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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 575 KB, 736x1794, Bewerbungsdesing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
383305 No.383305 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys

Do you have any great looking template for your cv?
I tried alot searching but most of them are so plain, do you have any Special one that you're willing to share?

Would be awesome

>> No.383306

Oh and These templates from the Picture are from Loft Resume but they are fuckin pricy ( 99$)

>> No.383319


>1/5 of the resume is covered by the person's name in a fancy font

>paying someone money to make your resume look gay as fuck


>> No.383326

Your resume isn't a flyer for a music festival. Wtf is up with those? I wouldn't even look at some in OP's pic, unless it was for a graphic design position.

>> No.383327

Pictures on your CV
Shitty fonts

The only CV that should even have these are for design jobs. Even then your cover letter should have a link to your portfolio.

>> No.383330

Protip: Delivery and presentation is everything, the only delivery and presentation that matter is how your plain looking resume gets into the manager's hands.

>> No.383332

so you mean getting to the manager directly with a charismatic smile etc. right?

>> No.383336
File: 32 KB, 238x220, 1398257565907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for templates
Just google for nice templates and recreate them yourself.

>> No.383365

Your resume should be akin to this site http://motherfuckingwebsite.com/

One page long, brief and to the point.

>> No.383391

Is this a you cringe you lose thread?

>> No.383417


>> No.384722
File: 122 KB, 600x776, intothetrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colors, pictures, fancy fonts on your resume
nigga you trying to get trashed?
pic related what not to do

>> No.384745


I've hired a lot of people. I'd glance at any one of those resumes on the right side, assume it was from some special snowflake geny faggot, and into the trash it goes. Two second decision.

This format is correct, even if you're not applying for finance jobs. No graphics, no colors. Why do people find this shit so complicated?

>> No.384750

also, your resume shouldn't be more than one page.

If you're right out of college and you hand me a two page resume, INTO THE TRASH IT GOES

>> No.384772

>The person who made this is male
What a horrid world

>> No.384798

before: resumes
after: hotel bar menus

>> No.384849
File: 54 KB, 393x700, 1402853066119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important are cover letters? Is it just fluff in the end?

>> No.384874
File: 123 KB, 785x1048, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my resume /biz/

go easy on me

>> No.384876
File: 2.43 MB, 800x8304, professional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.384877

I'd say coverletters are pretty important.

It's a quick letter to highlight some things and say what you're going for.

if theres a job ad that you're aiming for, then the coverletter is essentially the response, and the resume is just who you are.

writing a good cover letter that is effectively formatted is important™

>> No.384882


I refuse to believe this is real

>> No.384891

>GNU-less Linux
>LaTeX instead of \LaTeX

>> No.384892

>LaTeX instead of \LaTeX

I figured the latex emblem would be too distracting and for not much point.

no one cares about GNU

>> No.384893


I've seen far worse when I asked HR to stop filtering out "crap" and let me decide for myself.

The one big flaw might not be obvious to some people:

>Including DOB

Since it is illegal to consider age in hiring, it's safest to just toss all resumes that include the age. If it's a general policy, with no exceptions, you have a solid defense if you get sued.

>> No.384897

If you're too pussy to go full LaTeX than don't even bother putting it on your résumé, you little faggot. Linux doesn't mean shit without the GNU, or are you a kernel developer (no, you aren't)? And finally, unless you have equal knowledge of both C and C++ (unlikely), list them as separate language so potential employers know that your aren't a mouth-breather who wrote Hello World in C++ and decided to include both C and C++ on his résumé.

Also, don't ask for advice and then complain when you get some you ungrateful little fuck. I swear to Christ if I ever find you I'm going to give you the beating you need that your dad never had the balls to give you.

>> No.384898
File: 69 KB, 1288x1080, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one netted me a comp.eng job that pays $8k/month.

Keeping it simple is key.

>> No.384900


yeah rightio, I'm not gunning for some high tier programmer job, I'm wanting to do electrical engineering. I just have an understanding of C and C-like code (C++). they're part of the same family. I can code in it but probably not to save my life.

GNU bullshit is irrelevant to Linux. what, am I going to spout my superior knowledge of coreutils? not to mention Linux shit like android is not GNU.

I still don't really give a shit about LaTeX. they get it. the message is clear, I can use LaTeX. I don't need a sore thumb sticking out to tell them that.

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying your opinion is pretty valueless.

