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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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384759 No.384759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Private sector fag here, also how fucked are you?

>> No.384765


>Political Science/Int'l Relations minor

Gonna work for a few years and then go in for an Int'l Finance degree. Fucked, but with a gameplan which puts me ahead of 99% of PoliSci majors.

>> No.384770

W-well, if I get what I'm going for, I guess I'll be doing breddy good

>> No.384786

who the fuck comes up with this shit

>> No.384793


A med who whored his ass

>> No.384802

>not great

>> No.384831


Pharmacy QOF breddy good?


>> No.384836

>have good connections
>any degree
>good job guaranteed
>madfags all over the place

>> No.384839

>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.384846

>be me
>have only associate's degree from community college that the National Guard paid for
>make $52k a year from home doing a (relatively) easy job

Yes, continue to go to medical school and engineering school. Please leave my line of work unsaturated.

Good goyim, the world needs 60000000000000000000 more nurses and welders, too.

>> No.384847

>yes goyim, keep contributing to society while making good money
forex trader NEET detected

>> No.384848

I NEVER implied they don't contribute to society, nor did I ever once mention they don't make good money.

Their fields of work are just more saturated than mine, however, and are therefore more competitive, meanwhile I get a new job offer every month and I was a B student at a bumfuck community college.

I'm not a forex trader though, I'm a CPC-H medical coder.

>> No.384851

What did you major in, CS?
>National Guard paid for
Did you serve as a soldier? For how long?

>> No.384858

I majored in health information technology, but I had some programming and applied mathematics courses.

>Did you serve as a soldier? For how long?

I joined right out of high school at 17, went to basic training that summer, came back for my first semester of college, then went to AIT (military job training) the following summer. Finished my degree in two years at 19. In the National Guard, you sign up for 6 year contracts, and I'm now 22 so I have about a year left in. We only go one weekend a month and then a two week period of training once a year.

>> No.384867


>good connections
>any degree
>good job guaranteed

So much this. If important people like you, you're set. If not, you're going to be a fucking pleb your whole life. I don't care if you're making 200k/yr as an engineer, you'll never be rich.

>> No.384878

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, I had no idea that kind of major was out there.
I might check this out, thanks
One last thing, how much time do you dedicate to your job?
Are there any interactions with the company you work for other than requests/however they assign you stuff?

>> No.384887

>Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, I had no idea that kind of major was out there.

It really is, and most people don't. Most who know about it either have friends in the field or already worked in the medical field as something else and saw the coders and were like shit, I should be doing that.

>I might check this out, thanks

Go for it bro. Check in with your college adviser and talk about your goals with them, but if you have any specifics related to the career or schooling required itself, I'd be more than happy to tell you everything I know.

>One last thing, how much time do you dedicate to your job?

8 am to 4:30 pm, mon-fri.

>Are there any interactions with the company you work for other than requests/however they assign you stuff?

Every other week we might have a conference call and go over things with our patients, but for the most part all I do is receive diagnosis & procedure reports and convert them into their respective ICD-9 and CPT code forms to be processed by the patient's insurance company. They might send me an IM every now and again asking about something with a tricky diagnosis, but that's about it. Other than that it's just data processing and conversion.

>> No.384901

I'm studying Business, its fucking awesome.
In the end it's about your intellect and you social skills and connections.

>A smart person can become a success even if he does women studies

>> No.384934


>Math/Physics in bottom tier

Y'all niggers posting in a troll thread.

>> No.384936


>okay tier

loving every laugh

>> No.385225

>Quality of life: You are fucked

Maybe for like, the first 2 years after university while you're doing your internship.

Dermatologists here can work like, 4 day weeks, take a quarter of the year off, and still earn $600k before tax.

Can someone explain why you never see medicine mentioned in lists of highest earning college degrees? Do they just ignore it or something because it's simply not achievable for most people?

>> No.385239

No finance and math and computation/systems are bottom tier? da fuck.

Yes, pretty much. It takes years and smarts, you need at least those two and most people have neither.

>> No.385240

OP is obviously a janitor at McDonalds.

>> No.385241


Right after your internship? This must not be the US since family medicine is usually 3.

In private practice? Where did the patient base come from for that revenue. Don't forget MASSIVE expenses.

In manged care or god forbid a public hospital? lolno you're not gonna sniff anywhere near that.

