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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3843158 No.3843158 [Reply] [Original]

Seems bullshit it's going up "because there is a fork in over a month.
Just lol.
There was a fork 1.5 month ago when the banksters fudded it and no one cared. Why do people care about it 1 month before when there is a huge update on 17 October, literally 4 days, instead?

When Homestead hit on February, it caused a crazy unprecedented bull run.

I have only one legitimate explanation for this:

Ethereum has become a shitcoin no one cares for.

> ETHmarines eternally btfo?

>> No.3843173
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Once btc is done pumping fo btc gold snapshot on the 25th all those gains will go into Ethereum since segwit2x fork is contentious meaning only one ONE will survive it can literally kill bitcoin as we know it.

>> No.3843181

ETH is over hyped garbage that doesn't do anything. At least when BTC is hyped up you can still buy shit with it.

>> No.3843182

Yeah I don't think anyone cares anymore. I bought in at $10 and I'm just letting it collect dust in my wallet and buying into other things. ETH seems valued right at $300

>> No.3843190


Consider this. The market fluctuated, and after 4 months the consensus was that eth is valued at $300.

Now we have new features coming into the product, and months of developer work. Surely this should add some value to the product, pushing it over $300?

>> No.3843213

When Vitalik said it was retardedly overvalued shouldn't that have given you a clue not to hodl?

>> No.3843221

what? BTC literally does nothing, just a store-of-value that could be replaced by any random shit coin on the planet.

>> No.3843223

Yeah but we're only FIVE days from Metropolis. Surely the price would've increased somewhat right? I'm just not sure about ETH anymore this year. It already has shot up so much

>> No.3843225

Lets be objective:
Can ethereum do everything bitcoin can do? Yes
Can ethereum do more stuff than bitcoin? Overwhelmingly yes
No brainer really

>> No.3843233

Why would you go and lie on the internet like that?

I bought a game and some ejuice this past week with BTC. I can't do that with any other coin.

>> No.3843241

Why aren't you making that coin?

I'd start by having a low, finite supply of them. People seem to like that.

If eth couldn't usurp it then it's safe to say no coin will.

>> No.3843251

"new features" = kicking the can down the road LOL
doesn't understand what they are talking about LMAO

>> No.3843256


I'm absolutely impressed at just how ridiculously bad this coin performs in light of these gigantic news that come in literally 4 days.

>> No.3843272
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Yeah. Uh huh. Ok. We heard that all before with bcash.

>> No.3843275
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>he didnt sold all alts for king BTC yet

>> No.3843290

OP I understand why you are mystified. Logic would dictate that ETH would be seeing a tremendous run right now, leading the market. Believe me, I love ETH, I got into it at $12 and still hold a lot long-term.

What you and everyone else in this space has to understand is that it is so nascent and new, that fundamentals don't play a big hand in speculative value of individual cryptos at this point. Everything is based on hype. Most investor value is spent chasing pumps and vaporware, I mean look at this fucking board.

Eventually, as time progresses we will see fundamentals catch up to the market, and things will have a more proper valuation.

>> No.3843298

Same. I'm just going to keep holding it because I bought in so early but I think it's safe to say the ETH hype days are over

>> No.3843352


Everyone who has been in crypto over a month and has half a brain knows ETH > BTC. That doesn't mean ETH will pump more than BTC. New dumb money is pouring in at every second and guess what: most of it is going to BTC, because most newfags don't even understand what a blockchain is.

While ETH will be worth more than BTC at some point in the following years, at the moment there are still a lot of gains to be made from BTC.

>> No.3843371

All that is fine and I agree,

but there is a fucking big iteration in 4 days.

Last one was in February.

It happens maybe once a year on average.

Ethereum is pretty well-known now.

Still, absolutely no positive trend whatsoever. It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.3843396
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stop it

>> No.3843411


Look at the USD chart. There is obviously a trend. It will continue to bleed on the ratio though.

>> No.3843419
File: 232 KB, 1024x683, 849111244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum IS pumping.

In other words, without Metropolis on the horizon this shit would be tanking right now.

>> No.3843439
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where do you guys buy your ETH with fiat?
coinbase fees too high.

>> No.3843441

Markets are irrational, especially speculation fests like crypto

>> No.3843448



>> No.3843457

eth is pumping and dumping simultaneously
thats how advanced it is
money skele is playing 5D chess

>> No.3843459

>muh Metropolis
everyone knows that because you ether fags talk about it everywhere everyday

it's already priced in

>> No.3843464


>> No.3843466

Sure ETH can "do more", but I don’t think BTC is valued for some kind of utility right now. BTC isn’t being bought because it is such a good currency. It clearly is being bought because it is an extremely robust store of value; meaning, there will only ever be <21M btc, irregardless of everything that can happen; meaning also, you can carry arbitrary large values with you on nothing but a piece of paper, or even in your brain if you care to learn your seed by heart. The sole reason BTC is better at this than all the other cryptos is that it was the first -- this is obvious. Its network is now the strongest. And it’s the most famous.

A blockchain revolution may or may not come to the internet; BTC will hold its value with no regards to whether anyone eventually BUILDS anything on top of its blockchain.

>> No.3843472

ETH has been steady on the rise lately while all the rest of the altcoins bleed.

>> No.3843473

just use gdax with your coinbase account

>> No.3843479

The two coins aren't comparable brainlet. It makes more sense to compare BTC to other currency coins like LTC or XEM. Both of which have advantages over BTC, but BTC will remain king despite it's drawbacks because it has the network and name to back it up.

That said ETH still hasn't produced anything of value.

>> No.3843515

There are good ideas there but they are dependent on someone doing something with the infrastructure that gives it tangible instead of speculative value. This has yet to happen.
Check out STATUS for an example of why ETH seems recursively pointless so far.

Also 90% >>3843290
>fundamentals don't play a big hand in speculative value of individual cryptos at this point
Money goes where it can get money and the money isn't flowing here at the moment. Things will settle down.