>> No.384909

Sorry but he had a point. I haven't seen a single employee that gives a fuck about terminology like that. For instance, it is generally understood that "Linux" refers to the collection of linux distros. Actually speficying GNU/Linux makes you sound like a tryhard, getting you rejected.

>> No.384915

What are you looking for, an internship at an engineering firm? I don't see a whole lot of relevant engineering skills on your résumé besides the low-level general-purpose programming languages. have you learned anything from your courses you could wedge in there? Your skills are all over the place so it's hard to tell what you're going after.

>Actually speficying GNU/Linux makes you sound like a tryhard, getting you rejected.
Literally anyone who would reject an applicant for using the correct and appropriate terminology is a goddamn idiot who is not worth working for. Unless you are experienced solely with the kernel you are using a variant of GNU. Android/Linux would be appropriate too, but specifying Linux would obviously be unnecessary. But yeah, I was mostly taking the piss; nobody really gives a shit as long as everything else checks out. Can't hurt, though.

>> No.384918

Unless you're going for Something that involves being creative or a highly sought after position(investment banker etc.) then this is good.

>> No.384932

>I just have an understanding of C and C-like code (C++). they're part of the same family. I can code in it but probably not to save my life.
What is your definition of "family"? There are a metric shit-load of languages that could be described as "C-like". Have you written non-trivial programs in both languages? I swear to all fuck if I give you a trivial exercise in C and you try to use iostreams I will find you and kill you.

>> No.384942
File: 130 KB, 864x648, open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I give you a trivial exercise in C and you try to use iostreams I will find you and kill you.
mate. I'm not that retarded.

>What are you looking for, an internship at an engineering firm? I don't see a whole lot of relevant engineering skills on your résumé besides the low-level general-purpose programming languages. have you learned anything from your courses you could wedge in there? Your skills are all over the place so it's hard to tell what you're going after.

thats good criticism.
I'm looking for entry level EE jobs ideally. I do have a bunch of electronic projects I've made but I can't fit them on the resume, so I usually just mention it in the coverletter and tell them I'll bring it in if they want to inspect them. ( I take great pride in the shit I've made)

but see I'm still just in Uni and not much behind me, the only other option jobwise is trolley-pusher at woolies and I don't want to work like that.

I mean I will if i need money, but atm I'm just shooting upwards.

The diploma + projects I've made should mean a little bit though,

pic related, its a clock

>> No.384947

The school girl part could land her a job with some weirdo

>> No.384958

Hello friends, try >>>/gd/ for cv designs. They always seem to have a thread on it.

>> No.384998

where would that ever get a response besides at daddy's firm?

>> No.385003

actually this might just be good for a technical field, they can see what you claim to know, ask you a set of questions and confirm and it doesnt need to waste any time

>> No.385118

>scroll down to education section
>Maths - D
why just why would you put that
This resume is a trainwreck obviously and at best she could get a job at some comic or game store with it but with those shitty math skills there's no way she'll even get hired at those places now.

>> No.385131
File: 136 KB, 300x450, 4493345+_8a298105aa9a6015a200c95aa71bd9b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hiring people for my team and so many people make me cringe when they try to appeal to me with their story about helping some niggers in africa in the middle of their list of skills for the job. DON'T DO IT. I did end up hiring one of those though but still it was retarded.

>> No.385437

Eurofag here, based EU gave us a standard to follow and no one will ever consider you unless your CV is in this form.

>> No.385439


I'd instantly trash a resume that used \LaTeX. It would seem incredibly tryhard and I'm not going to tolerate that.

>> No.385449

The one's on the left are perfect. I read hundreds of resumes every week. I can't stand faggots who add color or fancy shit making it even harder to read.

>> No.385453


Why can't we ever just get a good kid who did his internships, participated in a few organizations, and finished school on time?

It's always the same autistic fucks who got a good GPA but didn't do anything else, has no experience to show for, etc. Or it's the study abroad I know 3 languages, major in Accounting but half of my classes are liberal arts, took 5-6 years to graduate, parents paid for everything kid.

We just began hiring experienced people or foreigners. Any college grad in America are fucking retarded, even the ones from great private schools around here. They have no skills in anything other than to recite shit their professor said. They spend more time making their CV fancy when nothing is on it but irrelevant skills you'd put when applying to McDonald's or Starbucks.

>> No.385455


>Only hire people with experience
>Why don't these kids have any experience?

