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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3828474 No.3828474 [Reply] [Original]

why is he such a jealous small minded little man? Is he mad he didnt think of chainlink first?

>> No.3828479

Metaverse founder has close ties to vitalik and da hongfei

check it out or stay poor

>> No.3828486

He and Sergey went to high school together. Sergey would constantly slam him into lockers and give him swirlies, making his life a living hell. He called him "Brainboy" as he and his pals beat the crap out of him.


>> No.3828492

Stop shilling your shit everywhere. My dick has close ties to your mom but that doesn't mean I should try to sell your mom to everyone.

>> No.3828511

ETH essentially does smart contracts for tokens.
LINK is about to perform smart contracts the way they were meant to be performed: in mainstream transactions.

So yeah, it's fair to think Vitalik is a little butthurt.

No reason to, ETH was essentially a vital step towards the goal of mainstream smart contracts.

>> No.3828524

But metaverse does all of this both ETH and LINK

>> No.3828564
File: 71 KB, 1121x615, downtrend metaverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaverse promises to do it all, but only has a wallet to show for it after all this time.

There's a reason metaverse has been dropping like a turd ever since it was released four months ago.

>> No.3828573

Oh yeah then why is it pumping again. Stay poor pajeet

>> No.3828574
File: 558 KB, 1244x700, linkmarines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic depict him well

>> No.3828585

>If I got stabbed in the heart and only have 20 seconds to live, then why am I still breathing right now?

>> No.3828607

Youll regret it once Metaverse has a higher marketcap than WTC and OMG

>> No.3828701

Why would its marketcap increase like that?

>> No.3828712

Because of Metaverse superior features

>> No.3828720

what are you referring to? did he say something about chainlink?

>> No.3828725

If the features are superior, why has its price been dropping like a rock for its entire existence?

>> No.3828737

Sir its because its undervalued. Please stop fudding.

>> No.3828743

/biz/ is just as stupid as football fanatic chads and patriots who think fake lines mean we should support the idea of nation-states.

>Boomers manipulate the market, it's bad, everyone screeches
>Money autist manipulates market, everyone praises him and listens to his advice no matter what it is

>> No.3828755

>unironically shitting on Vitalik
Damn. Linkies, you're making all the wrong enemies. You are on the losing side.

>> No.3828765

Like espers on yobit sirs

>> No.3828791 [DELETED] 

He said oracles are amazing, but that he's not sure if they're worth $ 32 million (the ICO price).

Meanwhile, in reality, massive consulting firms like Capgemini are devoting entire reports to smart contracts, specifically mentioning Smartcontract.com (= Chainlink) and Sergey Nazarov by name as the sole smart contract solution that can use external data thanks to oracles.
Source: https://www.febelfin.be/sites/default/files/InDepth/smart-contracts.pd_.pdf

>Sometimes, external inputs such as prices, performance, or other real-world data may be required to process a transaction, and oracle services help smart contracts with inputs such as these.
>Smart contracts will also need to be able to work with trusted external data sources if they are to utilize external information. Smart contracts can achieve this with the help of oracles

If you don't know what Capgemini is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capgemini

Back in 2015 the World Economic Forum also mentioned smartcontract(s).com by name:http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24

I'll trust world-class economic influencers like WEF and Capgemini over an autistic shut-in savant like Vitalik when it comes to things like economic value.

>> No.3828819

He said oracles are amazing, but that he's not sure if they're worth $ 32 million (the ICO price).

Meanwhile, in reality, massive consulting firms like Capgemini are devoting entire reports to smart contracts, specifically mentioning Smartcontract.com (= Chainlink) and Sergey Nazarov by name as the sole smart contract solution that can use external data thanks to oracles.
Source: https://www.febelfin.be/sites/default/files/InDepth/smart-contracts.pd_.pdf

>Sometimes, external inputs such as prices, performance, or other real-world data may be required to process a transaction, and oracle services help smart contracts with inputs such as these.

