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385761 No.385761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you think the average 22 year olds life is like?

net worth?


>> No.385768

Well I'm 22.
Worth about 8k in stock and cash.
Currently enrolled for bachelors, have associates in Business, and working on fiance/com sci.
Have been working since I was 12 years old (eastern European immigrant), all manual labor or retail or driver jobs).
Hoping to land an internship somewhere to practice by current set of learned skills in fiance etc. Can definitely get an internship, but probably not where I want. Have a gf. Have friends. live at home. Feel kind of trapped, like no matter how hard I work I'll always be just a poor hard working immigrant kid from Europe, but striving for better.

>> No.385773

why do you care?

>> No.385777

>college student or working for less than $10/hour
>still living with parents
>still talks to high schoolers on Facebook

>> No.385779

Most dont have a net worth and are in debt for school loans. Gets better if you can land a decent job

>> No.385793

because I am 22

>> No.385796

I'm 21 OP so close enough.

>no debt because I didn't complete college/went to cc
>have a bout a 60k blue collar job
>14k in stocks/bonds with Merril Lynch and Vangaurd
>10k in cash
>live with my parents

The only bad part is I still have 16k left on a loan for a 30k car that i bought when i was 19. I've decided to end it this year though. I'm sick and tired of the damn thing.

>> No.385801

so you don't have a bachelors?

>30k car at 19

what car is it?

>> No.385809

Nope, I signed up for another CC, I want a technical AAS. Once that's done I don't know what I'll do.

My hours are cray cray so I'm giving myself 3 years to complete a 2 year degree because I also travel someimtes out of state.

A mazda CX-5. It was a stupid stupid STUPID decision. One that I took because I didn't know any better and still thought back then that daddy was always right.

So far TBH everything is going great, much better than most of my friends. My one stain on my record is the car and probably not saving more. I got the spending out of my system in the first year and now I'm just fine tuning my habits.

On the Educational side of things I really want a degree. I thought I'd get over it but it's just something I really want. Hopefully it will help me but if not that's fine too and at least I can say I got it.

>> No.385810


50k in debt working at starbucks

>> No.385811

>No debt
>"But I owe 16 k left on a loan"
Congrats on your success but you realize that counts as debt,yes?

>> No.385812

no debt as in college debt, should have specified

>> No.385817


Fair enough

I'm 22

currently a negative net worth due to student loans (about 20k) only 3k in savings and checking

just graduate and will be starting full time work in the next 2 months

I'm about to move out of my parents house because it's not close enough to commute to work

>> No.385827
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>> 21 in September
>> Working since 15
>> Usually have two part time jobs
>> Currently a full time and part time
>> Warehouse Unloading (10$hr w earlyout 8hrdays40hrweeks)
>> Pizza delivery (min wage+ tips, ~20hrs/week/untaxed)
>> Monthly Gross ~ 1700
>> Help parents out with 300mo rent (moved back in to help them)
>> 260mo 2014 Nissan Versa payment (6yr)
>> less than 300$ in savings
>> Cocaine avg 3.5g/month
>> Weed avg 3.5g/week
>> LSD/Shrooms occasionally
>> GF of 3 yrs, go on weekend vacations every other month
>> Third year community college
>> No loans but I switched majors three times
>> Still have about a year left to get an AA in psych
>> MFW community college costs 38$semester+books

>> No.385854

>22 yo
>Accounting Intern
>no debt

>> No.385912

>Cocaine avg 3.5g/month
>>> Weed avg 3.5g/week
>>> LSD/Shrooms occasionally

lel, check dat coke habit bro

>> No.385952

22 year old here.
Salary ~£40k pa
~40k in investments but probably about 15k outstanding in student loans, I just let that come out of my pay.
Looking to head back to uni for a phd.

>> No.386166

22 years old
No debt
Cushy intern job
$45,000 savings

But I hate my life.

>> No.386175

How's that art degree treating you?

>> No.386176

Don't worry, most people hate their lives.

>> No.386180

22 yrs old

no shekels are "mine". parents pay for everything and my salary helps alleviate the pain

web developer working for a startup

>> No.386212

Average life of a 22yrs old in germany are as follow...

Most are enrolled in college or doing a job/trade. Networth? Nothing except if they saved a few bucks.

SOme are father/mother with this age, some are getting their education, some are working as work-drones...there's no real answer to that.

>> No.386216

>Recent college grad
>$22k in savings

>> No.386300

I'm 21.
Net worth of about $57.6k.
14.6k in a car. Paid off.
20k in stock
12k in cash in the brokerage account
5k in cash in the bank.
5k in a 401k
between 800 and 1.5k in physical cash in my dresser. I have a habit of putting all my physical $$ there and forgetting about it.
$20 in credit card debt at the moment.

I'm a college drop out. Work at a warehouse and trade penny stocks. I've made more trading. I'm going back to school this august.

>> No.386303


>> No.386313


That's me though, and I'm 25. I'm desperately looking for options. I thought I was going to CC this August but that doesn't seem likely. I'm a roofer to boot.....in summer......in Texas.

>> No.386315

Wear sunscreen! or your skin will look like the sun-baked leather interior of a 1983 BMW M3.

>> No.386316

>graduated with IE degree
>Starting job in 3 weeks
>making $60k+/year
>still living in same university town

>> No.386329

worth nothing
still leaving with parents
about to finish my engineering

im from mex

>> No.386334



We don't care puta

>> No.386343


22 year old that followed safe path in college and went to cheap but top tier state university and got scholarship for having gpa above 3.0 (state thing)

I work generally at least 60 hours a week in a consultingish field

Make 55k/yr

Net worth is currently 35k, just the value of my modest investments + current cash.

I'm not really including my car since my dad gave me his old one, but I guess another 12k if you include that.

I live at home

>> No.386359
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I'm 25 - didn't graduate 'til a year ago with a degree in Architecture.
While I love the field, my degree is pretty much useless because there's jack shit for jobs and my design portfolio from school is fairly average which doesn't help at all.
So now I make ~35k/yr working as a lowly CAD drafter for a Conglom-O style megacorporation. At least there are lots of opportunities for advancement in such a large place - maybe I'll get somewhere good if I stick it out.
Aside from the fact that my job is pretty fucking dull and I have $45k in debt, the bankers' hours and holidays off I now have are fantastic. Never had that shit while I was in school and working part time.