>> No.385248

>IT not being GOAT quality of life
I get paid 80K a year plus benefits to shitpost on 4chan all day, and I'm not even at risk of being put on the outs because our management is fucking stupid and has everything set up to run on terminals, so even if we get in some fresh meat, they won't be able to perform basic tasks without my approval.
>not leveraging your arcane file system set up and automated back ups into raises each year

The last intern we had didn't even want to fucking touch my code because it's so obfuscated.

>> No.385287

Any high school / college student who thinks OP's chart even slightly represents the actual job market should commit suicide immediately.

Who the fuck makes these things?

>> No.385417

Yea, obvious giveaway.

>> No.386634

As a Journalism major:
>Employment: bretty good, I guess

nigga you what?

>> No.386636

accountant salary = meh
is that a joke? you understand that accountants are one of the highest paid occupations. This list is incredibly bias towards fields in science not math

>> No.386725

A grey cowled being forms into existence.
"I have come" it rasps heavily
"To audit your systems and documentation."
He slides a piece of paper signed by all the bosses with your boss on the last line.
"What do you do here?"

>> No.386807

>Maths not being top tier.
Are you aware of how much a quantitative analyst makes and the degrees required for it?

Also,lol at the lack of Finance in that board. Which would be top obv.

>> No.386819

i'm sure that the 99th percentile get buttloads but the average don't.

>> No.386827

What determines your quality of life? Isn't that dictated by your salary?

>> No.386829

Accounting seems like my best bet, especially for my introverted personality and number crunching.

>> No.386832
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After about $75,000, it doesn't make a difference. I read it somewhere a long time ago and it makes sense, but here is a random article that I pulled up that talks about it.


There is much more to life than what your salary is. Life is more dimensional than that. If I can make it to six digits then I'll be happy with myself and it will count a little bonus on the life check list but after 75K I don't think i'd care too much UNLESS I had a family.

I wouldn't really take this chart seriously.. it's so loose that you really would have a better idea with using bls.gov.. accounting is definitely a way to go, though.

>> No.386834


I'm majoring in Economics. I don't think I'll make $75k.

>> No.386852

Not including computer science.

>> No.386883

I work in consulting, have a law degree. I already make more than $75,000 at 27 and tbh I still need much more.

$75,000 might be the average, but if you live in an expensive city (NY, SF) then the number probably increases. I'd say a similar number is probably $130,000 or double for those most expensive cities.

>> No.386927


What college did you attend?

>> No.386936

Not an American. I attended Erasmus University in Rotterdam, came to the US shortly after.

>> No.386944 [DELETED] 

Petroleum engineer should be ayy lmao salary.

Friend of mine has a starting salary of 140k, and 13.5k+a car as a signing bonus.

>> No.386946

Going for EE, I think I'll be good after the first year or so, especially considering that I'm aiming for a master's.

>> No.386949

>Friend of mine has a starting salary of 140k, and 13.5k+a car as a signing bonus.

god damn man that's crazy.

>> No.386954

Not the other guy you're talking to but what certs/experience help get into health information technology ? What exactly is health information technology ?

>> No.386956

Hey guys i need some info
>Going to college
>Sign up for Electrical engineering
>Entire semester goes by and my major was changed from EET-AAS (Electrical Engineering Tech. which was an associates)
>To B-Tech (Electrical Technology)
>Have been assured its the same thing as electrical engineering
>Search google it seems legit but its likely that i will be doing more laboratory work

>> No.386958
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Am i being lied to by my college administration
Or "misled"

>> No.386959

Majoring in relatively prestigious, hard to get into IR program at a top 10-20 university world wide. Gonna probably get a masters, try and teach english in Japan, and then become a cop. Don't know why but that just appeals to me.

Suppose the degree is useless but the topic interests me.

>> No.386962


You can teach English in Japan with any degree. I'm also not sure what you mean by being a cop. Do you mean being a cop in Japan?

Also, it's sort of a waste going to a high tier university, just to become a police officer. You could attend any sort of community college for that.

It would be like attending Harvard for History, or Music.

>> No.386969

>You can teach English in Japan with any degree. I'm also not sure what you mean by being a cop. Do you mean being a cop in Japan?
No at home.

>Also, it's sort of a waste going to a high tier university, just to become a police officer. You could attend any sort of community college for that.
Yeah but I don't want to work in an office or use my head or have to suck up to people. None of that appeals to me.

>It would be like attending Harvard for History, or Music.
Gonna try to get into oxbridge. Some degrees have ridiculously high acceptance rates.

