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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3847388 No.3847388 [Reply] [Original]

>only one once playing ether flip
>lost 4 times in a row playing ether flip

someone help im a no good gambling addict ahhhh

>> No.3847399

Martingale, cuck.

>> No.3847454
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>only one once
>only one

>> No.3847531

why the FUCK would anyone fucking play online casino games.


>> No.3847549

trade the tokens for KYS

>> No.3847555
File: 16 KB, 500x283, rtyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should try out ETHBET,
oh wait theres no fucking product.

>> No.3847562

dumb faggot etherflip is auditable https://etherscan.io/address/0xE5a04D98538231b0fAb9ABa60cd73cE4fF3039DF#code the random numbers are provided by oraclize at through random.org's RNG

>> No.3847579
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yes i know never trust online gambling because it can be rigged but they use an oracle to handle the rng

>> No.3848309

well you got FLIP tokens for your losses, which means you will be collecting sweet dividends from the other degenerate gamblers

>> No.3849365

huh I already made 25 ETH off the ICO you must be doing it wrong.

>> No.3849512

i love this fuckin ICO

>> No.3849562

How? Just luck and having enough eth to place a ton of bets?