Could be worse, could be better. I'll take it.

>> No.386474

>earn 42,000
>same job since finished high school
>10,000 saved
>Own cars,motorbikes etc
>only had 14 weeks off in the past 4 years
>only 22 but already want to eat a gun

>> No.386479 [DELETED] 

that's not really a habit, it's only /month

>> No.386480

How long have you been trading?

>> No.386489

>23 years old
>Senior in accounting program (97 credits earned, 23 credits to go)
>$4k in student loan debt, ~$200 in various other type debt (CC, etc.)
>Net worth about $32k (liquid cash and investments)
>Accounting intern making $12/hr working about 20 hours a week.
>Live with parents.
>Help with the bills/house work.

I worked full-time since I was 18 (save this accounting internship, which I got about 6 months ago) and went to school part time (like 9 credit hours a semester), which is why I'm still not graduated. Going to knock this degree out by next spring, though.

Hoping I'll be offered full time work from the place I'm interning by the time I graduate.

>> No.386490

This is my third year. Started a little after I turned 18.

>> No.386492


Net worth around 3,000 dollars or less. Working through part-time studies and a part-time job. Still living with parents or has many, many roommates.

>> No.386515
File: 404 KB, 1024x768, 0_2769659210_58c426e68d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014 Nissan Versa

fucking why.. buy a early/mid 80's benz or something jesus christ why do people buy stupid junk cars like this. looks better, easier to fix yourself. feels better. like less than half the price. fuck man.

>> No.386551

I find this automobile superior to the referenced automobile on multiple levels, not even the other guy, but I am impress.

>> No.386556

That's because it's a fucking Nissan Versa piece of junk and what I'm showing is a Mercedez Benz. There's a WORLD of difference.

I don't get people that buy these new, ugly, OVERPRICED POS cars. There are so many older ones that cost jack shit to what they cost new and they're amazing.

>> No.386587


80s luxury cars all look lame as hell. There was a big period from about 1972 to 1994 where luxury car aesthetics took a big beige shit all over itself.

>> No.386595

> where luxury car aesthetics took a big beige shit all over itself.

There isn't anything else from the period that you could compare it to so your opinion doesn't make sense. pic related is a 1960 Mercedez Benz.. it's just a different time with different style. Most cars from the 70's and up look like shit.

>> No.386596
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forgot picture of course

>> No.386601


That looks nice. And you're right, most cars from the mid 70s and all of the 80s look terrible. Indeed, most cars today look terrible, all ungainly and stupid.

>> No.386605


22 here.

got 15k saved, 6k in silver, and a whip worth about 3k.

i dropped out of a CSU two years ago and am developing an app at the moment. i also go to community college.

i work.

>> No.386666

about $20k in student debt. Car paid for but 99 Honda Civic. Started my first real job last month and will make $45k/yr. Live about 2000 miles away from hometown but I have family here. Studio appt and >no gf

>> No.386699

>last year electrical engineering
100k total
50k savings / interestelar acc
50k country bonds

make 400$ a month from a 5-hour a week part time and 5k$ a month from ads on websites and apps

pay like 350$ in rent + bills
no car
no debt

>feelsgoodman.jpg except girlfriend could stuck me off more often

>> No.386701

>Job, passed A-Levels disregard Uni and all that debt
>Girlfriend: She's going to Uni in September but currently works fulltime and pays her way
>Car, owned
> 2 bedroom apartment, rented
>No debt
>~£500 spending money after bills per month
>£5000 savings
> £500,000 property to be inherited

So yeah A-Level Education and about £6k net worth

>> No.386704

>24, highschool dropout, lengthy criminal record
>15$/h warehouse job
>5k car
>3k bank
>5500 roth ira
>3k brokerage

Most my coworkers are 21-25 and their entire net worth consists of the vehicle they drive to work.

>> No.386726
File: 10 KB, 931x166, TradingFundsMax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years old
>Net worth of a few million
>Around 500k in liquid
>B.S degree only

I look at my peers and scratch my head wondering how they fucked up so much. Especially my friends from high school. They're literally working dead end jobs and constantly hassle me for money/jobs.

Picture related.

>> No.386727

>Implying even that is true.
You're assuming they even own their car, which itself is a depreciating asset.

>> No.386728

>op asks for estimations
>gets a bunch of faggots summarizing their life

typical 22's

>> No.386729

I guess they feel the need to explain where they're at in life in relation to their peers. Nothing wrong with that. It's a good motivator.

>> No.386734

yeah okay. how much of that did you inherit?

>> No.386737

>21.5 years old
>high school diploma
>oil monkey
>5k in stock
>4k paid in cash reliable econobox
>8k in cash that is being converted into stock
>4k/mo income
>no debt cuz lol idk what i would want to study really probably something practical like a trade later on
>just coming off a 2 year vacation i took because i worked 2 jobs thru senior year high school and the year after and got burnt out
>travelled the country a bit, smanged a good amount of average girls, some 9's/10's despite being technically a NEET
>living across the country from my family, where i landed after my NEET travels
>in a pretty nice house with roommates all between age 30 and 57
>things are okay, mending a broken heart and trying to find a new qt gf
>promotion soon i think
>going to enjoy the fuck out of my vacation time, i get lots of it

>> No.386740

Inherit? Both my parents are alive and didn't give me a dime. In fact I'm half a country away from them.

>> No.386741

>oil monkey
>High school diploma
>2 year vacation from being burnt out in high school

You sure typed that as if what you're saying is a good thing... But so far you're failing at life.

>> No.386747

how are you worth 3 million dollars?

>> No.386749

Where did you get 3 million? Also I would say my worth is around a few million because of businesses + property values. But that's just worth, liquid I only have around half a million.

>> No.386753

oil is a great industry
no desire to get myself into student loan debt without knowing exactly what i want to study
2 year vaca from working 2 jobs seven days a week and saving almost every dime, easily lived on it and traveled for 2 years, an unforgettable experience
some great knowledgeable roommates on the other side of this large house that give me tons of privacy

im okay with this

>> No.386754

He asked you a question, answer it maybe?

Where did you get "a few mil" by 24?

>> No.386757

a few is three or more. you're telling me you're worth 4+ million?

what business did you start? I'm extremely skeptical

>> No.386758


...and here come the guy with money saying he's better than everyone else.

