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3829526 No.3829526 [Reply] [Original]

Before I started trading cryptocurrencies, I had a lot of passions and interests. I liked science, programming, movies. I used to run and read books. Now all I do is research altcoins all day and check my Blockfolio. I don't care about anything else. I don't even listen to music anymore. Profits and losses are the only things that make me feel something. I'm making nice gains, but I feel like I've lost something. Is crypto making you richer, but empty inside, /biz/?

>> No.3829543

Money is all that matters

>> No.3829546

it'll all be worth it when you have enough to fuck hookers and do cocaine everyday

>> No.3829548

are you me?

Ive turned $5000 into just over $125,000 over the course of the last year, but im becoming entirely too involved with this bull shit and other things literally don't make me happy anymore
I just keep telling myself at this rate I can be a millionaire before i'm 30, but will it even make me happy?

>> No.3829556

I feel poorer today than I did at the beginning of the year, even though I made 300k. I should’ve made at least 1M with all the opportunities and I will never forgive myself.

>> No.3829575

Yep. I'm gunna run it out until early next year, set myself up with some longs for the summer and (attempt) to look at my portfolio maybe once a week.
Crypto is fun and all but existentially stagnant.

>> No.3829601

Everyday I look at expensive flights and hotels, telling myself that when I'm rich enough I will cash out and travel all around the world. That's my only interest beside crypto.

>> No.3829617

do you even believe that yourself top kek

>> No.3829633

Then if someone want to help me becoming existentally stagnant any donation is welcomed. I currently have 3000$ but I don't have enough to put into crypto I like (ARK, BTC, LINK)

>> No.3829650

Same, first I need to escape wagecuckery, joodebt, then I can use crypto cash to just fuck it all and go where ever the fuck I want, whIle making money though my samshit note3.

>> No.3829658

i have 500$ and i have put in cryptos like ARK BTC maybe you sould give me some of yoour 3k right?

>> No.3829706

I feel you man.

>> No.3829713

You work to get something that you want.

When you focus on making money what you want is money and you blind yourself to everything else.

Then once you have the money you forget what it is that made you want to have money in the first place.

Don't only focus on making money but also on what you desire to do with that money, and then you'll be happy

>> No.3829900

Damn, guys. I'm in the same page as your but I keep losing money. At least I wanted to be as succesful as some of you mentioned here, but yes, crypto took my life and yes, I enjoy it. The idea that I can retire earlier than the mass people who works 9-5 is exciting and will be worth it.

>> No.3829942

are you me?

>> No.3829953

No, crypto has actually given me a hobby. I was bored before crypto. Now I have something I enjoy

>> No.3829961

Get a therapist

>> No.3829968

Literally no one cares about your $200 Blockfolio. I'm playing with 800k get on my level

>> No.3829976

Yeah well I have $300. Give me your 2,000 and 500

>> No.3829994

If you discover "the path", share with me.

>> No.3829999

Crypto filled a hole for me. I used to play video games with the interest only in min maxing or 'breaking' the mechanics of the game. However, crypto gave me something better to channel pattern matching into.

It made me alive.

>> No.3830006

Think of it like a job, 4-5 years of doing this and you'll never have to work ever again and you can freely pursue your passions.

>> No.3830012


>> No.3830032

it's ok to be obsessed with something for a little while, especially when it's making you money. you'll look back on these days fondly someday, when crypto has made you financially independent and given you the free time to pursue your other interests.

>> No.3830034

>I'm in the same page as your but I keep losing money

literally impossible to lose money on the long term as long as you don't listen to rasheed and chang and buy their crap

>> No.3830056

Best part of having money is being able to choose the most redpilled/blackpilled anons and make them rich, therefore beginning a series to eternal ripples through the space time continuum which will result in the destruction of Liberalism and cultural marxism.

Invest in people. Choose your anons well. Raise an army.

>> No.3830081

Larpers, all of you.