>> No.386970


>Yeah but I don't want to work in an office or use my head or have to suck up to people. None of that appeals to me.

Then why are you attending a high tier Uni?

>> No.386972

I don't know, had to do something. Might as well finish it now because I've invested three years into it. Also masters is only one year in the UK so I figure why the fuck not?

>> No.386979
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How do you plan on becoming a police officer without a degree related to criminal justice?

>> No.386986

...because I'm from bumfuck rural USA and they don't give a flying fuck what degree you have. Hell technically you don't even need one.

I doubt they'll bitch about my prestigious degree from the UK. Also I don't do drugs and there is a shortage of officers because everybody does drugs nowadays and they won't hire you. I have that advantage at least.

>> No.386991


I'm an EET and my boss is a BTech in EE. You learn a lot more hands on work. As long as you can get P Eng certification with a BTech you won't have any glass ceilings

>> No.386998

I'm a polisci/IR dual major
Working in a political office right now, working for a few years out of college and then going to grad school is for sure the way to go.

>> No.386999


Which Uni?

>> No.387001

Accountant making 36k a year.

Meh, kinda sucks, but it's extremely steady and secure. Where can I even go from here?

>> No.387000

>You learn a lot more hands on work
That's fine with me, i was worried that it wasn't Electrical Engineering at all and some mechanic/technician job. As long as its 52K starting with possibility of advancing its good.

Were are most of the EE jobs anyway? Factories, office buildings, power plants, start ups?East coast, mid west, south?
And what skills should i be honing from now

>> No.387002

LSE. Don't know how I got in because my grades were pretty shit but I did 13 AP's which apparently British unis like a lot.

nice trips

>> No.387007

>13 APs
were your junior/senior years of high school just straight AP courses or something?
My high school didnt even offer that many I don't think, I only did 3 APs

>> No.387011

Nah I just took all the humanities ones. They are all the same. Easy to get all 5's once you know the formula.

Would've taken more if they weren't so costly.

>> No.387024

dropout + successful internet entrepreneur tier here.

>> No.387084

I'm at 55k with a couple years in and my work is all over the place. I run an aluminum robot guarding product line, design and build automated sawmills and am working on a design for a stamping machine for the Canadian mint. My boss is at 120k with a company car after 10 years.

Different locations will provide options on your type of work. I am in a manufacturing area but I could double my pay with the same diploma working out west with mining or forestry. Idk where jobs are at in the states.

What would be your ideal role with this degree? You will often start out as a tech for 6 months to a year to get your feet wet after uni. Most positions are design/sales/tech.

>> No.387089

where does engineering physics fit in all this?

>> No.387142

Yeah. He had a 4.0 and two great internships. President of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers, a professional organization) at our schools, and he wound up with 3 great offers.

Not too bad for the son of a plumber from Pittsburgh.

>> No.387143

Marketing and company/brand-development master race

>> No.387156

Holy shit you just perfectly described my dad (albeit chemE but I doubt theyre much different)
Tell me your friends name isn't shaun

>> No.387173
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I always saw myself doing electornics/robotics/drone
I was into "Drones" back when they were called RC airplanes, so maybe some sort of RnD.
I wouldn't mind working tech for 6 months but as long as its in my field. If i leave college and after a year still not working in my field my plan B is to join the airforce as an officer
Also on the east coast NYC to be exact

Thanks for the replies

>> No.387276

My field is more toward the industrial side so I can't help you much but you guys do have a military industrial complex so this degree would serve you well

>> No.387283

>physics, mathematics
>bad degree

If you are a whiz these fields transfer well to financial investing and to research at CERN, that made the internet.

>> No.387754

Petrol Engineering's QOL really isn't that bad.
I know plenty of petrol engineers that have enviable lives

>> No.387810

haha yea wtf

>> No.387845

And they were grouped with geo/hist. Troll list.

>> No.387860

Physics/EE/Bioengineering mustard race

>> No.387875
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>International Relations major
>Lived in international dorm to make contacts in college
>Graduate, start my own Import/Export business with the skills and contacts I've acquired
>Most business, finance, and STEM majors I know are standing with their dicks in their hand jobless or hoping to get promoted from low paying entry level jobs at some point down the road when people above them retire

Stay classy STEM "master race".

>> No.387880

international relations is STEM you retard. It's just one of the easiest ones. It's easy to see why you're not in engineering, mathematics or science.