>> No.386759

nah, I'm pretty sure he's a NEET troll

>> No.386762

He asked me "how are you worth 3 million dollars"

So I demonstrated how I came to a similar estimate. If you're wondering how I achieved that amount then that's a different questions. Perhaps "How did you get 3 million dollars".

I can't be blamed for misunderstanding a vague questions.

Actually a few is 2 or more: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/few

I'm involved in several businesses. Also the fact that you're extremely skeptical doesn't make my screencap fake.

If you have any questions about how I started, generally what I do, and how I got it then I'm more than happy to answer (general) questions.

>Oil industry is great
Yeah, when you own the land or the company

>No desire to get myself into a student loan
Can't blame you there, pretty responsible decision actually.

And the latter portion was commenting on you getting burnt out in high school working only two jobs. I got through college working two jobs and taking 18 unit loads. "Burnt out" doesn't exist unless you believe it does.

Money doesn't make you a better person, but pretending it doesn't matter in society is childish.

>> No.386763
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>22 almost 23
>4k in savings
>work in a gas station for $10/hr
>have been doing so since 18 and can barely even do that
>no goals or any aspirations of any kind
>won a house but would rather live in parent's basement and masturbate to chinese cartoons all day

>> No.386766

Again, dodging the question.

Now answer, how did you get multiple mil by 24, while having a BsC at the same time?

>> No.386775

By asking how you're worth a few million, I'm implicitly asking how you came to accumulate millions of dollars by the age of 24. It's not a vague question at all. Are you foreign?

Just so you know, a few is typically used to indicate 3 or more. Again, are you foreign?

A "screencap" means jack shit. I also know how to manipulate HTML elements with the console and print screen.

You keep dodging my questions. Are you a troll? Most likely.

>> No.386776


A couple is 2, a few is 3+ buddy.

>> No.386777

>Yeah, when you own the land or the company
oil well maintenance, repair and operation has very high demand and pay right now

>Can't blame you there, pretty responsible decision actually.
that's the plan, chief, oil work will give me plenty of good field experience and savings to pay for a usable education up front. and by the time that happens i will (hopefully) know exactly the best decision

the latter portion wasn't so much a burn out as much as me having more savings than i knew what to do with at the time, 2 meh-tier jobs 7 days a week and massive regret of not enjoying my young and dumb years.

>> No.386790

My mistake, you're right. haha.

Started a business with a few college bros. A small contracting IT business. Basically we would go to different vendors and secure a contract with them and then find them college students who were looking for work in the CS department.

They got experience, we got a cut of all of their checks. Used that money to fund other business ventures after I left college. Sold my position in that company which gave me a nice boost.

What I do right now is my business (1st rule of business, you don't talk about your business) but I can tell you it involves multiple countries and commodities. The projects in-between this new one and my college years are self-sufficient so I've moved on.

How are you worth a few million = The summation of assets that demonstrate that figure =/= acquiring of said asset.

How did you "get" to be worth 3 million dollars is more implicit.

You can't manipulate HTML elements are certain secure sites. Go ahead and show my using any brokerage.

>Am I a troll

>oil well maintenance, repair and operation has very high demand and pay right now
Nowhere near what you would make if you owned the mineral rights/company. Shit, even the mineral rights guy (who does jack shit but lend the land out) get's on average 18%-20% of the total profits. Which (assuming oil is 100$ a barrel and each well can produce a 100 barrels a day) the guy that owns the land makes a 1/2 million per year per well.

You workers get paid pennies.

>massive regret of not enjoying my young and dumb years.
You and I encountered the same question at the same age, only I went with the other route. Now I take frequent vacations without worrying about finances. Taking time off, to me, gimps your bottom line and sets you back a few years.

>> No.386792
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>Friends and I are all 19 so ill give u a snapshot of upper-middle class life

This is my friend group from high school ~2 years later

A- Going to high if not top tier state school and in a frat. Works sometimes, don't really know him anymore

J- Going to low tier state school to become mech engineer, eventually work on cars and start own shop, lives with GF, will solo inherit a business from father, not worried about money at all

Me- Going to top tier state school, interning and graduating year early to go for masters degree in info systems. Want to own business someday.

C- Going to community college planning to transfer to average state school. Parents own business so he's probly good on money too

M- Finessed his way into 220k/yr consulting job at 19. Going to high if not top tier state school and planning on transferring to top tier state school. Might go to med school later. No special secret to him getting the job, just was right person at right time.

L- Going to above average state school and interning. In a frat making him maybe the most social of the group.

J- Transferring from top tier state school to top 15 private school, also will inherit part of a business, wants to go into politics/public policy. Good on money too

There you have it. All 19 in an upper middle class suburb. Doing pretty well but not the best compared to all groups we know from high school. Optimistic for our future. Surprised about how many of us will inherit money, didn't realize it until I had to write it out

>> No.386799

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. After dodging a bunch of questions, your answer is that you've got a "stealth mode" business that involves multiple countries and commodities.

You're just some 24 year old dipshit that trades commodities for funsies and thinks he can fool a few people on the internet into thinking he's some successful genius.

Also, you can manipulate html elements on ANY site that has delivered an html payload to your browser.


>> No.386802
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By the way faglord, here's proof.

>> No.386803 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 980x533, UpdatedAccountInformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seems to be unnecessarily upset.

First of all, it's not a "stealth mode" business at all. I just don't describe current projects in public for fear of copycats. Its happened before and I don't want to risk anymore competition. I'm not some huge innovated btw, I just take an idea and make it better.

Here's a picture of the same funds taken with my phone. Please explain how I edited this.

>> No.386804

>M- Finessed his way into 220k/yr consulting job at 19. Going to high if not top tier state school and planning on transferring to top tier state school. Might go to med school later. No special secret to him getting the job, just was right person at right time.

A 220k/yr consulting job for someone with no experience, no higher education and he's 19? What sort of consulting is this? I work in management consulting for one of the largest consulting firms and I do not earn this much.

To give you an idea, when you've finished your MBA and work at BCG you will probably be on about as much as you claim your 19 year old friend is on.

I'm sorry but I have to call absolute bullshit.

