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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3834388 No.3834388 [Reply] [Original]


nonlinkies btfo

>> No.3834394

Finally a girl who isn't asian.

>> No.3834412

link is gonna be much smaller than you think...

linkies btfo

>> No.3834428

Oh fuck, he is talking about LINK. This is going to blow up soon.

>> No.3834433

stopped it at 50 secs, fucking boring old faggot spouting off buzzwords.

>> No.3834449

yeah. That boring nigga's got terrible posture too

>> No.3834455


>> No.3834462

>We will focus on how to roll this out
>A year ago we had a concept, and now its LIVE
He's referencing chainlink, isn't he?

>> No.3834463

What a tool. Supercomputes on every city are going to make this obsolete.

>> No.3834476

Woahhhhhh nice find OP!

>> No.3834488

this one isnt about link, he talks about fintech singapore winners, link won a different event.

>> No.3834498

*supercomputers in every toilet

>> No.3834500


>> No.3834503

hahahaha these fucking jews are just trying to slap new technology on top of the slow as fuck dinosaur infrastructure. It's not going to work, it needs to be replaced. They are about to be BTFO very soon :^)

>> No.3834504


>> No.3834514

i want to tongue her butthole

>> No.3834541
File: 66 KB, 1280x541, DL44tvKWAAAhczu.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LINK/SmartContract.com (Sergey) won LAST YEAR what those Singapore FinTech startups won THIS YEAR. So Sergey did this mini presentation last year, so did RISE and CoinSciences. However, RISE and CoinSciences are not at SIBOS this year -- ChainLink is the only one that has been incorporated into SWIFT's GPI

>> No.3834564

I fucked up selling half my stack around 8.2k so I could buy back in cheaper...now I'm torn between wanting it to moon so my half position can prosper and wanting it to crash so I can buy in more cheap. I don't like this feeling.

Should I sell the rest of my coins or buy back in?

>> No.3834565

>someone isn't aware of what Chainlink actually is

It's a plug&play add-on for smart contracts because the network is decentralized. The existing systems and networks can perfectly continue to exist.

>> No.3834575

don't fucking sell or you will be the one parking our lambos.

>> No.3834578

do some fucking research, you silly boy.

>> No.3834591

I thibk its price is accurate to the product atm

>> No.3834594

That's exactly what I just said. They're slapping new tech on top of the slow as fuck network. It's sloppy and it's not going to help when real competition shows up. This oligarchy of banking jews that have been in charge for so long are about to get destroyed.

>> No.3834596

Why is the best part of the picture cutoff

>> No.3834597
File: 79 KB, 1015x745, smartcontract22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are bit behind, aren't you fella

>> No.3834601

I did, probably more than you. LINK can't save SWIFT.

>> No.3834608

Well it sure as fuck isn't accurate to dozens of literally useless shitcoins that have bigger market caps.

>> No.3834609
File: 754 KB, 802x676, 87F5E643-9097-46AC-A51A-FA2DA76DC059-1474-000000F2E714EC7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait what the fuck LINK didnt win in Singapore, so what shitcoin is the jew in the video referring to?

>> No.3834612

Ok...I'll hold... I was convinced Walton was going to moon just like I am with Link, but I ended up getting fucked daytrading Walton and selling off at like 75 cents...

I will not let this repeat...I will hold the rest of my stack until $2.

>> No.3834613

Op do you have moar of her? name?

also link will be YUGE

>> No.3834620

Except Chainlink/Smartcontract is ideal for "slapping on top" of old networks.

>> No.3834627

"year ago we had a concept and now its live" thats Chainlink, singapore gpi shit isn't link related
get a load of these fucking brainlets that have monkey in link and will multiply it by cheer accident

>> No.3834637

by 2018 all major banks will employ only womyn, gays, trannies and blacks. All employees will wear a micro-supercomputer made in the shape of a buttplug and each "node" will connect wirelessly via googlefiber. This will render blockchain and LINK obsolete.

shitlery clinton will be president after trump is impeached in 2019. she will then nuke putin.

Sergey will be a bottom-twink escort on the bombed out streets of a post-apocalyptic moscow.

screencap this and save it for future reference.

it's over Linkfags. i have seen the future.

>> No.3834682

Your great insight in the banking world has me convinced. Just sold all my LINK

>> No.3834699


How am I behind? Its literally the exact same thing on the right. The point is how it connects to the shit on the left, which is SWIFT's GPI roadmap

>> No.3834730
File: 19 KB, 657x624, 1476466575642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave me a chuckle, m8

>> No.3834736

>LINK is ideal as a bandage
Cute. But that's all it is. It can only buy them time before they're toppled.

>> No.3834747

>low-threshold add-on that allows for mainstream smart contracts


>> No.3834754


lenatheplug on instagram

>> No.3834762
File: 40 KB, 1017x443, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on smartcontract dot com, it claims that SWIFT is already a user. see screenshot.

so why is this still discussed, or why is this video of the oldman SWIFTfag talking important?

isn't the SWFIT-is-a-user one of the reasons LINK is above $100m market cap?

also, does anyone know how old Sergey is.

pls respond, i am a brainlet retard who keeps panic-selling LINK because i'm a glasshanded twat.

>> No.3834768

I just sold all my link.

Have fun holding bags!

>> No.3834776

Damn, that string of buzzwords sure convinced me. In fact it just replaced SWIFT's infrastructure with something that isn't a slow piece of shit. The whole thing. It replaced the whole thing. Thanks.

>> No.3834779

and then society dies out because everyone is a NewYourk city homosex jew that doesn't reproduce.

>> No.3834793

Don't be upset.

>> No.3834795

sir gay is like 28. I believe. Definitely under 30s.

>> No.3834801

>mainstream smart contracts is a buzzword
Just sell all your LINK and go all in on COSS right now you dumb faggot

>> No.3834810

Oh, I already sold ATH. Thanks for buying my bags, faggot. By the way, how's that portfolio bleed coming? Getting better? It won't ever get back to where you bought in at, but hopefully you can minimize your loss. Just don't get too greedy! Sell when you can :^)

>> No.3834823

I'm not upset. I'm actually kind of amused. It's fun watching you deluded autists lose your lunch money.

>> No.3834827

You sure type a lot and use a lot of bad words for someone who isn't upset.

>> No.3834836

You're right, bad words are bad. Sorry

>> No.3834842

thanks, kind of what i thought too.
for reference i am 29 and have accomplished fuck all with my life. oh well.
i guess i can always start my own blockchain since it looks like basically anyone can do that nowadays.

step 1: get a website running
step 2: write a whitepaper
step 3: plan out a roadmap
step 4: ???
step 5: profit.

for example, check out paragoncoin. some whore is listed as the CEO.

>> No.3834854

all the stupid shit that moons for the most minor imbecilic reasons and the link just resists and resist

>> No.3834874


Im not even sure its possible to replace those legacy bank systems now with out shutting down the banking system. that why John Titor came back for that IBM computer

>> No.3834881

Imagine she just gives a hard push and shits all over the bed in that position.

>> No.3835206

Woahhhhhh nice find OP!

>> No.3835224

hahaha just wait til the supercomputes on each city.

>> No.3835233

youre not behind. that guys just a retard

>> No.3835446

LMAO there will never be supercomputers in each city. Maybe each state capital...