>> No.3830127

I did it. I've listened to Rasheed. There was a time I was daytrading DCR and doing a cool profit, but then I just tried to PnD and fucked up myself, totally deserved that. Now I just want to wait for my coins to moon a little for profit and use this profit to daytrading a stable coin again.

>> No.3830128

Kinda improved it. Instead of buying stupid shit I think "I could also put this money in crypto".

Never had that thought with a savings account. Fuck that pissy 0.1%, interest I could get more looking for change on the street.

>> No.3830211

These are goals desu, i never had enough money to get into crypto so i keep putting little by little. Only put about 3k in, currently worth 5k. Any tips that you can share? Or rather tools or apps that helped you in the past to get to that 6 figure range.

>> No.3830243

Quads of truth.

>> No.3830409

I used to have a gf, a nice little apartment where i lived with her. We also had a cute little cat. It broke my heart and destroyed my former self when she broke up with me. All i have left is crypto.

>> No.3830455

Why did she left anon?
Seems like a comfy life you had?

>> No.3830474

know the feel anon, also a man of many loves esp programming.

do the reasonable thing - code up an assistant to streamline how you handle crypto. consider some automation, even. free your time back up

>> No.3830511

Probably because i didnt spend enough time with her/was there for her when she needed me. We had been together for 7 years and she was my first gf. i guess the "spark" was just gone after all this time. Still miss her very much tho.

>> No.3830646

Dude! Move to Hawaii. Thats what I did. I'm addicted to crypto like you and this tropical weather makes me really happy everyday. I surf, Run, Do yoga most of the days while doing my crypto portfolio management.

>> No.3830663

>millionaire by 30
I don't know hold you are but you can do that in less than 2 years with 100k in the current market.

>> No.3830702
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crypto allowed me to quit my job and work from home. I am not in the same boat as you .. did you buy LINK?

>> No.3830796

If you were both happy together, the spark just fade off with time.
But when you care for the other, you also care to keep this spark alive.

Good luck anon

>> No.3830916

I know what you mean but at the same time, this is all of our one shot to get rich one opportunity, to seize everything we ever wanted, one moment, will you capture it, or just let it slip?

His palms were sweaty
Knees weak bags are heavy
There’s red on his blockfolio already
Moms spaghetti

No but for real, this is our one shot to get rich. Why wouldn’t you want to put all your focus in it to be as successful as you can?

If this all pans out and you’re wealthy years from now, you’ll look back and feel
accomplishment. With money, you can get back into your passion and hobbies.

As for me? I’ll be fucking hookers. Take care friendo

>> No.3830957

Nah I was already cripplingly depressed, if anything crypto made me slightly more engaged with life again.

>> No.3830992

I've had trouble focusing on anything else other than making more money.

>> No.3831187

This sounds like heaven. For me - buy vintage Ferrari with no "safety" "features" and become one with the car.

>> No.3831264

Money is just a means to an end, its a tool. You shouldn't pursue money for the sake of money, you should pursue it for a purpose, like freeing yourself from the clutches of wagecuckery

>> No.3831622

this , now i still can have fun but eventually make some money and hang out with a lot of smart people in slack

>> No.3832177

I want to know people like you in real life. My friends are all normies.

>> No.3832201


>> No.3832212

Are you me?

t. playing dwarf fortress watching my coins go up

>> No.3832313

Yes but it's not like I was doing anything before anyways.

>> No.3832336


I've never been engaged with something more than crypto investing.

>> No.3832350

I just want enough money for me to focus on everything that's not money

>> No.3832353

We will turn the tide anon.

>> No.3832365

This 100%.

>> No.3832370

except that the more you have the more responsibility it makes you bear.

catch 22

money still gives you freedom i suppose

>> No.3832382
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"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."

>> No.3832389

Money doesn't buy happiness

But it sure as fuck will buy you freedom

It's the closest thing in this world to meaning. Music is up there too

>> No.3832398


>> No.3832408

I want to be big boss

>> No.3832425

Get a new cat, problem solved.