>> No.386808

>Nowhere near what you would make if you owned the mineral rights/company. Shit, even the mineral rights guy (who does jack shit but lend the land out) get's on average 18%-20% of the total profits. Which (assuming oil is 100$ a barrel and each well can produce a 100 barrels a day) the guy that owns the land makes a 1/2 million per year per well.
well yeah, no shit. unfortunately i do not own land/mineral rights. they still pay absurd amounts for the ease of work that the oil industry includes
i have so much downtime to study things i enjoy such as languages and finances. my german and dutch is coming along now and my portfolio is averaging a 4% gain per month since i started investing, not to brag but i could be doing worse

>You and I encountered the same question at the same age, only I went with the other route. Now I take frequent vacations without worrying about finances. Taking time off, to me, gimps your bottom line and sets you back a few years.
to me, those years off were worth it. did a lot of growing up, trying and failing things, pushing my limits. trust me, it was a huge step up from staying in the shithole situation i was in. one of those abstract kinds of feels

>> No.386811


all that masturbation must be killing your motivation, but eventually you;ll break out of it after you realize that you want more in life

>> No.386814

Well at least you've got your head on your shoulders. Most of my friends that went into the oil biz will work their till they break something or get too old like their fathers before them. Hardly any of them exhibit a fraction of the foresight/interest in self-improvement you do.

>to me, those years off were worth it. did a lot of growing up, trying and failing things, pushing my limits. trust me, it was a huge step up from staying in the shithole situation i was in. one of those abstract kinds of feels

To each his own. I would have committed sudoku by now if I wasn't where I'm at in life today. I guess where you and I split paths was when you took a few years off and I moved almost 2000 miles away and fended for myself while going to college/biz.

>tfw parents cut me off at 16
>tfw they hit me up for money now

If only they had felt I was worth investing in, I would have made them a return.

I guess I too have those abstract kinds of feels

>> No.386818


>thinking that taking a picture with a phone somehow makes his claims more valid

Look, faggot. I don't doubt your parents gave you a few hundred thousand dollars or millions to play around with (I know a bunch of kids where this is the case), but don't act like you earned it.

You clearly know nothing about how browsers or the internet works, so why are you claiming to know shit that's way out of your depth along with your fanciful bullshit about business?

>> No.386825

Man, the daytime Internet crowd is awfully defensive/abrasive. Is this you projecting that quiet nagging doubt in the back of your head that you've fucked up thus far and life?

Seriously if you think your personal achievements in life are the potential limits for your age/income bracket then you're sorely mistaken. I've met several people, my age, that started off with less and are far above me and I've met people that started well above me but they stagnate.

You sound, so far, like a giant man-child who thinks that anyone who's outperformed him thus far in life must have had it handed to him.

TL;DR QQ harder faggot.

>> No.386826

So many millionaires on /biz/ !

You'd think there might be somewhere better for them to discuss things. Maybe somewhere where it is not anonymous and thus people will have greater respect for their advice they offer.

>> No.386830

>Is this you projecting that quiet nagging doubt in the back of your head that you've fucked up thus far and life?

says the kid lying and seeking validation on an anonymous internet forum

>Seriously if you think your personal achievements in life are the potential limits for your age/income bracket then you're sorely mistaken

I don't, but I know you're a lying dumbass.

>deleting your post that makes you look like an idiot

Top fucking kek

>> No.386835

>22 yrs old
>no shekels are "mine". parents pay for everything and my salary helps alleviate the pain
>web developer working for a startup

Ah, it becomes very clear.

Just thought I would drop in to say its possible. Didn't think these guys would be so hostile. It reminds me of /r9k/ but for neets.

>says the kid lying and seeking validation on an anonymous internet forum
What validation? You're the one that started peppering me with questions before you went full retard.

>I don't, but I know you're a lying dumbass.
You know this? You must be some psychic. Here, go to this mans website and if you can demonstrate these amazing abilities you have to him you'll get a cool million dollars.


>deleting your post that makes you look like an idiot

Or maybe I just deleted it for other reasons. But apparently you're psychic. I look forward to reading about you winning that million bucks. Just be careful and not post about it here. You might catch flak from other psychics.

>> No.386837

Some NEET getting BTFO


Quit life mate you lost this one.

>> No.386838

>Well at least you've got your head on your shoulders. Most of my friends that went into the oil biz will work their till they break something or get too old like their fathers before them. Hardly any of them exhibit a fraction of the foresight/interest in self-improvement you do.
oh i know, and those type of people think the backbreaking hammer-swinging jobs are the way to go just because they get more hours and slightly better wage.
i'll be sticking to my supervisory/inspecting jobs thank you very much

>To each his own. I would have committed sudoku by now if I wasn't where I'm at in life today. I guess where you and I split paths was when you took a few years off and I moved almost 2000 miles away and fended for myself while going to college/biz.
committed sudoku? why? there is a certain kind of happiness that comes from having very little or nothing
not that far off in split paths, i moved well over a couple thousand miles away and fended for myself, just instead of college it was freelancing, slothing and somehow becoming the captain of a semi-pro team for a bit

>tfw parents cut you off at 16
them feels, man. i would say i know them feels but i don't really. my parents supported me even through my NEET period. they are still encouraging me to go to college and saying they would help out if i go back to my home town.
i just can't, don't want debt, don't know what to study, don't want to go back there, don't want to prolong my dad's wait until his well-earned retirement.
besides, i think i will take great pride in being independent through and through.

>> No.386840

>Just thought I would drop in to say its possible. Didn't think these guys would be so hostile. It reminds me of /r9k/ but for neets.

There's just no point though. You could very well just be a kid talking shit or you could be a millionaire, the reality is that there's no way to know. Since this is on 4chan I'd suggest the much simpler explanation is that you're a shit talker.

>> No.386844


As a fellow CS student...
What would advise somehow who's studying CS and wants to make some shekels to do?
What would you advise to yourself if you were able to do that?

Getting some tips on the way is always useful and would thank you for that.

>> No.386849

You've consistently made yourself look like a tool and a dumbass.

Opinion discarded

>> No.386854

/r9k/ watches CNBC indeed

>> No.386856

>committed sudoku? why?
Just the kind of guy I am. Guess it's all chalked up to personal preference. Some people like to drive nice cars and live in the city, while others like the country and simple life. Both are equally viable ways of survival.

