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3843939 No.3843939 [Reply] [Original]

>sitting around drinking coffee in central London on a cool and sunny day
>nothing to do
>managed to avoid junk food for over 40 hours but I'm so ugly and such a loser I feel like I'm cucking myself for nothing
>have procrastinated any productive hobbies for years, such as making something with programming; I am an empty consumerwhore shell of a human
>feel sad at seeing Staceys everywhere who consider me ugly
>feel guilty over all the books I do or don't read, the things I do or don't learn and the ways in which I do then or don't

I want to see blade runner again in cinemas but I don't want to pay money that goes to attractive life on easy mode people. It's too disgusting to walk in Oxford Street or picadilly circus. My lunch break is so long I don't even think about work anymore.

If only I wasn't so lazy and such an insecure perfectionist, I would spend my time making stuff through programming, the saviour of many of this era's worthless genetic male waste.

Everybody else has such an easy life compared to me. They get handed everything. Accepted everywhere. Almost everyone else is such a faceless clone.

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly; seeing attractive women everywhere is demoralising
>feel completely bitter and detached from others due to being an ugly subhuman; lifting weights did nothing

>> No.3843956

You post this all the time. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself you insufferable twat

>> No.3843980
File: 454 KB, 1280x1200, EC93136B-166F-42DB-9E01-5BE7AB811F04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go all in on LINK
>wait some time
>become millionaire
>get /fit/ and handsome
>pay whores to roleplay every important step that you missed out