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3871179 No.3871179 [Reply] [Original]


Yes I know its plebbit, but the info is pretty interesting. Can anyone explain what segwit2x ACTUALLY does and if its good for us anons?

>> No.3871209

uh no lol Segwit is a bankers deal, Segwit2x is the deal that kills BTC in order to fire BTC developers. It doesn't make a difference which chain it's on because regardless sidechains will be enabled, it just leaves more room for
miners to actually operate on the blockchain under 2x. Regardless I'm sure you trash bitcoin cash and will lose all your money so dont worry about it

>> No.3871318

If you buy 2x you're a fucking retarded.

>> No.3871351

bitcoin cash is trash

>> No.3871375

>>what segwit2x ACTUALLY does and if its good for us anons?
>It breaks blockstream/core's monopoly
Core have literally held Bitcoin's growth back for several years by refusing to move an inch in the block size debate. Raising it from 1 MB to 2 MB will buy some time (and reduce tx fees), but most importantly, it is about removing control from Core.

but less ranting and facts:
>with 2 MB blocks, transaction fees will drop significantly (at least for some months)
>faith will be restored in that progress can actually happen and decisions can be made to improve the protocol
>OG jeff garzick now leading the project, an actual competent software engineer not a bunch of ivory tower neckbeards
>groundwork is laid for a more reasonable approach to raising the block size in the future

also don't forget that Blockstream is funded by all kinds of bankers too and benefit from selling their sidechains products to people who are limited by 1 MB
the real good solution would be one where neither have control, i.e. an uncapped block size. With that you simply throw hardware at the problem to scale it, it needs no great technical ability (from bank funded corps) to build. It Just Works.

>> No.3871377

you mean bitcoin, no2xcuck

>> No.3871403

because you don't have to buy 2x because there is only Bitcoin, with a 2 MB upgrade
also good luck with full blocks and a minority hashrate
if the proof of work is changed it is not bitcoin and security is reset to zero

>> No.3871415
File: 143 KB, 1055x1200, forkers2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, Roger.

>> No.3871426
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>uncapped block size

>> No.3871733

Assuming the plebbit article is true, how the fuck can wallstreet/banker types make bitcoin NOT for the bankers?

>> No.3872063

Daily reminder 2X shills are retarded ex-BCH shills.

Predicting the hashrate before we know the exchange rate is a special kind of retarded. And I'm being kind in not presupposing the exchange rate won't be bad for 2X.

>> No.3872852
File: 1.66 MB, 220x190, 1506707096188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both sides are asshole
so let bitcoin die in peace

>> No.3873024

What's the point of increasing the blockchain when miners will spam the network with mini transactions to increase the network fee again. There is litterally no point of doing this.