I'm a millionaire in net worth but by no means in liquid capital. Working my way towards that goal though.

It's just nice to hear/talk to my fellow age group since most people I deal with on a daily basis are +5 years older than me. (Nobody irl knows my real age in my work circles)

Also I grew up with 4chan, and remember that we are all here forever.

>As a fellow CS student...
My degree wasn't in CS

>What would advise somehow who's studying CS and wants to make some shekels to do?
Dual major in Finance

>What would you advise to yourself if you were able to do that?
Stop being disappointed in your parents lack of support/praise. I think if I realized this sooner I would have enjoyed life a bit better a few years ago. Then again it was the friction that started the fires of today. So I guess this one is a bit tough as a lot of strife lead to where I'm at today.

>Opinion discarded
>By a "no shekels" 22 year old who lives with mommy and daddy

And nothing of value was lost...

>> No.386864

you should experience poverty some time. i went from living on a travel trailer floor for 2 months to staying with a 9/10 girl in her rich family's highrise apartment in grand rapids for awhile.

talk about abstract feels

>> No.386867

condo not apartment

>> No.386868

I was never travel trailer poor. Sounds rough man. How did that situation occur with the 9/10 girl?

>> No.386873

met her at a party in east lansing near MSU's campus. she liked the dicking enough i suppose and we had a lot of common interests. i'm pretty good at first impressions/dates and that honeymoon phase with girls too.

too bad she turned out pretty crazy, all hung up on her abusive ex, was pretty fun though, you haven't lived until you've poked a girl's spine from the inside while overlooking downtown GR

>> No.387959

> Cocaine avg 3.5g/month

God damn dude.

1g of Coke every like 2 months here and even I find that to be too much and am cutting down.

You're spending like over a grand on coke every 6 months.

>> No.388380
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>education prospects got completely fucked due to high school closing down.
>Got the GED because it was either that or go to the nig nog school of stabbing
>enter workforce to help support parents and siblings because of the boomer-mindset my mother had where she purposely did not put any sort of money into a college fund because "I worked my way through college part time in the summer so you should to"
>never get around to doing that college thing because I didn't want the debt
>nearly a decade experience in culinary but fuck that noise cooking for a living is a nightmare
>net worth? $30 in my wallet.
>Job prospects: low

Who lost at life? I did.

Almost on the verge of just looking towards crime and possibly hurting people to get out of this hole.

I've learned a whole damn lot from just lurking /biz/ but finding the opportunity to put that knowledge to use before I put a bullet in my or someone else's brain is the hard part.

>> No.388464

>either just graduated or still in school
>student debt at critical levels
>no significant experience

Negative 40k thereabouts. I'm personally 22 at negative 15k.

>> No.388923

Net worth- About $50k sitting in a 2% annual return bank account.

Job- ~45-60 hours a week (2 jobs) 63-68k a year.

Education- B.A. is Business/HR with minor in Stats

Life- live at home, work, sleep, run, 0 social life, a gf that I don't really care about

>> No.389376
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This is what being 22 is like for me:

>I'm woken up at 7.10 by my first alarm clock, go back to sleep
>Have two backup alarms on phone. Fuck, another day.
>Lay in bed thinking about which items of my morning routine I can drop so as to have longer in bed.
>Reluctantly get up at 7.45.
>Have breakfast and freezing cold bath (builds character)
>Look in mirror at receding hairline, wonder how much a decent hair transplant costs and how much money I'd need to have before I'd feel comfortable spending thousands on one
>Look tired and sad but the fundamentals of my appearance are still good. Glad I've invested in my health and taken care of my body (you can't put a price on that).
>Walk to work, listen to rap music and appreciate the irony that they're rapping about obscenely frivolous spending whilst I'm worrying about petty quids.
>always arrive at 8.37 for some reason (late) even if I try and get up 7 minutes earlier.
>Make genuine effort to do some work, ask line manager what I can do (though he never explains how to do it so I end up just staring at the screen because I don't know what to do).
>Mind starts to wonder by 9.30
>Use calculator on computer to do calculations about how much money I can save and how much I need to make to be a millionaire by 30, 35, etc. This probably looks like I'm doing work.
> Think about that episode of Futurama where Fry becomes a billionaire from compound interest over 1000 years
>Think of business ideas and investment strategies
>Only 10.30, try to rationalise how much time is left until lunch (½ way there)
>Do pointless stuff like make cups of tea and go to the toilet even if I don't need to.

>> No.389379

>Irritated by my dilligent senior colleagues who really care about work even though it won't make them any more money
>Mind wonders some more
>Think about how these senior colleagues have much more practical knowledge and experience than me (I'm a software engineer) but still don't make much more money despite this because they don't know how to market their skills. They are not very ambitious.
>Loyalty (to the company) is a weak character trait
>Think about how I have no practical skills but have landed this job because I'm really good at something completely irrelevant (got paid 10k to do an arts degree)
>Think about the job at a hedge fund I'm in the process of applying for (I was headhunted). I'll be glad if I get it.
>Make it to lunch, relief. Chicken sandwiches.
>Over too quickly, back to doing nothing.
>Try and look busy.
>Mind wanders. Think about women I've been with, women I wish I'd been with. Sometimes get boner, hope I don't have to get up for a few minutes.
>Sometimes think fucked up sex stuff and think about porn. Wonder if its just a myth that it messes up your head. Think about a generation who must see this stuff all the time from an early age. Will it fuck them up?
>Think about how I've thought the same thoughts as I did yesterday.
>3.30: approximately the length of a movie left before I can leave.
>Think about happy memories: the time I fucked a prostitute in Amsterdam, the time I went skydiving, the time I slept on the streets of London, ex-girlfriends.
>5.00 arrives: stay an extra 3 minutes to make it look like I'm finishing up what I'm doing.
>I've made it another day without anyone calling me out on not doing anything. Think of how I need to find another job soon before the heat gets too much.

£25k salary, £8k savings in index funds. No car, basically no possessions whatsoever. Renting a room with all bills for £350pcm. Banking £1k a month. The only thing that keeps me going is the promise of a better life.


>> No.389396

So similar to me it's unbelievably uncanny, the same thoughts, the same little habits, the same times of day.

What the fuck.

