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384413 No.384413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Why don't you have a LinkedIn profile anon?"

What's the best way of handling this?

>> No.384419

... make a linkedin profile?

>> No.384420

Actually responded to an old guy about this.

LinkedIn is nothing more than a recruiter's lead list, disguised as a networking site.
I deleted it after getting shit like "Does John Smith know SQL Server?", and numerous "I saw your LinkedIn and want to put you in touch with companies in <not even my country by a long shot>".

I've got Github, that speaks more about me as a professional than some bullshit psudo-CV like LinkedIn.

>> No.384423

"I like to network in person"

>> No.384428

I don't want to sound like an aspie, but I really don't care for amassing "contacts" that I would need to message through a service like LinkedIn. I have an e-mail and a phone for that.

>> No.384461

>I don't allow other people's opinion of me to be mediated by private, unaudited, for-profit companies. Also, I value myself. I will not allow myself to be a product. Feel free to check out my house on Google Street view; it's the only one in my town which is blurred out.

Surprising how often people say "did you know your house is all blurry on street view?" They're creeping all the time.

>> No.384465

I laugh and walk out of the room. I don't want to work for a company staffed by people dumb enough to give two fucks about LinkedIn.

>> No.384476

LinkedIn communities were great when I was in college. Lots of information about jobs and internships I couldn't find on the web back then. I haven't used it in about 4-5 years though. It's in no means a replacement for job searching or networking, but it is a useful tool to do so. Combined with traditional means, it was decent.

>> No.384508

Make either the Linkedin or jobvite profile.

HR loves those sites, since they don't need to use resumes anymore, they can just import the information directly to their applicant tracking system.

Applicants can apply with one click, or they can run a query, and send a slate of pre-selected possibilities to the outsourced recruiters.

>> No.384512


How do you get your house blurred out on Google street view? I take any chance I get to hinder those fuckers.

>> No.384518

Note that if you plan on selling it in the next few years, you probably shouldn't have it removed.

People like to see how an area has changed if they are thinking of buying. If a view has been deleted, they have to assume the worst.

>> No.384527


Who buys a house by browsing Google street view?
You browse pictures of houses at some agency, and then go actually visit the house you consider buying.

>> No.384543

People who have been to a house in person, but want to see how the area has changed.

It's the same reason they pull historic police reports for the area, check the sex offender registry, etc. It is another data point to consider.

If all the houses are visible, but yours is not, they have to wonder why. Did a murder take place? Was a previous owner a hoarder, and might there be concealed damage resulting from that? Was there a fire, and the damage was not properly declared?

>> No.384556


Just pull its HouseFax

>> No.385859


>> No.385869

I had to take it down because I was getting calls every week from scumbag recruiters promising me the moon.