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3852936 No.3852936 [Reply] [Original]

Heard from a whale group they will accumulate to 5$ in the next 12 hours and then proceed to shake out some weakhands from that point.

Why else do you think Metaverse is holding steady and even managed a slight gain in a 1000$ bitcoin rally, while all other alts got dumped. This is the closest you will ever get to a dip and listening to the other faggots saying stuff like hyped too much, those are the faggots who miss all moon missions. So yeah buy etp unless you want to fomo yourself in during 5$. Don’t say I didn’t let you in on it.

>> No.3852950

> No whales pumping and dumping
> Metaverse shills keep talking about a whale group

totally legit

>> No.3852967


People like you skeptical about everything are those that miss all moon missions. Neo, omg, wtc, link. This coin is already up 230% in two days and holding strong. But retardsed dumb fucks will stay retarded dumb fucks no use dropping more words.

>> No.3852969

legend has it, there's whales pumping but we haven't seen them. do you see?

>> No.3852970

>heard from a whale group
I'm all-in in ETP but come the fuck on, give some proof you nigger

Either way though. you're right. The dip is now, and it won't last long.

>> No.3852986

you're the dumbfuck bringing up a "whale group" to your post and now you expect people to take you seriously lol

>> No.3853000

jeez i'm considering buying back in out of pity for you

sold earlier today with a 40% profit

this is a shit coin, but I'll say a prayer for you that it hits $3.40 again so you can get out even

>> No.3853020

Your choice. I just really enjoy the fact that retards like you always regret in hindsight , which is why I am sharing this chance anyway. Because I know 99% of you will miss it, because of your so called logic.

>> No.3853026


Don’t worry, you will fomo yourself back in when it is nearing 5 in 12 hours.

>> No.3853083

Look at coinmarketcap.com search top gainers.

Everyday some coin pumps 100% to 300%. We arent going to chase this coin that has so many red flags just because it might pump.

You are obviously investing in this coin not for its long term potential, otherwise you wouldnt bring up "whale group" and talk only about its price.

Comfy in my 300% LINK gains thank you.

>> No.3853096
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>but I'll say a prayer for you that it hits $3.40 again so you can get out even
pray to their god Vishnu

Shills can't go one post without needlessly insulting people

>> No.3853150
File: 1.36 MB, 1242x2208, E80AC807-944A-41A2-ABB2-780B537C9DE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay retarded or not, its your own choice. Thinking yourselves to be so smart while it’s just idiotic. Keep on living your ass life this way haha. I have said what needs to be said, whether or not you are smart enough to grab this opportunity it is up to you

>> No.3853153

ETP = Space Shuttle Challenger

>> No.3853190

What the fuck is this, how the fuck do i cash in asap. How the fuck do more people not know about this website. fuck

>> No.3853449

Just bought 100k

>> No.3853675

just bought in, its gonna dump now

>> No.3853776

Look at the behavior from the past couple of days. You're right, it is going to drop right about now, but then it will shoot up in about 12 hours.

>> No.3853811

Ofc it will rise next 12 hours , eu knows how to make cash .

>> No.3853826

who is "Eu"? that some kinda gook name?

>> No.3854489

>So yeah buy etp unless you want to fomo yourself in during 5$
3 hours ago someone wrote this exact same sentence buy with "fomo yourself in during $10"
what happened in last 3 hours to make it $5 instead $10?

>> No.3854529
File: 4 KB, 308x94, 41234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune Favors the bold

>> No.3854608

quick question. bitfinex is set up different to most other exchanges i have used. is there a way to buy Max you can? i had to work out how many ETP i could buy myself instead of the site doing it for me. i'm probably being retarded but i looked and couldn't see a way to click on my BTC available and it would do it for me

>> No.3854616

Click the green dot you acoustic fucking roof shingle.

>> No.3854664

kek, i didn't even notice that. thanks

>> No.3854731

alright i see potential. gonna start the pump in a few hours

>> No.3854754
File: 35 KB, 465x493, 1507097616827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dears, do be buy

>> No.3854820

This shit about to blast off

>> No.3854970
File: 337 KB, 1144x888, 1506707129918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck would risk getting in at ath in any coin when there is a bleeding sale all around

>> No.3855029


lol well unless you been in a hole, meta has held its own and actually went up.

>> No.3855586

*** China :cn: official state backed crypto to hedge against yuan will soon come .. this is also a fact that has fueled the btc run..and interest in Chinese coins are going to blow up. Right now Metaverse has the best ROI amongst all the Chinese coins and solid team n tech. Don’t regret in nov on the missed opportunity. Do stock up now and stay wise *** Please pass on this message

>> No.3855846


Link that whale group here - https://discord.gg/HFXRTw - see for yourself (join 'em if they let you!).

>> No.3856159

these chinks didn't even read Snow Crash and are doing it wrong