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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3834109 No.3834109 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that there are shitloads of people here on biz that bought LINK. Many here have decent stacks, 50k++. That many people, especially from biz, are not allowed to be happy. Can you imagine? Us neets actually making it? Fate won't allow that shit guys. Sell your LINK now and just hop onto the next moon mission. Be happy with your 2x-5x. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.3834135

These fucking Metaverse shills are the worst.

>> No.3834144

Half of my stack sold, still 40k in the bag. Feeling comfy

Next moon mission inc.

>> No.3834152

happened with eth, omg and antshares, u will not deny me lamboland

>> No.3834162

Agreed fuck this gay universe stupid scam life fuck you

>> No.3834179

Kek. Go ahead, sell your LINK.

>> No.3834207

I didn't even mention Metaverse. I dunno yet what the next moon will be.

Gonna play it safe and just pull out my initial investment + 50%, leave the rest. Honestly this prediction has no other basis other than we literally are not allowed to be happy. That's about it. I'm sure most of us here feel the same way.

>> No.3834283


I get you, if LINK hits $5, which it looks like it could, I'll have ten times as much money as I've ever had in my life. And that literally cant happen, so logically LINK must tank

>> No.3834290

LINK is literally the best investment out of the top 200. It makes up 40% of my portfolio now and I don't see the point in selling. Maybe if it was above 50%.

>> No.3834879

This. My luck, the Ripplefags will win. Sorry guys. I cursed LINK by buying in.

>> No.3834907


If LINK hits $5 I will have a million dollars, which is actually retarded.

I do not in any way deserve that much money.

>> No.3834926

As sure fire as link is and how much it resembles the shills of eth and omg. I just can't believe that lamboland is going to happen to me. I'm in the same disbelief that link isn't going to win because i bought into it too.

Just hard to imagine but I'm all in link 15k

>> No.3834998

This shit right here is why it won't happen. The universe won't allow that to happen. If there's a chance that it's gonna moon, some crazy shit will manipulate Sergey into pulling out a gun and wave it at the faggots at SIBOS so that we neets won't be happy. It's just impossible.

It just can't happen. I'll never be successful/happy with just this.

>> No.3835045

It's true. If LINK even hits 0.5 cents it's gonna be a miracle. It's clearly overhyped, you people are dumb.

>> No.3835478

Come take it from me faggot

>> No.3835954


Shut the fuck up cunt there are people out there making way more by

1)slaving 3rd world workers and jacking the price of their product up 5-100x.

2) Intentionally degrade their product so you have to buy again sooner;

3) Obtaining patents so they can jack up the price unreasonably;

And many more. These are interesting times we live in, and unusual things like a NEETs and basement dwellers becoming millionaires will just be part of the highlights of this century.

Just be nice and make good use with the money you will/may make.

>> No.3835961


oh shit wrong person to reply to, soz m8 on the phone

>> No.3837233

It seems that way but trust me you nerd faggots lucked out with this one.

>> No.3837283

when it happens dont take for granted, cling to that w your life, dont make fucked up moves

>> No.3837346

>just broke 9500
the fuck happened

>> No.3837347

we deserve to be happy, OP :^)

>> No.3837430


My exact train of thought when I saw how many people were holding fat stacks of ARK.

Some people in crypto will get rich, most people on /biz/ will miss out.

WTC is the most recent moon mission I can think of and very few people here were holding any of that. from <$1 to almost $9

>> No.3837456
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MAJ - Aleron-Helix Reporting in, take note of the ranking system of LINK on /Biz/. Help LINK become the community it deserves to be.

- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 750001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK