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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3842733 No.3842733 [Reply] [Original]

I would hereby like to invite anyone who wants and thinks this is just a mere pnd and holds no versecoins, to laugh and make fun of those who hold iron hands throughout this phase.

I do agree that the amount and especially quality of posts on metaverse that were posted on this forum have been/still are of very poor taste and quality. Nothing original and not a whole lot of answers as to what possible makes this project stand out from the rest or make it special enough to even consider throwing some hard earned bucks in.

And i do believe that a lot of the people that are in this through biz, do not have a good insight on how huge this could actually become, a lot of those (but not all) are in it on the mere promise of a crypto group that said they´d take it to 10 bucks, those will also be the people who we´ll be shaking loose on the second correction when we go near the $10.

I have been in this crypto game for a long time, the fudding has evolved and the organised pump and dump groups hold a lot of leverage now.

But there is one thing that has always remained a very important puzzle piece for a lengthy succes-story in this new era of blockchain tech and that is the team, the people behind it. Are they visionaries,what did they do before this and were they succesfull in those projects, do they hold some influence, who are their connections?
You gotta be able to Imagine from where that building block could go, and the only way you can do that is by looking into the past of what they have already done.

i´m not here to brag to you about which projects i got in at what prizes and ladiedadieda
I am also not here to sell this to you.

And don´t take this personally, but for the mere sake of keeping the biz traditions alive.

i will archive this thread and post it on /biz/ again on 12-10-2018

>> No.3842756

So will i make it got 5k in it

>> No.3842769

itt: pajeets

>> No.3842844

You won´t even need that much Anon.
Take out 100 coins when it hits 10 and take one of your friends out on a roadtrip.
You gotta remember to also take a breather every once in a while during this entire ratrace.

>> No.3842875

Ill order a hooker and tip her 50 ETP when that day comes

>> No.3842898

Ha, that´l make her day !

>> No.3842938


im curious though, what projects you got in earlie?

>> No.3843068

Darkcoin/xcoin haha, let´s just keep it on that one.

>> No.3843082
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer sirs pls buy metaverse

>> No.3843543

Pajeet jokes today.
Pink wojaks tomorrow.
Hop on board or don't, there's nothing to be gained from shilling here, it's bigger than that.

>> No.3843761
File: 24 KB, 331x334, 0142 - XSoiqem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaverse going to hit $3 in 3 hours. Will it go down or will it continue striding?

Upon hitting $2, there was no bounce back. ETP continued growing up until $2.5 where it held on all day yesterday, then at 20:30 GMT it hit $2.95 and fell back to $2.3.

The question is: Will we see a bounceback upon hitting $3 tonight?