>> No.387884


>Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

I studied IR, which included some econ and game theory, but it isn't the primary focus of the degree and those are very soft sciences. Not everything profitable is STEM just because you take a science course or two to get your degree in it.

>> No.387903
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>> No.387921

Cookfag here. Profession does not require degree, only an insane work ethic. Pay is usually decent, same for quality of life but employability is fucking insane thanks to people being proud of not knowing how to cook. Overall I'd say its 6/10. My goal is to get an older sugar mama and cook for her until I have enough money to open a business

>> No.388382

Why the fuck was psychology rated so bad? It very much depends what field of psychology you are working in!

>> No.388443 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.388468

>Going to college


>> No.388642

Why are IT/computer science always rated so low in these threads? Good salary and chance of employment

>> No.388767

Does anybody here knows what its like to work in international trading ? Is it worth it ?

>> No.388815


>work in international trading

Explain what you mean.

>> No.388827

What if someone was interested in going to med school for psychiatry?

Shouldn't they major in Psychology to get there?

>> No.388844

>Communication major and Business minor, skilled in marketing
>extensive internship experience in management consulting, mentor is millionaire and loves me and is extremely well connected at world-class consulting firms and the top companies in my city
>testing well on GMAT practice tests, aiming for top-25 MBA program hopefully
>graduate in 6 months to a year
>after work experience, will get MBA and become management consultant, ~$200k/year starting

Where do I fit on this? I like where I am, but I'm curious to see what /biz/ thinks

>> No.388847


probably not, pschology is pretty babby tier which most people know is bullshit and what you'll be learning there will be irrelevant for what you do as psychiatrist, plus you'll have to pretty much do a major in chemistry/bio to be able to get past the mcats and have the required courses for entry to med school.

>> No.388854


>> No.388941

>>after work experience, will get MBA and become management consultant, ~$200k/year starting

no you won't

>> No.388956 [DELETED] 

I'm 30, didn't go to college and make $60k/year

should i bother going back to school?

>> No.388963

i'm majoring in accounting from the university of phoenix

what will my quality of life be

>> No.388965

Should I drop the college thing and try to go for a blue collar job?

>> No.388967

better once you team up with a great firm

>> No.388990

These degree rankings always make me laugh because they only take public schools into consideration or people who don't make connections with faculty/staff or don't know anyone before school.

I went to a private college, got a better ride than I would have at state schools, made connections, and then jumped out of the liberal arts in grad school to do data analysis work.

Point is, the degree only means so much outside of STEM. At the end of the day, its all about personal motivation, ambition, and drive with a healthy dose of luck thrown in. Most people I know that graduated with a STEM degree are working in some 2 bit lab because they wanted a good life without working too hard, then got lost in the real world when they are by themselves while simultaneously hating themselves and their jobs.

>> No.388992


You will have a goo...

>University of Phoenix

...eh, forget what I said.

>> No.389011

>university of phoenix

nigger you'd better get really awesome interns and know your shit

>> No.389025


Big 4, you pussy

>> No.389028

75000... depends on where you live... I live in NYC(Manhattan) and do 100k+ and still do not live a lavish lifestyle...

>be 33 now
>major in CS
>graduate in 2004
>first job programming - 45k
>second job programming - 55-75k
>third job programming and move to NYC - 90k
>fourth job programming - 95k-.....

>> No.389033

I'd rather make more money and pay more than make less and pay less

>> No.389053

Well, I'm going for a HND in international trade and as I was going to do it "part-time" that is to say, one week following regular classes, and another working. I'll probably commercial agent.

So, I wanted to know if what I'm doing is a good idea, and what its like to work as a commercial agent in an international trade company ?

>> No.389077

What is with these pictures? You're a fucking idiot

>> No.389088
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>'Journalism' is actually ranked highly

hahahaha, good one OP.

>> No.389100

>That picture

I guess they're interested in the thousands of years of civilization that had no math in it.

>> No.389101

>who the fuck comes up with this shit

Bitter STEM students.
They do STEM because their parents force them to do it.
In a lot of European Countries it is hard to get a job with a STEM student. In fact, in my country there is a huge surplus of medical grads that are not employed.
At the end of the day it boils down to how lucky you are in hearing back from places, who you know and what country you plan to work in.

>> No.389102

>>be 33 now
>>major in CS
>>graduate in 2004


There's your answer as to why you, as a STEM student, were able to get a job.

>> No.389103

So /biz/ I'm about to be a freshman in college. So you're saying that STEM is for baddies?
Should I just go to law school?

