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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 237x300, substratum-moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3830817 No.3830817 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for all the substratum holders because our IQ is above pajeet tier level.
For those who are not already in it, you do not want to miss this train before January 2018.

Substratum is a blockchain for a decentralized web where anyone can help the network by serving requests and thus getting paid for them.
This will be the global web host of the entire blockchain space. All sites related to blockchain will be using it and adopting it in the future. You do not want to miss out on this. Unlike Stratis and other pajeet shilled coins, this will have guaranteed adoption. It will replace mainstream web hosting as we know it in the future because it will be much cheaper and more efficient. There is no government regulation that can stop this either unlike for example healthcare regulations with PTOY.

>Market cap is still small (~30m) compared to what they are going to deliver
>Their youtube channel is updated almost everyday. Every single video addresses that question running deep in your mind.
>3 weeks after ICO and they are already starting to deliver results.
>Test net in December 2017, a full network launch in January 2018
>No external bullshit software required meaning you can use any browser to access the Substratum hosted sites. You can also keep your domain names too
>You will be able to host PHP, Database and Javascript onto the Substratum network unlike with SHIFT.
>They have not hit major exchanges but one of their team members has a broker at Bittrex which will get them listed closer to the network launch
>The last token burn was 60m substratum when they got released on Binance, the total circulating supply is currently 226 million. The next big token burn will be when they are released onto Bittrex, reducing the market cap.
>The token will definitely be used by people to purchase web hosting on the platform and substratum hosts will be rewarded using the token as well

Do not miss out on this. Submarines lock in

>> No.3830920
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>> No.3831135
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You will never have to wage cuck again in your life if you keep up those strong hands

>> No.3831216
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i know, it makes me glad, but i'll only truly feel it once i liquidate what i have.
i've literally averaged a bit less than 1k a day these past 10 days.

i'm hodling until SUB is at LEAST 10usd. but honestly, i don't think i'm selling until end of january when product is out already. if things are looking good i won't even sell then and will just wait for cryptopay.

>> No.3831223

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUJoTH0XLERKl55zGnFI6g
They're redesigning the site currently and it'll be out soon

After digging around more, I discovered that the last token burn when they go on Bittrex will discard 100m tokens
That will half the coins market cap meaning even more room to go up.
Early entry my /biz/ friends

>> No.3831343
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/biz/tards hate money lol
they get literally hyped more for shitcoins with less use and/or potential than SUB. just be sure to screencap these posts to post 'em once SUB hits over 1usd and theres a bunch of pink wojak complaining about how they missed their chance

>> No.3831683

do you actually think it will reach 2.24 billion market cap?! even with the burn

>> No.3831732

What is the difference between substratum and fenix?

>> No.3832198

why can't i find it on bittrex?

>> No.3832222
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Daily reminder

i got 10k usd in this btw /comfy/

>> No.3832338

We all know that this is a pnd, just tell me faggots how high are you gonna pump. I'm already onboard.

>> No.3832396
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Yes. The Sub Network will be used by decentralized exchanges that countries won't be able to ban, it'll be used by new piratebays that won't be able to be taken down, it'll be used by regular folks looking for cheap hosting... there's no stopping this once it's out there.

Volume will increase ridiculously because people will be buying SUB tokens to pay for hosting without ever needing to step foot in an exchange. By all rights this tech is much better than LTC, NEM and DASH, it has much more use and real-world possibilities.

FENX is a meme coin, made by an unknown dev team with a shitty whitepaper. SUB has an experienced team of devs that worked with Apple, NBA, HP, Kodak, American Express, Disney and Cardinal Health. They raised 13.8mil during ICO, receiving 5mil from a company called Render Payments that provides payment solutions for cannabis and other high risk purchases.

Beta is coming out in December, v1 in January. This coin is fucking dirt cheap for what it is offering, and I'm saying that even though I got in at 3 fucking cents.

If you dump this coin before January you are objectively retarded. And even then, if CryptoPay turns out to be promising you'd be missing a golden opportunity.

I got 93k of these beauties, I'm hodling for life and never wagecucking again. By this time next year I'll be retired.

>> No.3832423
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Too many bags senpai. But fuck it, what's one more.

>> No.3832445

Screencap this fucking thread and we'll post next year once fuckers are posting their pink wojaks and complaining about how they missed this train.

SUB probably won't go much cheaper than 13 cents IMO (currently at 15 in Binance). But if you want you can wait for the ETH fork to see if price will lower before getting in, no guarantee tho.

>> No.3832459

We're going to be the equivalent of an Olympic powerlifter with all these bags we're holding. Crypto-crashes don't scare us that easily.

>> No.3832537
File: 69 KB, 1304x456, substratum-moon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this?

Not yet on Bittrex if it were it'd have mooned

I think this is going to run the entire blockchain web space. It has small competition (SHIFT is all I can think of) and they're not even makign their own product.
Read this you'll understand more why

I wish it were but this really is a game changer for the industry

>> No.3832706
File: 188 KB, 1117x553, crypto_pay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend watching this video of a UI sneakpeak into how easy they plan to streamline hosting a website online. This will blow CPanel and billion dollar webhosts like GoDaddy out of the water


Don't forget CryptoPay which will serve as Crypto's PayPal on the decentralized web

>> No.3832809

question time: apparently substratum works with normal DNS. Does it work with ENS as well?