>Smart contracts will also need to be able to work with trusted external data sources if they are to utilize external information. Smart contracts can achieve this with the help of oracles – programs providing smart contracts with the data they need from the external world or carrying the commands they need to send to other systems. Sergey Nazarov, Cofounder and CEO, smartcontract.com – a startup specializing in building oracles – outlines how connectivity with real-world data will be key.

If you don't know what Capgemini is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capgemini

Back in 2015 the World Economic Forum also mentioned smartcontract(s).com by name:http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24

I'll trust world-class economic influencers like WEF and Capgemini over an autistic shut-in savant like Vitalik when it comes to things like economic value.

>> No.3828858

47 million dollars for nothing but a wallet sounds pretty damn overvalued to me.

>> No.3828879

Sergey is the skelly crusher. We are sick of the cat bag toting faggot, to be frank.

>> No.3828886

you don't get it do you! don't hype something if you want to achieve the best possible decentralisation. that means intelligent people that sees potential invest early on. those people are more likely to be beneficial for network, more likely to be node operators. removing that post by vitalik was obviously intentional

>> No.3829046
File: 64 KB, 520x336, kike-blowing-trumpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the jew in the bottom left is supposed to be Ripple?

>> No.3829080

Lol what's wrong? Did Vitalik say something mean about your shitty little pump and dump coin?

>> No.3829098

>finished product
>massive business relationships
>enormous marketing opportunity coming up at SIBOS
>sky-high industry interest already, see >>3828819
>beastly use case (mainstream fucking smart contracts)

But yeah, pump&dump. Whatever you say.

>> No.3829119

I'm fist deep in both ETH and LINK.

Both will rise.

>> No.3829131

Chainlink finally "clicked" for me when I realised you could use it to build a completely decentralised sports betting service.

User places a bet on a particular game, and get a token with a smart contract (ethereum tech) which says "if team X wins, this token may be traded for 1 ETH". But how does the smart contract know which team won? It can ask the Chainlink oracles. The oracles provide external data (like sports results) but they only get paid if they agree on the facts. So they work to provide truthful sports scores to the smart contract, they get paid by the smart contract, the user gets his winnings, and the whole thing operates without a middleman.

>> No.3829132

Sir, Metaverse also solves oracle problem and has lower marketcap. It is expected to grow to NEO and OMG marketcap.

But please be quick because it is already going up.

>> No.3829149

So he did say something about your shitty pnd coin. Makes sense, explains why you're so angry. Lol have fun during and after the conference. You will be bagholding for months waiting for some moon that's never going to happen, before you finally sell at a loss.

>> No.3829181

>So he did say something about your shitty pnd coin.
See >>3828819

>explains why you're so angry
I am?

>> No.3829256

Vitalik meant that giving 32 millions to 2 guys for developing smart contracts was too much. He didn't understand it was a way for people to get a revenue by being a node.

Also he said and still think 1 eth shouldn't even be worth 7$.
He's a genius dev not a market analyst.

>> No.3829273

>Also he said and still think 1 eth shouldn't even be worth 7$.
when did he say this?

>> No.3829322

I think he was subtly arguing the valuation was too low as to not hype the product.
He went out of his way to say he wasn’t publicly advising any more projects only a week or two before ChainLink ico and then made the valuation tweet imo to supress price to keep idiots out of this one.

>> No.3829373

Deluded linkie.

>> No.3829387

I remember something like that as well. Vitalik didn't consider Ethereum a storage for value like Bitcoin.

>> No.3829401

You guys need to realise if you set this up as Eth vs LINK, it will damage relations and community opinions. This should be conceived as an alliance. LINK will pump Eth's price alot, let there be good vibes between ethereum and chainlin, cmon lads

>> No.3829505

ETH is doomed since it serves as a an ecosystem and a launchpad for scamtokens
coming failures of the vast majority of such scams in 2018 will "kill" it, at least as an investment and it shall become the fuel that Vitalik's been talking about

>> No.3829732

as long as theres an amazon in there, it'll explode. golem? bat? they won't all fail, some are legitimately world changing