>> No.389135

Fuck biz, I don't know what to do

I could do med, but it isn't really that attractive. Not that high earning (lots of money into insurance) and a lot of work/stress.
Law isn't what it used to be
Business doesn't really interest me
Engineering just seems like I'm some sort of high tech maintenance man

What else is there?

>> No.389195

>same as nursing

Psychology is an academic discipline, akin to a kind of philosophy/politics/history kind of degree, but then it also has qualitative parts, heavy statistics, scientific methods, brain imaging (yes thats right faggot we can actually read your mind, and you have no free will)

That said I did the britfag version, and it's a BSc, not a BA, i'm assuming the educational standard in the US is disgusting too.

Also here, in the United arab state of Britain, less than 15% of graduate jobs state a specific degree.

major/subject=/=career title

>> No.389198

that said, any damage control recommendations for a masters?

>> No.389200

be born into wealth
Don't be poor.

lel its not even that hard, are you even trying?

cmon man, you're better than that, you can do it. Just put your mind to it.

>> No.389208


I'm in a similar boat in terms of not knowing what to do, except thanks to Australian tier academics and ATAR scores, Law and Medicine are closed avenues for me now because lolATARof93.00. So I have a choice of engineering, business/economics, or a trade. I have no fucking idea what to do.

I'm a really average person. Maybe I should just give up altogether and pack bags for the rest of my life, or some shit.

>> No.389383

Nobody can answer my question ?

>> No.389404

fuck you

>> No.389432


>> No.389465

Nothing wrong with engineering or a trade. At least you have a marketable skill that will stay in demand even in a bad economy; and you may come up with some great idea that makes you a lot of money.

As for paths you didn't mention you could always join the military then transition to private security but the market is flooded right now with Iraq war veterans.

>> No.389530

I give up

>> No.389630

Yeah you can fuck right off
I'm doing mechatronics because I'm genuinely interested in robots and want to build stuff that'll help people, especially elderly people who don't want to be forced to sell everything they have to a nursing home so they can survive a few years longer in misery because their shitty kids won't take care of them

>> No.389694

This all day. I don't understand why people always talk down on business degrees. If you know how to deal with people, network, and don't mind paying your dues in an internship for a little while then your guaranteed a job.

>> No.389751

We are on 4chan and people here have severely poor social skills to the point of not even understanding why having them is a benefit.

>> No.389752


Pharmacists make bank and don't do shit.

>> No.389783

It depends on what you want to do. HIT (also called health informatics, medical information technology, and medical informatics) encompasses a huge field.

There's medical administration, medical coding, electronic medical records, and medical transcription to name a few.

There are certifications for all of the above, but I'm only a coder so all I can tell you is about coding.

Medical coding professionals provide a key step in the medical billing process. Every time a patient receives professional health care in a physician’s office, hospital outpatient facility or ambulatory surgical center (ASC), the provider must document the services provided. The medical coder will abstract the information from the documentation, assign the appropriate codes, and create a claim to be paid, whether by a commercial payer, the patient, or CMS.

Certifications and the average salary from each:
>Certified Professional Coder (CPC) – $48,593
>Certified Professional Coder – Hospital Outpatient (CPC-H) – $56,284
>Certified Professional Coder – Payer (CPC-P) – $57,995
>Certified Professional Practice Manager (CPPM) – $59,619
>Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA) – $61,115
>Certified Professional Biller (CPB) – $61,667
>Certified Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO) – $69,138

>> No.389838

Enjoy your sub 60k a year salary and working your ass off so entitled doctors can spit at you everyday.

>> No.389841

agronomy/environmental sci major here. By the end of my chemistry stint in college I was BARELY making a 2.0 and needed a quick way out. The environmental track required the least math and least chemistry and was mostly stupid trivial bullshit classes with multiple choice tests. After finishing college with straight Cs (and a few academic suspensions) I lucked the fuck out and manage to weasel my way into the petroleum field and am making 90k a year loading trucks with motor oils for a big refiner. Your degree doesn't determine how much you make, it's how hard you hustle.

>> No.389842

> math/cs/physics
> the lowest tier

fucking wat

>> No.389864

Some guy earlier was telling me Philosophy was STEM because its a "natural science" yeah its one step up from religion or metaphysics but its reaaaally science. Whatever.

STEM is just a buzzword for "pays higher than 50k" now.

