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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3871788 No.3871788 [Reply] [Original]

A little birdie told me there will be announcements immediately following SIBOS announcing a pilot program with 100 SWIFT banks, meaning LINK will have just as many partners lined up as Ripple has.

Those in the know have been buying cheap LINK and spreading FUD to push the price down, telling everyone "it'll drop before SIBOS". The more they make it drop, the more they can acquire before the announcements are made.

Get in now or wake up in tears on Tuesday boys. This is the floor, not the top.

>> No.3871836

>be me, buying more and more LINK for cheap at 7.5k sats

>> No.3871865

>a little birdie
>pilot program with 100 SWIFT banks
solid proof right there.

>> No.3871873


The only reason people are FUDing are to shake weaklings out. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their own heart.

>> No.3871874

If you can prove this then I would unironically sell both kidneys to buy more

>> No.3871875

I want to believe but there's so much shilling and fud on link.

>> No.3871886

>A little birdie told me
Unless you post proof you can fuck off, I'm done with the teasing.

>> No.3871895

Microsoft is a partner too

>> No.3871900

>/biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies
/biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies

>> No.3871904
File: 55 KB, 460x210, LINKmarines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good because those same weaklings are the ones who will sell 100% at $1 and slow down the moon to the eventual $10 for us with iron hands

>> No.3871953

smart money will wait until Q1 2018 before even thinking about selling

>> No.3871974

Why is the volume declining so rapidly? Serious question.

>> No.3871984


lol you must be new here

>> No.3871985

LMAO, source? Bullshit anon. You know just as well as me that this is going to drop real hard soon.

>> No.3871995


Because HODLers don't sell. Each day's volume goes down as the only people trading are the weak hands getting antsy. Everyone else is waiting until after the announcement when it moons.

>> No.3871997

>be me
>doing the same ;)
Seriously, the risk is not large but if it blows up then the result will be insane

>> No.3872005

Nobody is selling, and whales are waiting to see how low it can go and how many weak hands they can shake out before they start the pump.

Don't worry, this will moon in less than a day.

>> No.3872018

why would it be growing right now? It's the weekend, Sibos is still a couple of days away, there are 0 news and there are BTC and ETH forks keeping people away from alts.

The upward movement will start on monday and once it starts, it won't come back down. Ever.

So yeah. Buy now and prosper in two days.

>> No.3872021

Am worried. Too much invested lol.

>> No.3872044

I'm all in and have about 2 years take home pay invested in this imaginary monopoly money.

>> No.3872069

eh, idk about 100 SWIFT banks, but 11 institutional banks plus Westpac (AUS) are most probably going to be announced at or after Sibos. The 11 include ones like BNP Paribas and Wells Fargo.

>> No.3872075

It should be 8500 right now but its trading sideways for 7500. Plenty of room between here and that 8500, and more room still once the news gets announced.

Anons, you will regret sitting on the sidelines of this moon mission. The FUD is strong with this one for a reason. FUDers aren't trying to save you from "losses"... they're trying to force you to sell at a loss to buy cheap LINK for themselves.

>> No.3872089

I just put 10k euro into LINK

well, i might have a lambo in 2 days

>> No.3872092

This needs to be held for 6 months minimum to see where it should really be.

>> No.3872097

Sorry, not 11, but 22. My poor memory got me there. Others included: ANZ, BNY Mellon, RBC Royal Bank

>> No.3872101

And where did you get this from?

>> No.3872109


In 6 months this will be approaching $5. Fucking ADHD /biz/ wanting insta returns can't see a clear winner when it punches them right in the dick. The volumes this will bring once the pilot programs start up is going to make these weak hands cry.

>> No.3872121

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.3872139

Deluded linkies trying to grasp any hope they have left SAD

>> No.3872147

Too much whales in this coin right now fucking around with the price and doing whatever they want.

It will not start launching until there is enough news to bring in volume and to buy out some of these whales.

>> No.3872148


>> No.3872154


Funny, the same thing gets said for every coin that moons.

You have a habit of buying high and selling low don't you?

>> No.3872168


There's not that much volume holding it back, just a lot of people scared and holding back from all the FUD. It wouldn't take much of a stack to buy out all sell orders up to 8000, and considering it should be trading at 8500 right now but is being suppressed it'd still be a bargain.

>> No.3872195

Yeah I saw that. But they need to explicitly say "yes we are working with these banks on this and that".
I'm tired of all this secrecy. I know they're waiting for SIBOS and "don't want to release hype" and all that, but I have a feeling we'll still have to wait for some time to get this kind of an announcement from them.
They need to give us at least something.

>> No.3872277


Patience. This has become normal for the coins that explode the most. Momentary silence shakes out the weak hands, and all that are left by the time news is released are the people who saw the moon mission the whole time. Its been trading sideways in an altcoin bear market with no news... that's a good thing. The FUD against LINK has been weaksauce.

>> No.3872313

can you tell us more about your source OP?

>> No.3872367


I work in finance and have been talking about SIBOS/LINK with clients at lunch for weeks. One client let it slip they've been working on integrating Chainlink with their remittance infrastructure for the pilot and that there's another 99 teams that have been working toward the same end. He was even more excited about LINK than I am... and that's saying a lot. Its going to save them billions in fees and lets them hook their asset management algorithms into the blockchain which opens up endless possibilities for them.

That pilot will be running by end of year, and if all goes well they have a second phase of 500 banks lined up to expand it further.

>> No.3872401

Thanks Op. I work for a bank too and I dug around to see what I could find. I couldn't find any mention of Chainlink but I could see that our bank had completed (successfully) phase two for SWIFT's GPI pilot which showed something like ~300% gains in efficiencies. I know that 80 other international banks also participated in this pilot.

