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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3844184 No.3844184 [Reply] [Original]

share your advice/experience in:

>affiliate marketing
>share some hot niches and target markets
>how to start your own business
>betting in horses/games etc
>make money with selling tshirts

previous thread: >>3802617

>> No.3844203

i can make cheap custom scripts for anons

>> No.3844241


How do I get in touch? Are you on any freelance sites or anything ?

>> No.3844398

OP here, in the last thread (which I wasn't the OP) I was asking if anyone knows the easiest way of exchanging money/cash/credit/debit for crypto (be it ether/bitcoin/ltc or monero.

I have a grey-hat money method I have been beta testing that seems promising so far but I need the most effective way for a newbie to exchange his debt/credit/cash for crypto, and so far, short of literally joining an exchange and going through a long process of verification, I got nothing. Anyone has any suggestions?

I will publish the whole method soon and see what you guys could contribute to it/critique.

>> No.3844439

localbicoins anon. do not trade usd for alt coins

>> No.3844531

>cheap custom scripts
for what kind of things? do you use python? if not, what do you use? i know nothing about scripting and python, but can code in swift, lol.

>> No.3844546

i use localbitcoins for both buy&sell transactions. find a seller with a great reputation and hundreds if not thousands of trades and you'll be set.
sure you pay a premium, but that's how it works. just factor it in. i do bank transfers and they release the bitcoins.

>> No.3844558

this girl is not asian

>> No.3844578

any dropshippers in the house?

>> No.3844594


What do you do in Swift? Have any apps or just for fun, etc?

>> No.3844603


Yeah sup.

>> No.3844663


paid shopify themes - worth it? a friend and I are going in with like $400 so I'm thinking of pinching pennies on everything other than marketing

>> No.3844734


Nope. My gfs Shopify store is using the default theme, 4 months old doing $3-$4k a month already on free Instagram traffic. Getting ready to scale soon.

>> No.3844735

still learning it. i have a few apps that have had zero time spent on visual design that work but look like shit. a niche fitness app which you can already find in the app store but all the existing ones have terrible reviews and another one which is again niche, to do with food. both of these i thought of when i looked for an app that i wanted to use and saw that the ones that existed were badly designed or lacking features.
so it is mainly as a side thing, but looking to get into it properly once i know more. the iOS 11 update set me back with changes to things i wasn't certain on. i had to go back and relearn a lot of things.

>> No.3844760



btw thanks for the thread OP, might make it a regular one and make people come to /biz/ for things other than crypto

>> No.3844809

> 4 months old doing $3-$4k a month a
what the fuck, how

>> No.3844874


Easy. Use Instagram follow/unfollow, post regularly, send free shit to Instagram influencers in exchange for them posting photos wearing it.

Also set up affiliate program for them so they get % of referred sales. Then recruit new customers as affiliates, rinse/repeat.

>> No.3844888

she is selling a real product like shirts or a digital one?

>> No.3844903

What are you selling though? Resell clothes? Just affiliate referrals?

>> No.3844940


Clothing + accessories.

>> No.3844961

>got fired from fulltime office job
>couldn't fucking stand it or the long commute
>too many hours, burned out, tired all the time
>looking at jobs now
>considering part time online work

Is it retarded to get 2-3 different jobs online for 10-15 hours each? I figure if I get fired from one I still have the others, and it's triple XP for a resume, and triple the references. Like how you diversify a stock portfolio, this is like diversifying your income. Is this a bad/unrealistic idea? I would love to work online anyway. I hate living in the same place for too long and i hate hate HATE commuting.


What does she sell?

>> No.3844986


Why the fuck haven’t you read 4 Hour Work Week yet?

>> No.3845035


I have. Who are you quoting? What, should I get 20 different online jobs and outsource them to pajeets, is that what you're getting at?

I work in accounting/finance. The shit I'm looking at honestly does need a degree for most of it. Only thing I could outsource would be shitty data entry jobs for 9.50/hour.

>> No.3845080


You should start a biz then.

>> No.3845081

Where can I find online work? What if I have a business degree and basically no experience (just an internship).

>> No.3845258


Lie or build up experience/portfolio by doing free work for a few people. I’d just lie though, but be smart about it.

Otherwise maybe try consulting/etc. on upwork or some other freelance site.

Also r/beermoney and r/slavelabour

>> No.3845402

what dyou need, I might do what you want for free just cause im bored.

>> No.3845441


Nothing I’d talk about on a Mongolian digital currency message board. Lmk though.

>> No.3845603

>basically no experience

Same boat. Fucking sucks because companies today aren't willing to train you, they want a schmuck already experienced in exactly what the position entails. Dunno, get lucky? Sacrifice to satan?

Doing an application now and the cunts are giving me test questions. Google is being unhelpful. Like I'm supposed to remember this shit from two+ years ago.

>> No.3845630


Boomers had it made.

>> No.3846375


Perhaps I should have explained myself a bit better, this grey method I have been testing involves me getting paid in crypto (is more anonymous), but in order to get paid in crypto the people paying me need an easy way of converting their money into crypto (since it is anonymous and leaves no trace).

p.s: this has nothing to do with carding or scamming credit cards

>> No.3846420

You know you have to wonder what people will say about coiners in a few decades.

"Fucking coiners, they were handed free lambos" etc.

>> No.3847632
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I've done some programming gigs on Fiverr (Python, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, C#, etc). The pay is very low and the clients are at least 80% shit-tier though. I'm a very solid programmer, but I don't live in an area conducive to capitalizing on that, and I don't care enough to move to some cuckold fiefdom like SF, or work in a cubicle surrounded by gender-queer neo-Marxist trannies.