>> No.389891

my gf is a RN in an Manhattan hospital
second year out of school - $85k salary
she will probably go into management within the next 5 years or so

>> No.389893

That's just not doing your job

>> No.389896

Im in public accounting, middle market firm. 74k base and 14k bonus this year, not a manager and haven't finished my CPA yet, so I think I'm doing bretty good. Though, I guess I did luck out by deciding to specialize in oil and gas / energy ...

>> No.389920


I work for an oil company and I've always wondered what we pay the accountants. We have so many god damn accountants it's unreal. Probably more accountants than engineers and geologists.

>> No.390091

I have a hard choice to make.
Psychology/Politology/English in the top university in my country

or Foreign Economin Relations in the 2nd best university in my country

>> No.390287

>>have good connections
>>any degree
>>good job guaranteed
>>madfags all over the place

I'll add love for what you're doing.
> mfw people think getting 6 figure salary for shit job > getting paid to do your hobby.

>> No.390288

Gegography bachelor and master's here. Not even done my master's and already 2 job offers :-)

>> No.390289

>not making the most out of life and becoming an entrepreneur

>> No.390309


Pharmacist here. Charts wrong.
>Making 126k right out of school working retail.
>Had 4 job offers before I even graduated.
>I only work 40 a week, granted it's soul crushing.

If you go clinical it's different though because you do 2 extra years of residency and only make 90k while working 60 hour weeks, but thats only like 2% of grads.

>> No.390825

This is the true final answer. Once you are big enough to sell out to the government, you have truly made it.

/biz/ needs a zyzz to lead it to victory and an early death

>> No.390967

First, pick a job at random, you will find out very quickly what you're not good at.
Keep doing it until you find a job you like.

>> No.391023

>not getting a double degree
>not using those empty credits needed to get to 120 anyway producitvely
>not giving you two career areas to enter by getting unrelated degrees, or increasing your employability in one by getting 2 related degrees

>> No.391165

What state do you live in to make that much

>> No.391221

Quantitative analysts are just slaves to the traders. Modelling and pricing derivatives is boring anyway.

Luckily you can still become a trader with a math degree.

>> No.391362

Thanks !
I'm already in IT, just your entry computer repair shit but I wanna move up.

>> No.391493

>implying dentists can't make 500k a year easy.
Get a practice going, hire 5+ hygienists, a couple shitty dentists to do your bitch work (exams, cavity fillings) and you do the big time surgeries. You're rich after a few years motherfucker, but get ready for some shit hours.

>> No.391509

currently salary if you dont mind me asking?, also state/area?

trying to gather some data on where I should move out and start looking once I graduate later this year.

>> No.391514

UKfag here. I'm thinking of doing a Marketing degree. Am I making a mistake?

>> No.391875


>> No.391887
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>Low tier

Right now I am working at my university and I am probably getting a higher paid IT position in my school this fall. Then when I graduate I immediately get a 50-60k a year salary.

>> No.391888
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Boston area generally has a great IT market. But generally without job experience it can be harder to get a salary position. I would start with hourly work somewhere that isn't retail. You could also do some on the side home work. If you are A+ Certified you can reasonably bill people 30-40$ an hour

>> No.391900


Saturated market, you'll be replaced by an H1B Migrant Worker in a few years.

>> No.391937

Compsci, 95+ moving up, 1 year working, 9-5 hour lunch, or any 8 hour period, work from home frequently.

>> No.393031

Would a degree in Logistics be worth it? More importantly would it be something I could take overseas?

>> No.393307

That's bretty good but it's in Manhattan so the higher salary is expected. Higher cost of living. Your example is definitely an outlier

>> No.393325

Double Major in Psychology and Business. Planning on entering industrial psych, already working in the marketing department of business consulting firm. I think I'll be alright I hope

>> No.393497


I would disagree with accouning being the way to go. Interesting article from economist where it states probabilty of jobs being replaced by automation. Accouting and auditing is one of the top likelihood to be automated...

>> No.393526

But what if I do Defence and History for a life long military career?

I've got no problem with it.

>> No.393568



>> No.393575


>automating auditing

The whole idea is having a person making a subjective assessment about the quality of your accounting. That cannot be replaced by a computer.

>> No.393596

CPAs in public accounting=/=all accountants

My aunt has been doing debits and credits at her bank for 30 years, she capped out at a 45K salary a long time ago because she doesn't have a college degree

If you don't get a CPA and get stuck in accounts receivable, you'll hit a pay ceiling pretty quickly