>> No.3832437
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>> No.3832438
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Or, you can take the grey pill,

>> No.3832447

>it's an autistic /pol/tards give money to other autistic /pol/tards thus fueling the success and eventual political takeover of the Kek Party episode

>> No.3832471


>> No.3832475

Honestly, I would probably have killed myself by now if I hadn't invested $3,000 in ETH last year.

Now I'm heavily in Ark and waiting for it to hit $75 so I can retire before I hit 23 or 24

>> No.3832492

Enjoy your USD bag you weak willed cuck

>> No.3832512

>get into crypto 2 months ago
>completely takes over my life
>ignore all my other interests and passions
>Make some nice gains, but miserable because i coulda made more

>start remembering why i got into this in the first place.
>initial goal was just to pay off credit card and buy guitar pedals and drum machines.
>have made enough to do that, and to pay for a few months rent.
>I have faith i can live off this shit; gonna move out soon and get my own place, no roommates.
>Not gonna have to wagecuck myself at some soul sucking job
>gonna spend all my days drawing, playing music, getting /fit/, making smart investments, being an entrepreneur.

Its all about perspective anons. Crypto has already given me so much; I havent felt this free since i graduated HS and anything was possible. Dont buy into all the memes. Being a millionare before 30 will feed your ego but wont make you happy; Dont spend your 20s being miserable as fuck. Its about the slow and steady.

>> No.3832515

Your going first on the day of the rope.

>> No.3832517

Work hard on something that you like to do (luckily I found this world interesting as fuck too) and hope to get the reward in the future.

My days are made of studying for the university (better keep a door open) and learn like a sponge whatever I can, from TA to slacks, discords, study new coins, market caps, /biz/, ICOs.

>> No.3832529

OimesGO (OMG) is getting ready to blow up my dude, consistent gains being made.

>> No.3832534

I'm in final year of a Genetics degree. And yes, Cryptos has very much taken over. Not entirely in a bad way - it's motivated me to read a lot of pretty good books on finance/financial history etc. But still I'll def be graduating with a shitter degree than I would if I hadn't got involved. But given the college meme is a joke that probs won't actually lose me any money.

>> No.3832543


>> No.3832546


>> No.3832600
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>crypto taken your life?
>I don't care about anything else.

Этo тoлькo нaчaлo

>> No.3832638

nah i had no passion or joy in life before crypto either. at least now i have a slim chance of being freed from the living hell that is wagecuckery

>> No.3832642

Cheer up, OP. After you've made a few millions you can go back to your old interests.

>> No.3832657

actually after he's made a few million he needs to make a few more million. it never ends

>> No.3832698

Really depends what your goals are. I don't let greed or envy rule my decisions

>> No.3832709

Not true

Living off of the returns from $2-3 million a year would be fucking amazing. Plus compound interest.

>> No.3832785

This is the dream.

I don't want a Lambo or anything like that. Just a midsize house on some land to enjoy with the qt wifey and the children.

>> No.3832818

£200-300k would do me and out. Don't have any expensive tastes or desire to live in expensive area. That amount would set me up for life.

>> No.3832827

>people think it's easy making money in crypto
>it's harder than a full time job with a daily rollercoaster of emotions
>developed a alcohol dependency to stay in or I would have taken my gains a long time ago

feel a bit of survivors guilt when I see pink wojaks

>> No.3832833

Ditto bro. Decent house, some land for livestock, and some money to buy some apartments to lease out and live (partially) on rental income would be dream for me.

>> No.3832870

>with the qt wifey and the children.


>> No.3832877

Crypto is not that hard... Invest in fundamentally strong coins and hold. If there is a nice retracement, buy that shit up.