If it only works with DNS, what stops ICANN from purging a site from the face of the earth like they did to Daily Stormer.

story here: http://www.returnofkings.com/128775/daily-stormer-is-the-first-website-to-be-banned-from-the-internet-for-its-speech

>> No.3832902

ICANN can go fuck itself


>> No.3833051

>Unless one specifically changes their DNS resolution settings, alternative DNS top level domains are generally unreachable, and very few Internet service providers provide this configuration by default.

So this basically means that if we want a decent domain name we'll go through ICANN, which by definition is centralized and they can fuck us at any time. This defeats the purpose of a decentralized www.

If we want to go fully decentralized, we'll have to use an alternative DNS root which means shit traffic.

I'm not shitting on Substratum cause I understand it's utility, but at the same time they are shitting on Shift while their alternative is not that much better.

If I'm going decentralized I want to whole package.

>> No.3833146

IMO "decent" domain name is only really relevant as long as its your own and not a subdomain. As long as its not mywebsite.substratum.net or something I'm sure most people who would get their domains banned by ICANN would be fine.

Also, ICANN very very rarely purges a website. Piratebay is still up and so is 4chan. If it comes down to it there are alternates that would probably be enough for the types of sites ICANN would ban...

But yea, I see what you mean.

>> No.3833320

>Also, ICANN very very rarely purges a website. Piratebay is still up and so is 4chan.

If you said this to me like 1-2 months ago I'd have agreed. But seeing that guy having his shit pushed in so hard, really makes me worry. It set a very dangerous precedent.

Don't want to go full /pol/ on here, but I don't trust faggots that have this much power. The type of shit that is happening right now in the world, where everything is considered a fucking crime, will put us on a slippery slope towards a future where banning sites like 4chan would be considered normal.

A fully decentralized www would be a dream, but I don't see this happening anytime soon.

>> No.3833363

I see what you mean (and totally agree btw). I honestly see Substratum as being our best chances at a decentralized www right now.

Maybe eventually they'll be able to provide their own domains without resorting to ICANN, like Emercoin does. Or they could just use Emercoin's service I guess.

>> No.3833384

Neither do I. A fully decentralized web will take a lot of time. However I am a firm believer in this because it will streamline web hosting in general. Everything you've said about the DNS and ICANN is 100% correct. It still remains a problem but it's not something that can quickly be solved.Over the years if they happen to become a major threat, someone will develop a solution for it just like Satoshi did with Bitcoin after 08.

>> No.3833418

g-g-guys... something is wrong....

a healthy discussion on 4chan? wtf?

>> No.3833461

about to buy 10k pls dont meme me again biz... this is all i have left

>> No.3833480

price LITERALLY just dipped on Binance. Godspeed anon. Join the Substratum Slack if you want, community is awesome.

>> No.3833524
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.3833770

let me fix that for you


>> No.3833787

Where did you get an invite link to the slack? The one on the main site is expired

>> No.3833794

"Thread for all the substratum holders because our IQ is above pajeet tier level."

>> No.3833805

Invest wisely in ETFs and in hand picked blue chip stocks
Max out your 401(k) contributions
stop buying avocados

>> No.3833816
File: 47 KB, 1067x600, 1485478375523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw all SUB posters green ID in this thread

>> No.3833933

all it takes these days is a few photoshoppped images, a 3 page word doc, and a few youtube videos and you can make millions.

>> No.3834021

>few photoshopped images

oh boy, stay poor retard

i'd tell you but they're probably not keen on me sharing it on an anonymous image board. go on plebbit and ask on their subreddit and they'll probably give it to ya

>> No.3834075

nah i already created some of my own icos :-)
>12 posts by this id
>8 posts by this id
thinly veiled shill thread

>> No.3834189

you wouldn't shill a product you not only believe but invested money in?

are you daft? this thread is fully transparent as shill thread, no one is even trying to hide it.

>> No.3834199

There's just no point in arguing with you. Stupid FUD and no reason or logic to back it up.
Enjoy the wealth from the "supposed" shitty $500 ICOs you created 7 years ago
I doubt you're anyone special some pajeet crying why he misses out on all the trains

>> No.3834278


What is the rationale behind burning tokens?

>> No.3834299

they are unused tokens from the ICO, instead of burning them all at once they burnt in 2 separate dates with a 3rd one coming up.

burning tokens limits supply which in turns increases the coin's value. if you limit too much you have a problem, but as long as you're at least 7 figures for a coin that's the currency for a platform you should be fine (SUB is 9 figures)

>> No.3834320

They are burning excess tokens which are:

"We are considering any tokens that were not previously allocated, were not purchased during the ICO, or part of any promotion or bonus structure during the ICO. "

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw56nstasJ0

>> No.3835312

Meh looks like a pretty good long term hold, but not sure right now due to the upcoming Bitcoin forks.

Might consider it if Sub drops to ICO price , something around 10 cents.