>> No.389405
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Nigga you got it good
I remember my youth
>be 15
>1st day of summer break
>mom sets me up at a sawmill
>12 hour shifts/5 days a week all summer

>parents take me to work
>be there at 7:30
>sit around till 8 waiting for my shift to start
>supervisor doesn't like anyone doing nothing ever so on your feet doing shit all day
>by 11 contemplate suicide
>1200; lunch break, eat a shitty sandwich my mom gave me and massage my feet that feel like bricks
>1600; consider walking out there and then because fuck of this shit
>2000 parents pick me up and I go to the gym
>2200 go to sleep and contemplate just not going the next day

At least the experience taught me the value of money, and how many people in their 30s and 40s slave away doing minimum wage heavy labor shit

>> No.389406

jobless university student with zero denbts, i have like 100 bucks between my bank account and wallet

>> No.389408
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19 year olds bullshit on the internet
I am shock

>> No.389535

>22 years old
>'bout 52k
>High School education
>U.S Air Force

Living the spartan life and saving like a madman.

>> No.389557
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>be me 13-14 years old 8 year of school
>had to look for a internship for 3 weeks
>dont even know what i wanted to make out of my life
>being that awesome shadowpriest in my WoW guild i wouldnt had time for that shit anyway
>time passed and i had no internship so i went to the local hardwarestore and they instantly said i can come in whenever i want
>worst 3 weeks of my life
>had to commute with my fucking cool bmx 12km each day
>walking around all day filling up shelf after shelf
>one day they would let me lift 20kg+ wood plates on a shelf which was above my head, goddamn i was 14
>told myself i will never do something like this again
>the final report of this intership i had made is still framed and i read it at least once a week.

What i've learned? I would force my son into the same kind of work aswell.

>> No.389585

we cant read it

>> No.389895

What are your parents like?

>> No.389898

Well, I'm 24 with a useless college degree doing accounting at 36k a year, a few odd jobs on the side, live with my parents, and have about 70k in the bank.

Could definitely be worse, but I feel like I've stagnated.

>> No.390024

Its german so you wont anyway. It is embarrassing due to being 14 when i had to write it. But the words i've used clearly indicate how painful these weeks were and that this was kind of a breaking point.

>> No.390033
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>20 (21 in november)
>live at mom's house
>$22,000 car paid off
>$6k in savings $2k in ETF
>3.5 btc (started with .5btc and sometimes trade when I am bored)
>work under the table at dad's company whenever i feel like showing up for $15/hr
>sometimes help out at my moms startup doing random stuff for $0/hr
>2nd year of county college for business administration (was in engineering but it was too hard)
>parents pay tuition + books
>dad pays car insurance (its on the company policy)
>mom pays for gas + food + misc expenses
>i buy my own clothes

how much of a mamby pamby am I, /biz/?

>> No.391265

how the fuck does everybody in this thread have:

-40k in savings
-a car

>> No.391268

People lie.

>> No.391273

I'm 22
I'm dumb though

I haven't even gotten my associates yet but I'm trying even with a full time job. I don't think I can do it but I'm good at getting money though but not school. You just gotta save and look for opportunities

>> No.391281

fix your own country subhuman

>> No.391310

tell me, i'm german

>> No.391317
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I'll be a freshman in college next year. I'm on a full ride that gives 3000 a year for personal expenses. Right now I have 2000 in savings (couldn't work), but I need to buy a new car. I estimate when I'm 22 I'll have ~15,000 in savings, and a shitty 2,000 car. I'll probably have majors in math and finance and am hoping to go onto graduate school for math.

I have shit work history and academics has been and will be my lifeline.

>> No.391333
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It's not hard when you have a stable job and nothing to spend your money on.

I have 10k in the bank and 23k in my TSP. I'm in the military and live on a small Army post where I don't need a car. I have a really crappy pay as you go phone and not much clothes since I wear a uniform 5 days a week anyway.

I'm 22.

>> No.391339

Work Retail
55k a year (raise coming in 3 months)
15k Savings
Decent Car
Saving money for Security License so I can get a weekend job
Plan to do retail for another year, then quit and go to trade school.

Aiming for 50k by 2016 + ~10k to go travelling for 6 months.

Social life is pretty shit as I'm saving.


>> No.391341


Why would you go to trade school if you already make 55k a year? Is it because you made that number up to impress people on an anonymous image board?

>> No.391345

haha, if only you knew. Where I live, trades make 60k+, but if they are mining based trades you can get to 6 figures fast.

Most other managers in my region are on 60k, and are less valuable to store operations, so they know they can't have me at 55k for ever. But like I said, its chump change compared to mining, but I want 2 years+ exp management on my resume for down the track.

The key to remember however, is that how much you earn =/= how much you save. If I can get decent apprentice wages, work nightfill, and do security on the weekend the savings could be good.

>> No.391350

>30$/h warehouse work
>1,5k car
>15k in bank (going to start investing it this year)
>no debt

Pretty decent.

>> No.391351

>20 years old
>still live at home
>no significant other
>no savings
>work at job that is 15 miles away for $9 per hour at 7 and a half hours a day.
>having to go home early almost every other day even though were supposed to be in season right now(waterpark/hotel)
>still have a learners permit for the 3rd year in >a row
>too beta to try and get license
>spend twice as much as a normal person going to and from work because lel cant drive without somebody else with a license in the car
cant even drive my car because its on a lean.
>owe over 1,000 dollars in debt to my mother for lending money to me.
>$600 car insurance bill due in september, >mom breathing down my neck to pay her off.
>make around $800 a month during summer,
$600 a month during spring and fall, and around $400 a month during winter.
>have little to no self control over desires, always end up impulse buying on stupid shit like video games and candy/junk food, which >result in spending money that would other wise go to other things.
>pay 416.50 per month for rent.
>pay around $315 per month for health and dental insurance, lunch supplies for >work,annual fees etc.

>> No.391353

what specifically do you do in retail?

>> No.391367

Just graduated high school (this is normal where I live) and waiting for the papers and exam results to come.
No savings, nothing.
Live in a shitty yuropoor country, planning on working for a year before deciding whether I should go to a uni. I'll be getting paid ~500$ (less is possible) a month for whatever job I'll find.

You complain about 15$/h while I'll be complaining 2$/h.

It sucks not having any connections/relatives in UK, I could work there for some time.