Seriously, you expect every kid fresh out of Uni to be a perfect employee with 15 years of experience in varied employment and top of the class grades from an Ivy school? AND then you expect that kid to want to work for YOU?

>> No.385462


When handling millions of dollars in accounts, I expect any graduate applying to have experience at least in a bank or some sort of internship to show for. Cash handling experience at the mall's coffee shop doesn't count.

Don't think you guys are special. I work in finance. People don't look at your GPA or degree. If you don't have experience, you aren't getting shit. Especially in finance/IB. This is why you S&T who has an electrical engineering degree. But he has 2 internships in Finance and has been investing on his own since he was 17. He has experience. Banking is very proprietary. They don't care what you learned, as long as you can show you think for yourself and can be taught. If they all used the same system you were taught in college, every institution would be Goldman Sachs. Take two Finance grads from the same school, same professor. Put one in Goldman for 4 years and another in JP Morgan for 4 years then let them hang out. You wouldn't think they ever went to the same school.

>> No.385464


>This is why who

This is why we just hired a new S&T

>> No.385471


Not really, but then again I have actual talent and experience in my field where such resumes are irrelevant.

>> No.385478
File: 62 KB, 437x437, 1400428629973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, how are you supposed to get things to put on your CV if you need a CV to get those things in the first place?

>> No.385484

Those kind of CVs really only work if you are looking for a marketing/creative position...

Otherwise, they look unprofessional.
Sure, they might get noticed, but it looks like the work for a 7th grader who discovered Word Art.

Let your experience/skills make your CV stand out, not some cheap flashy gimmicks like pictures and layouts.

>> No.385485

you make shit up until you've got enough real things to put on your CV

>> No.385517
File: 153 KB, 785x1048, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd put horizontal lines between each section like this to break up the sections.

>> No.385546

I paid $300 to get my CV professionally done a couple of years back, I've been copying that template ever since and converting to PDF before I send it off. It's like 7 pages long though which now I realise is a terrible idea, goddamn waste of money. Standard for a resume is 2 pages, I don't know how many jobs that $300 cost me.

>> No.385649

Literally this. Spent three months desperate for a job last summer - nothing. This summer I faked three past employers, made up some email addresses for references (that I opened accounts for in Gmail etc) and applied at around 20 places - within three days i'd heard back from 5, had two interviews, and got a job as manager of a branch of an international company. I know my shit, and you have to be excellent at bullshitting through an interview, but it was definitely worth it.

>> No.385653

Isn't putting a picture and DOB on your resume just leaving yourself totally open to discrimination?

Just fucking stupid thinking its a good idea to include them (unless you're a qt with impressive fruits)

>> No.385738


Note that this will backfire if you ever apply for a job that runs a background check.

You can get a copy of your employment background check file once a year from Equifax by sending in this form: http://www.theworknumber.com/Employees/DataReport/report_request.pdf

To be safe, don't contradict what comes back in the report.

>> No.385747

> Isn't putting a picture and DOB on your resume just leaving yourself totally open to discrimination?

In the US, the resume would just be trashed by HR before anyone sees it.

There's a long list of things which are illegal to consider when hiring. If a resume reveals them, they might have basis for a suit if you reject them.

The safest action is to have a blanket policy with no exceptions. Any resume which reveals data you can not legally consider goes into the trash.

>> No.385757

What's wrong with knowing languages? I know 3 as of now and am learning my 4th? Seriously, I thought those were assets. Not a liberal arts major by the way, finance and com sci. But still, wtf is wrong with languages?

>> No.385788


90% of people who claim to speak various languages can't speak any fluently. They are just tryhards.

Don't include it among your main skills if it has nothing to do with the job.

>> No.385973

>>It would seem incredibly tryhard and I'm not going to tolerate that.
>takes literally a single keystroke to add a backslash to the word
>not writing your resume in LaTeX to begin with

lmao, you seem like such a hilariously petty cunt. What positions are you hiring for?

>> No.386813

much better now

>> No.387372

The ones on the left are better than the ones on the right

>> No.387446


So how would a Marketing Co-Op (Focused on the business development and analytical side, not the shit tier creative side) at a F150 company combined with leadership positions in two clubs and a 3.4 cumulative be as far as hiring goes? I'll probably get a part time internship Spring semester as well.

I'm not interested in IB, but I wouldn't mind working at a mutual fund or corporate finance position.