I was asking more about the news of LINK actually announcing partnerships immediately post SIBOS.

>> No.3872429

thanks for sharing fellas

>> No.3872464

I want to believe but I don't believe. It feels true but I think it's a larp.

>> No.3872465


Ya same client informed me they're going to move the announcement ahead a bit from their original plan. They see the market interest and don't want to let it die on the vine as some /biz/ meme. He only told me that because he realized he wasn't supposed to tell me anything, and seemed to want to let himself off the hook because its coming soon... he still fucked up, but it gives me a chance to fill my bags while the fillin's good.

People shit on LINK for having a team of 2, but the truth is SWIFT doesn't want another Ripple popping up, so they've been eyeing and grooming Chainlink as an acquisition. That's why Chainlink has been so sparse with news... they know they've already got it in the bag. There's no telling where the top is when that happens, but they still have a few pilot phases to get through before that announcement comes.

>> No.3872481


Have you ever seen a Fortune 500 company give you "something" before actual news? They do not do this. There is either news or no news. That's it. Everyone is getting used to the OMG way of doing things, which frankly, is bush-league.

>> No.3872488

fucking kek
go back to your bags anon

>> No.3872579
File: 80 KB, 462x572, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean and I hate the way OMG did things but look at pic related.

What he's saying is implying that they have a partnership with SWIFT because they're listed on the website.
But how come nobody still believes that? Everyone expects some confirmation of this partnership after SIBOS while here we have rory basically saying "yeah we're partners". That's what I'm talking about.
They're listed as "partners" but nobody knows what that means, in what context, etc.

>> No.3872636

Same here mang, save my 1 whole BTC i keep on reserve at all times I liquidated everything for LINK

Just about 1years pay for me (all my savings)

>> No.3872658

me too liquidated 90% of portfolio for LINK, rest is tied up in ICOs vesting. It feels weird...but I feel like this is the next ETH and we're getting in at a very low price.

>> No.3872872


Anon's info lines up with the infographic here:

>> No.3872988

I wanto believe

>> No.3873029

/biz/ - Business & Finance
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

This is more accurate

>> No.3873050

Why are you posting this

>> No.3873061

Such imagination

dm my next D&D campaign please

t. a link holder sick of larping, shilling, and fudding

>> No.3873075

/biz/ I went all in on this

please be true...

>> No.3873086

The whales have so much links that they even cant dump it for a profit because there is no liquidity.. All the whales wallets are steadiliy increasing in a coin that should be at least 100k sats as of now. As soon as you place an order in binance the bots instantly place a counterorder and bring the price down.

>> No.3873100


Bingo ;)

>> No.3873124


Yup. Been watching that the past two days. Been watching people try to convince /biz/ they're bagholders the whole time too.

Patience and strong hands are key for moon missions, but some people want to swing trade things to acquire more and prey on people not pricing the future into their investments, only the next 24 hours.

>> No.3873163

how heavy are your bags, dirty pajeet?

>> No.3873196

Anon, how likely will there be a 500 bank expansion?

>> No.3873225


Once the initial rollout happens, pretty much guaranteed. The 100 banks chosen make up the majority of SWIFT volume, so the smaller players will fall in line once its been demonstrated and the benefits are clear.

>> No.3873263

If you right, this is huge.

>> No.3873291


176.6k LINK here and I'll be going NEET if you guys aren't larping (my gut instinct says you aren't)

>> No.3873294


You have no idea. These volumes crush everything we've ever done with crypto in a day. LINK is the missing link to glue real world finance to blockchain tech, and there is no going back after that.

>> No.3873296


Sergey has referred to SWIFT as a "customer" in many of his talks which can be found on Youtube.

>> No.3873315

I agree. Not to mention the amount of money flowing into Link, $5 seems on the low side..

>> No.3873426

My key reservation is if Chainlink is the oracle SWIFT was using in their DLT PoC. It's possible they tested with some kind of centralized oracle and Chainlink is proposing they switch to using them.

But then there's the fact that SWIFT is listed as a partner with Chainlink and idk, I guess Chainlink likely was the oracle component in the GPI DLT PoC.

>> No.3873440
File: 138 KB, 680x545, LINK IN SPACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my dick so fucking hard man, holy shit I'm about to cum. Please don't be larping, I WANT TO BELIEVE.
How many links you got? If I got info like what you're claiming I'd sell everything I own and go all in.

>> No.3873480

Unfortunately a coin can have everything and not get a valuation it deserves. Always a risk the market doesn't move the way it should. Look at all the shit coins that currently sit above LINK even on all the information we already sit on.

>> No.3873499


All the more reason to HODL. Once the team starts making solid announcements, the FOMO will kick in.

>> No.3873558

you people just have no patience. you all hear stories of people jumping from 10x moon mission to 10x moon mission. well news flash, those are mostly larps. people who got rich in crypto are largely those who bought one good coin early and held. this is what we LINKers are doing.

>> No.3873586

I was simply explaining the risks that still exist and why some people don't go all in. Not sure why you're accusing me of not having patience when I've been holding since I got in the ICO...

>> No.3873626

pls no larp
i only have 200 linkies but that doesn't matter pls no larp

>> No.3873664

Compare link to literally any other coin with a MC under 200mil and tell me this isn't on a whole different level.

>> No.3873965

I'm all in.

>> No.3874195

>people who got rich in crypto are largely those who bought one good coin early and held

This so much!

>> No.3874209


It's crazy that this isn't in the top 20 yet.

If LINK was released in early August it would have a market cap of $1bn or more right now.