>> No.392391

Nightfill Manager in a big box store.
Have a team of 6-12 that report to me.
Have responsibility of ~20 workers.
Duty of care to all customers in store from 5pm onwards.
And basically, if I screw up the store can deathspiral in a week.
Thankfully, I'm on top of my game and have my job sussed.

>> No.392416
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>unemployed NEET
>no friends or acquaintances of any kind
>no car
>not even a driver's license
>no degree or skills of any kind
>my only possessions are this laptop, some clothes (only own 1 pair of thrift-store jeans, 1 pair of shoes, a couple shirts, underwear etc.), a shitty watch, and some toiletries
>$0 (literally -- i have *NO* money at all)
>sleep on my family's sofa in their den
>trying to get on disability but got a letter saying "no" today

I hate my life so fucking much.

>> No.392418

>>392416 here

forgot to mention:
>roughly $20k in debt from the college i dropped out of + medical bills (all of which is long since in default)

>> No.392428

Ever heard a nigger say 'hustle'. I never understood what this meant until I found myself doing anything any time to get cash.

Dumpster dive and flip on craigslist.
Go get cleaning products and start door knocking.
Door knock to do yard work.
Go network at church, community events, craigslist, reddit and try and get manual labour jobs.
Spend your spare time learning how cars work.
Accrue capital and buy a shit car.
Boom, you can work more.
Get 3 jobs.
Accrue capital.
Work on getting trade skills / entry level somewhere.
Work your way up.

I have a friend who is like you. When we would go to his house when we were teens, my friend and I would be so jelly of his easy life. One friend said 'damn, sometimes I wish I could just sit at home all day in filth play vg, but I'd probably try and fix his life within a few days'.

Nigger you got no hustle. But when you start hustling, you start moving, and you get out of the rut which is probably a self fulfilling circle accelerated by lack of social life, malnutrition and encroaching depression.

The funny thing is, I gander most people are only a few steps away from this lifestyle, the climb back to normalcy isn't that far.

>you don't have 100k in students loans :)

>> No.392434


>> No.392625


16,45$/h + provision
52k savings
A car that's older than me


>> No.392634


working as a barista and a research assistant pulling $10/hr, but only at like 30ish hours a week
31k in savings but paying down a 11k car loan
Trying to pay down that debt and then go to grad school in fall 2015

>> No.392642

>accounting major, comp sci minor no debt
>interning for the summer $17 an hour
>after taxes, train costs, and I work through lunches often 9.55 an hour
>going back To school and doing a public accounting internship during the spring
>gf of 10 months things going great
>getting stronger/more fit
>great group of bros at school and home, taking more of a leadership role in each group
>got my rifle license recently

Things are going great.

>> No.392645

similar life, 15/hr but local internship, gf of 7 months and info systems major

what are ur lifts squat/bp/dl

>> No.392650

Squat: 185 5 reps
DL: 285 3 reps
Ohp: 130 3 reps
Bench: 165 5 reps

Just started starting strength variation two moths ago after doing a bro split and no progress for 2 years.

>> No.393091
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>22y old
>finishing second year in my college >studying hotel management
>have gf 4y together pic related
>have a 4k€ Breitling watch
>30.000 € car a civic type r
>living in own apartment in the center of my city 150.000€
>have 1000€ income from various sources
>zero debt
>zero living costs
>also 100k € in the bank

>> No.393129

>tfw you're not rich

>> No.393134


>have 1000€ income from various sources
Okay. How?
Better not your parents money, 'duh.

>> No.393138

that's the only line you quote?

he has a 150k apartment. he has rich parents

>> No.393140

Go suck a black dick out of you wifes pussy American cuckold faggot

>> No.393153

>22 yrs old
>need 3.5 more credits towards a BSc in Comp Sci from a top school in Canada
>46k internship at a Computer Security company
>~60k in student loan after 44 consecutive months of school

hoping to go off the grid and pay this shit back in 3-4 years so I can get the >0 net worth.

>> No.393221

>Math & CS BSc at shit school, almost done
>-8k USD net worth
>$10k student loans
>~$1k a month as intern
>antisocial neckbeard

Blog time. Every day I feel tired and anxious. I'm honestly terrified of what the rest of my life is going to be like. There are so many projects I want to work on that will probably never get done because all of my time and energy will be spent working for someone else for a salary. The worst part is I could probably free myself if I had the energy, social skills, and confidence, but I'm a fucking NEET at heart. Wish I could pull in some magic Internet money through websites or apps or whatever, but it seems so saturated that profitable plans are well hidden and I don't know where to look.


>> No.393226

Im aware of that hoping to change that when I start working in my field

I admit half of that is parents money

well my father was an Airline pilot (died when i was 12 from cancer)
Im not that rich because of that
consider myself upper middle class

my education will cost me 50k yuros its a expensive private college but atleast Im now spending all my mothers money on stupid shit
You all can least give me credit for trying to make something out of myself because my fathers money reserve isnt going to last long

>> No.393232

*im not spending

>> No.393234

> because my fathers money reserve isnt going to last long

I have a money reserve. Its called my savings. And I add to it every week.

>Driving a 30k car
>Owning a 4k watch
>Living in a fancy apartment

You are retarded, go find a way to use all that money to make you more money (live off interest, rent apartments, invest etc) and live poor in the mean time.

>> No.393237


>> No.393239

>You can't manipulate HTML elements are certain secure sites.


>> No.393245

I only listed whats in my posesion
>Driving a 30k car
as oposed buying a used gas guzller that needs repairs all the time
this is Eurpe where its expenisve to fix cars and even more expensive to fill it with gasoline

>Owning a 4k watch
it was my fathers watch he gave it to me on his deathbed all pilots have Breitlings

>Living in a fancy apartment
50 square meters looks normal nothing fancy about it

>go find a way to use all that money to make you more money
Im alredy doing that by investing in my education
I aslo rent an apartment and 1 store (curently a life insurance company is in it) and split the earnings with my mother.

I dont think you know what its like to be a student in a serious business school

>> No.393703

On £30k a year, pay up for review in 3 months probs get more
Got 8k saved up
Work for investment bank in London

>> No.393769

22 yo here
Just graduated last year from an university with a chem degree, got a 65k job now, no student debt since scholarships payed all of my tuition.
saved about 4k so far cash
own a 7k truck
no investments so far
living with parents
Future looks good and I'm excited to have gotten here

>> No.393858

Are you me?