>> No.3832904

Nah, you're just a pussy. >>3832877
knows what's up

>> No.3832955

why does this guy live in the same house and drive the same car every day, but still work 12+ hours a day when he has his billions?

it's not the money, it's MAKING the money that becomes the reward

there's no peak to this mountain or end of the race, you just get stuck chasing the satisfaction of profit

hedonic treadmill

but 400-500 would set you up even better...

>> No.3832965

>there's no peak to this mountain or end of the race, you just get stuck chasing the satisfaction of profit

I don't give a fuck about money. I give a fuck about freedom. Once I'm at the point where I'm passively making $75k a year I'm good.

>> No.3832970

Nothing else really matters until my bags moon. I already have my long holds (6+ months), I'm not trading but I can't look away.

>> No.3832980

>but 400-500 would set you up even better...
Nah that would give me surplus money which I'd either give away to family (Have large extended family) or worst case scenario drink away.

200-300K is perfect for me.

>> No.3832996

you need a lot of money to make $75k/yr passively without taking significant risk

>> No.3833031

You just need to make 4% off of $2,000,000 a year. That's entirely do-able, I would say that could be done easily with a conservative investment strategy

>> No.3833062

Yes it has, and pretty badly.
Bought crypto some months ago and just let it sit. Discovered that fast gains can be made through pnd's and undervalued shillcoins as well as ICO's and that's where it started for me a few weeks ago. At this point, my interest for my studies have decreased and I'm less present when spending time with gf.

It's not catastrophic yet, but I mooch on /biz basically 24/7 more or less. I guess I have to take control before this shit takes my life over completely. Muh gains though.

>> No.3833140

yeah but $2m is a lot of money..

>> No.3833154

crypto got me away from gambling :^)
seriously though im earning money nlw instead of losing it
10/10 hobby

>> No.3833355


Same situation here, I've since dumped all my money into solid long term holds.

Now I can focus on uni again - wasn't wise to spend time on excessive research and chart watching instead of studying.

>> No.3833370


welcome to the club!
I get up at 3 am to drink water and check folio. No joke!

>> No.3833385

what are solid long term holds? most alts go to shit long-term.

>> No.3833419

>yeah but $2m is a lot of money..
It is but crypto gains are godtier. I started two months and tripled my money. Im fucking broke and didnt start with much, but imagine all the people who have money.

I know theres a shitload of people that get like 20gs from their parents or family for graduating college or w/e. Theres also plenty of people here who make over 100k and are conservative. If you start with 50k and make smart trades, crypto can get you 2Million decently quick.

Theres def anons on this board that are in the 6 figure crypto gains club.

>> No.3833521

We gon make it brah

>> No.3833738


>> No.3835102


>> No.3835120

>early adopters have it so easy

I fucking hate you guys

>> No.3836291

FUN is $.03

>> No.3836310

For good reason.

>> No.3836335

>not even alpha
>burn off soon
>working POC ready

>> No.3836386

Not him but you're going to kys next year if you don't get in soon. I've been holding since ICO and could sell for 6x gains (BTC also increased so...) but I'm holding till next year when their platform launches.

Even if it's not FUN, research a coin that actually has a genuine future and get in now and just hold for at LEAST 6 months, you'll find that it's safer than chasing pumps.

>> No.3836398

I use to lift,bike and fish now i get home and fap as i day trade

>> No.3836472

The thing with money is that you never have enough. Because it's not the money itself that makes us feel good. It's the pursuit of money. That's when the dopamine is released. The chance of attainment.

If you do manage to walk away from it all you will find something else. *Then* you can focus on being happy. Wrong. You habituate. The more you seek happiness, the more you will reinforce not having it.

A tired cliche, but a powerful truism: Life is about the journey, not the destination. Because there is no destination. There exists no set of conditions that will make you permanently content once fulfilled. Desire is the natural state of man.

>> No.3836600



I made that much in 2 weeks with ChainLink presale.

>> No.3836619

blockfolio is for wimps

>> No.3836670

if you treat something like a hobby it will cost you like a hobby.

trading is all or nothing.