>pic related, Fiverr side cash

>> No.3848344


Good point.

>> No.3848379

With your skills you can earn the t money in less than 2 weeks if you get hired for a remote job. Search for companies in iceland. They hire programmers for remote positions.

>> No.3848586

>I don't care enough to move to some cuckold fiefdom like SF, or work in a cubicle surrounded by gender-queer neo-Marxist trannies.


>> No.3848633
File: 22 KB, 800x600, morm merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started a shopify store for dropshipping.
I'm looking for some honest feedback. Not here to shill my site, take a look at let me know what you think.
I literally have no idea what I am doing

>> No.3848676


looks like shit mate

>> No.3848772

>doesnt accept bitcoin
fucking lol

>> No.3848782


capitalism was a mistake

>> No.3848790

just sold 100k

>> No.3848858

Fuarkk nice job man. Religious people are a fucking goldmine; talk about a "passionate" niche.

Work on the site a little more, and upload more merch. Stuff should be categorized better
>phone cases

Also, not sure if you're doing this with the shirts and phone cases but just design stuff yourself and get it printed through printful or w/e. Probably better margins than dropshipping pre-made stuff like that from china. Be careful the designs are appropriate for your audience though....and actually good.
If you put some more work and thought into the site you could do well with that anon.

>> No.3848881

Thanks for the feedback, anon.
I didn't even know about Printful, thats gonna help alot.

>> No.3848945

Sure. if you're doing shopify just go on the apps part and look for "shirts" or just general merchandise.

Theres a fuckton of those print on demand services/apps, for all kinds of merch; look around for the ones that will give you the best margins, but keep quality in mind.
My favorite one is actually called printify, i just confuse it with printful....But some will have better margins for shirts, some for phone cases, some for stickers, etc; so def look around.

>> No.3849047

on tips on places I can create the designs in high quality so they do not print out blurry?

>> No.3849070

OP here
my dog died today
im sad as fuck
doesn't really belong here
sorry I'm drunk

>> No.3849126

Agree with this guy on most points. I like the niche.

With that said your site design needs improvement.

You also need better pictures. Pictures are perhaps the most important selling point for your merch

>> No.3849201
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>> No.3849523
File: 16 KB, 500x461, hugfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man. My doggo is old and i know she wont be around much longer. Your pupper will watch over you in the afterlife.

Needs to be 300dpi. I knew nothing about design but i've been learning a bit. If you work with vectors(AI or inkscape), its easy to export in any size you want.

Photoshop make sure its usually like at least 4000px/inch i think....im not sure dont remember, i dont use ps much

>> No.3849709

Anyone doing kindle erotica short story spam on amazon? Apparently if you have somewhat decent branding, and ccan manage to put out 40+ titles for 3.99 each (which is high priced), you can start pulling in a couple hundred a month regularly. Some start making fulltime living money when they have a catalogue of around 150+ titles.

It's an interesting option I think.

>> No.3849798

>Anyone doing kindle erotica short story spam on amazon?
like selling your own short story erotica? or where are you getting them?

I've been thinking about making guides/ short ebooks on stuff i know about and selling it for like $2-3 and seeing what happens

>> No.3849948

>I've been thinking about making guides/ short ebooks on stuff i know about and selling it for like $2-3 and seeing what happens
I too am interested in doing this, there's been an anon in an older thread who really inspired me.

>> No.3850072

no exp
>affiliate marketing
make good content.
>share some hot niches and target markets
psytech, food production
>how to start your own business
no xp
>betting in horses/games etc
no xp
link to good stuff
>make money with selling tshirts
no xp
no xp
have something to do for the downtime

>> No.3850108

Fuck yeah! Great niche!

>This so much. Feast or Famine, so always have a side hustle

>> No.3850116

>have something to do for the downtime
This so much. Feast or Famine, so always have a side hustle

>> No.3851024


you still there anon?

>> No.3851145

Hey man last thread I mentioned localbitcoins.

I might have a solution but I would like to tell you in private so I'm not called a shill

>> No.3851409

Fucking work remote then? Getting paid $5 to program is the definition of cucked

>> No.3851472
File: 112 KB, 648x809, mfh37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hour work week
what he's not telling you is you also need to become a successful author

>> No.3851821

kek. Is that true?
What is the book actually about, I've never read it because the title seemed too sensationalist but from what I understand the "4 hours" is only after you've created a source of passive income, yeah? Which takes time, money, and lots and lots of hard work right?

>> No.3851944


>> No.3851967
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>> No.3852310

Yeah, work hard and set shit up and then coast on the income.
Or get a job afterwards so you have even more dollara coming in

>> No.3852373

> This interests me. I wonder if there is market for someone who would literally fly to your city to buy or sell btc for cash. I don't know a lot about the aml surrounding this, but I wonder if it is the type of thing a good lawyer could get ahead of. I can fly a plane, which means I can be just about anywhere within a 500 mile radius within three hours, in anything short of a hurricane.

>> No.3852416


there's a market for everything anon. absolutely everything.

>> No.3852718

What is psytech? Psychometric testing?

>> No.3852729

Thanks anon

>> No.3852908



>> No.3852926


I'm making like 1k$ weekly with cryptos

>> No.3853072

/mfh/ official notepad

>> No.3853632

How do you make a profit from trading?

>> No.3853978



>> No.3854416


>> No.3855138

Coinbase is effortless and takes debit / CC, but dat 4% fee.

Best way for me in Aus are Aus crypto exchanges that accept standard Aus bank transfers once you've verified your identity. Then I recommend they keep in Coinbase as a wallet, then spend/transfer from there.

No fees for deposit, 0.0004btc withdrawal fee for bitcoin.

People I've recommended this to have been happy so far.