>> No.394967

>tfw 21 and earning approx. €13/h
>tfw barely use FB

still live with parents though

>> No.395202

Very lonely

>> No.395228

-5,506 in cash
-enrolled in an engineering transfer program at a half way decent CC
-work part time 16 - 20 hours a week at $15 at a company i sort of like, but at where there is no future for me

my life is ok, i guess.

>> No.396376

>22 year old burger flipper
>peers are now graduating college and getting good jobs
>at my 5 year reunion everyone is going to be well off and I'm going to be total shit
Time to commit sudoku before I die of embarassment

>> No.397288
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23 yo 3rd-year medical student (1 more yr left)
-negligible net worth
-no undergrad loans
-fuckton of med school loans
-regret not going into finance (college and med school at UPenn aka Whoretown aka Wharton motherfuckers stealing all my girls and money and dat status and shit)

>> No.397436

I'm 20, close enough I suppose.

Worth about $24.

Given that I have a positive net worth, I'm doing alright.

>> No.397444

then don't go to your 5 year reunion, fuck does anyone from our generation still go to these things?

>> No.397505

30-35k year depending on bonuses and OT (hourly) takes four years to top out which is like 40k+ then you get cost of living raises plus a nickel or dime a year or something like that idk the specifics

in CC part time to hopefully go into the engineering dept in the future

own a 2004 civic, have a fully furnished apt, have like $500 saved up atm, just paid off my car.

I guess I could've made plenty of better choices, but I'm not going to dwell on those. I blame my parents for being shit, blame myself for making poor decisions.

Honestly it's the most liberating thing once you get to a point where you're completely independent. Took me till I was twenty, but now I can no longer blame my parents, or anyone else.

Every mistake I make from here on out is mine. Sure other people have rich parents and etc, I'm not on the same level as them. I am only competing with my siblings, and I will be the wealthiest person in the family.

tl;dr I hate my parents and blame them for being absolutely retarded but it's no longer relevant.

>> No.397541

19 with 10 k saved up in the bank, and then another 5 with my grandmother in a mutual fund. Working for 10$ an hour at a furniture store.

I don't have a car and live with my mom, and I go to cc for free aside from books for CS.

Gonna spend half my bank on a car, and then put the rest of it into the fund.

>> No.397760

500 dollarroos in checking account
parents still buy me food, do my laundry, pay my cell phone bill, let me spend over $1000 for computer parts

did I strike gold or what?

>> No.398673
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0k / year

>> No.398680

>nothing to spend your money on

Paying rent is going to send all the Jews in this thread living with their parents into a coma when the real world happens and they have to get out on their own.

Then again, it's already happened because all the 21 and 22 year olds in this thread are grown-ass neckbeards with dreams of grandeur.

>> No.398703
File: 11 KB, 501x585, angrymerchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>mfw I have to commute to work every weekday and moving out means paying rent because I can't afford to fuck off to my own property and live like a hermit

>> No.398735

NEET lyfe
with maybe a car as far as net worth goes

>> No.399790

>18 yo
>Making gratuity that nets me ~$7.25/h (minimum wage) for 29 hours a week (~$841/mo)
>Net worth of ~$14.5k, all of it in savings
>Parents pay for rent and utilities (~$475/mo), I pay for gas and groceries
>Going to a shitty state school for free
How fucked am I?

>> No.399800

> Going to a shitty state school for free

For what? This is the only thing that matters. If English major, be an hero.

>> No.399910

>just graduated with a degree in finance
>unemployed with no experience
>can't find a job in the field and will have to likely go into fucking car sales

>> No.400049

>Two shitty jobs as a high school dropout

I was a neat for 4 years before this. I woke up one day and thought "no one is going to help me, I need to do something as I'm the only person that is going to make a difference in my life". So I got a job, saved up and got a car, then I got my second job. I moved out of my parents' house and into a cheap apartment in a bad area.

It's been the best thing to happen to me in many years. Struggle is good.

>> No.400251
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>Ending my degree in business administration
>2k in savings
>Working for 2.7€/h (minimum wage)
>No car
>Living with my parents
>Probability of getting a better job when I'm graduated ~ 0%

>> No.400268

Well I'm 21 years old.

I'm worth about $2m US from inheritance.

My education is Engineering, majoring in Software, currently unemployed.

Still studying.

Trying to come up with a nice business idea, been on the drawing board for quite a while and will hopefully get there eventually.

Still live with mother, just live off profits from money with free food / no rent from mother.

>> No.400322

>spending money to learn about business from failed businesspeople

Well done, faggot. You really have fucked up your life.

>> No.400331

>be 22
>skipped out on college
>whooping $14/hr
>mortgage is $400/mo - bought from my mother that moved, was going to sell it to one of those "I buy houses cash!" that lowball people in trouble, she just wanted to GTFO after my father passed so I offered to take it over. Once it's fixed it';; be around 110-130k in my pocket. Very lucky.
>0 net worth, money goes into the house
>own old used car
>tfw girlfriend owns her car too
>learning PPC advertising, making a decent bit of side money and learning a lot. Once I feel comfortable I'll scale it hard and probably make enough to quit needing a job.

>> No.400343

try doing that in spain

>> No.400374
File: 70 KB, 500x450, neversad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 16 hrs in paints

>> No.400481

> 24
> Assets (Real estate) 545k
> Debt 217k
> Rent income 27k / y
> Stocks, BTC, Savings 15k

I'm doing okay but I have a plan that'll make me a millionaire in 5 years

>> No.400494

Average 22 year old prob has 4 years at harvard with internships and their cfas completed op

>> No.400912

>6k cash, 3k in US treasury bonds
>3k loan for school
>Senior, studying math and actuarial science
>$10/hour job for the summer
>no car
>live at home

Currently studying for exam 1/p
Thinking about getting my masters in statistics instead of becoming an actuary.

>> No.400914


>> No.400920

still in school probably, I think I know of one or two people who actually graduated in 4 years and that's because they wanted to be doctors

Personally, I'm 20 and going to school for comp sci and econ. Currently working in IT for a telecommunications company making $18/h. I'm on the five year plan, so at 22 hopefully I'll be on a work term at one of the few places that pays students $30/h here.