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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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383883 No.383883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is working in McDonalds or Burger King worth it for minimum wage? It's just a summer job and I'm a student.

I worked in a kitchen (unknown company) last year and felt like I gained nothing except from the money. It was a brainless job.

I guess it's recognisable on a CV but I get the impression that employers give no shits about it (although i know there will always be people here who say that it demonstrates x,y, and z).

I'm going to apply, but the only benefit will be that I'll find it so brainless that I'll be desperate to do something productive when I get home (learn programming or a language)

>> No.383893

As long as it isn't in a ghetto area.

>> No.383918

Hey man, I worked at one from 15-18 years old.
Went from grill bitch to grill messiah.
Became an assistant manager at 17.
Ask to be in the grill, it's a fuck load of work, but you don't have to deal with fat assholes.

As for actual marketable skills:
Ability to work under intense pressure.
Incredible sense of urgency.
Ability to monitor and track things such as times food expires, including temperatures which you must remember.

It's more than you would think.
They offered me salary but I went to college.
Now I'm out and working as a recruiter for an IT staffing firm.

>> No.383922
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Also, this was at McDonalds.
I started at $7.15.
Now min wage is at least a dollar more than that?
CPI/inflation hasn't risen too much so you're getting a pretty good deal.

Another thing, ask to learn truck orders and to count and bring in food stock.
Those add to some skills, budgeting, stock.. etc.

>> No.383933

So if i have the choice of working at a starbucks style coffee shop or burger king, which should I pick?

>> No.383939

People at Starbucks are bigger pricks.
Also, isn't Starbucks a franchise? Anyone with enough money to be your boss will be your boss, doesn't mean he's actually qualified to be it.

>> No.383960

Did you read any of my posts asshole?
Do you want to make shitty fag drinks or do you want to become a grill god?

>> No.383961

isn't mcd a franchise too?

>> No.383965

>I worked in a kitchen (unknown company) last year and felt like I gained nothing except from the money. It was a brainless job.

You described Every job ever.
Once you know how to do a job it instantly becomes mindless and routine.

Being a wage slave is terrible, but not as bad as being a business owner slave.

>> No.383968


It isn't worth it to be shot by some thug who is missing a fry in his bag.

But if it's a nice neighborhood, why not? We all have to start somewhere. It's not good experience, but it will add to your resume. And you'll make some money.

I worked at a zoo in a shit tier position for a couple years during high school/college and that position helped me get into my field (accounting). Employers like to see that you aren't some lazy asshole who goes home to masturbate to MLP after work, even if that work is as worthless as McDonalds.

>> No.383976

*who goes home to masturbate to MLP after school

>> No.383999

the enthusiasm you maintain for your previous experience working in fast food is intoxicating

>> No.384038

I did the Walmart thing in college. It's pretty pleb teir but it's a throw away job. You do it for some extra money on the side and you don't have to worry about being a good employee or anything. You just quit when you feel like the money is no longer worth the time and be on your way. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.384101

I work at Zeus Theater just to stay sane. I work at a bank and make good money. But was surrounded by squares and people brainwashed by their rich parents. I got a PT job at Zeus Theater that none of my co-workers know about. It just feels good to communicate with normal people every now and then.

>> No.384114
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Go to a temp job and work at a warehouse

Do manual labor, you'll make more, and it will be more valuable for connections. When I'm going to uni I plan on either working for a Staples warehouse part time @ $13/hr or Honda of America MFG for $14/hr @ 16 hours a week.

I live in a low cost of living state, $13/hr and $14/hr are great, especially for a part time job.

>> No.384116
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How long do temp jobs usually last?