512 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder link was only invited to sibos to be lauhed at by ripple investors

>> No.3873657
File: 920 KB, 1050x582, tklol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder ripple had to make its own conference and pay speakers to show up because swift said lolxrp

>> No.3873668

Ripple also has an exhibit at SIBOS

>> No.3873675

oh btw all the companies that will go to SIBOS will take a look at Swell aSWELL and they will see a project that 2 years further has infastructure and the jEW OF BankS talking LMAOOOO

>> No.3873681

Lol you know that anyone can buy one of those.

>> No.3873696

do a simple jewgle image search for "sibos" and one of the top images is RIPPLE's booth.


>> No.3873713

LINK is like that kid in class who was invited by the teachers to give a 15 minute presentation in some big conference. The grown ups will listen and applaud the effort, but quickly forget as they tend to real business.

>> No.3873717
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fohgot to add da pix

with jews, you don't lose

imagine if you had invested in FB, GOOG or DISNEY in mid-2010s...you'd've made some gainz. those are all jew-controlled companies, bro.

wityh JEWS

>> No.3873726


atleast LINK will feel good till he gets older and less naive

>> No.3873738

has sergay's balls even dropped yet?
is his voice going to crack during the presentation because he just went through puberty last month?

holy shit how are people investing in this younger-than-30 faggot. he is not the next vitalik. there can only ever bee 1 vitalik or steve jobs. that's it.

hurrr duuurrr steve jobs, vitalik and bill gates were under 30 when they founded their comapnies!!!

>> No.3873746
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWIFT is partnering with Ripple, ChainLink was just a prank, it doesn't even exist. Sergey works for Brad

>> No.3873761

that looks like a restaurant lmao what are they serving? bags?

>> No.3873767
File: 148 KB, 1280x982, 1468701874372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3873838

Not even pubic hair lmao.

>> No.3873851

Johnny Knoxville voice. Welcome to sibos cryptards. This is chad garlinghouse and we fist chainlink now

>> No.3873856

LINK will feel good about himself, but the reality is once he gets back to school everything will return to normal. He'll continue to get bullied by other shitcoins and eventually kill himself. There will be a lot of pink wojaks in those times but the memory of LINK will quickly fade away like dust in the wind. 200 years from now, blockchain researchers will stumble upon old archived messages from /biz/ and rediscover LINK. Seeing the shilling and the hype that were present in those days, they'll question why they never heard of LINK before, thus beginning an arduous research effort in order to figure out what the heck ChainLink was. Millions of tax dollars will be spent and countless papers will be written about this once big technology that never took off.

>> No.3873891

High quality bullying

>> No.3873909
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Withjews you dont lose