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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3827828 No.3827828 [Reply] [Original]

Whqt coin has JUST'd you the hardest, /biz/

>> No.3827838


>> No.3827862

MTH i somehow bought it at the ATH of like 8k sats and then held it indefinitely

>> No.3827880
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>> No.3827890

Currently EBET

>> No.3827910


>> No.3827916
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B3. Lost 99.5% of 6 BTC

>> No.3827918


BAT :(

>> No.3827973


I coulda HODL but fuck that I'm making my money back and way more in FLiK, and its going to go another 2-3x from here atleast.

>> No.3827995

FUN. I started buying in around $0.28 then have been buying as it keeps dipping. There have been a few times when I have been up above my initial investment, but I don't sell since I just can't imagine the creator of Starfox letting us down. He didn't let us down in our childhood. FUN or Die.

>> No.3828003

This currently, but I don't mind because it's only a short term justing.
OMG was a much longer justing with no end in sight this year before I got out.

>> No.3828254

The worst part is that i could've sold it for 2x profit at ATH.

>> No.3828260

imo fun and omg are the two safest bets in crypto, we're gonna be just fine buddy

>> No.3828314

Yup, fuckers got me good! Put $2k in it and didn't realize they delayed mercury until it was too late. Wanted to hold my bags so it wasn't a complete loss, but I had to buy XRP while it was low before swell, so I ate it. Swell bump should put me back in the green, I was already holding a decent amount of XRP so I'm hoping for decent returns. Watching that shit like a hawk though. Still not 100% sure how high it's going to go and I don't want to pull out too soon. I'll probably put in sell orders starting at $0.40 and gradually go up from there.

>> No.3829239

Posw and dgb are stiĺl JUSTing me to this day

>> No.3829289
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>> No.3829312

Fucking Elixir.

>> No.3829327
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lost 1k out of 4k in my first week of trading.

>> No.3829482

STX and ICN down 50% after I made the decision to stop trading and just hold ( bad idea)

>> No.3829729


>> No.3829748


>> No.3829754

Siacoin and Bitshares
>A-actual product
>M-muh development team
>M-muh functional UI
>L-long term hodl... lads

I have not been so anally-fucked since I started Crypto

>> No.3829789


Fomo bought the literal ath and justed 2k of my portfolio

>> No.3829804


>> No.3829835


ok im gnna bite. what does JUST'd mean...

>> No.3829854

That's not what it means to bite. You're just a newfag, and probably got white hairs on your balls too.

>> No.3829856

>just kill me
>please just end it

Unobtanium has dropped 50% in the past few days and I have nobody to hold me... JUST

>> No.3829882


Started in the beginning of September. They were my first alt coin buys because I thought they both looked promising and I thought they would just keep going up. Turns out I bought both at pretty much ATH. China FUD and the altcoin bloodbath a few days ago rekt my shit and I got weak hands. Learned my lesson. Was able to rebuy some OMG at the bottom and rode it up a bit. Slowly recovering.

>> No.3829893
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>just kill me
>please just end it

is this b8?

>> No.3829904

PAY. I'm confident it will be worth it in a month, but holy fuck have I learned the meaning of pain. Life is suffering.

>> No.3829906

xlm. fuck pbc

>> No.3829980
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>> No.3830000

I dropped 1 whole BTC on Unobtanium last week, and I was trying to explain to KIT >>3829854 that I really JUST

>> No.3830023

The amount of newfaggotry here excels even the top boards like /pol/, /v/ and /a/. Where do you fucks actually come from? I mean we can talk all about reddit posters and facebook infidels, but even THEY know the most basic of internet memes. How the FUCK did you even get here?

>> No.3830027
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Damn, first quads I've gotten in ages... Last time it was on /pol/ and I said something about aliens

>> No.3830039


It doesn't mean "Just fuck my shit up" or "just kill me" or whatever you retarded faggots.

People use the phrase "just" to mean they are so frustrated they can't even finish their sentence or thought. They are so irritated/enraged/annoyed by whatever they're thinking about that the only word they can muster is "JUST"

>> No.3830041

I only read image macros and I see so many that I can't remember all of them.
JUST kys my man!

>> No.3830043


>> No.3830048


>> No.3830065

Again, you're using the meme wrong. Just end your life.

>> No.3830074

ICN, kept trying to buy the dip from $3+ down to $1.5.

>> No.3830078

atm ODN, I bought at an average of 13k sats. I'm confident it will soar past that in time, however.

My worst purchase is bancor, I had to sell at a decent loss from ico.

>> No.3830082
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>> No.3830089

It actually does mean JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP, that's where it originates from. I am the meme police and are you currently rusing me sir?
By the way there's a site called knowyourmeme retards, you can always check there.

>> No.3830092
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>> No.3830120

BAT, got in at 6200. Fuck!

>> No.3830170

BAT & PAY are tokens that will recover. The other ones listed in the thread... not so much.

I would say ICN has a chance as well but it's controlled by FUCKING SLAVS, FUCK THE SLAVS REEEEEEEEE

>> No.3830207
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Haven't loss anything but WTC. I discovered it early (sub 1$) rode the waves. World was my oyster.
After some down time I thought it would dip at 2$. I sold. It went up and kept going through the roof. I had thousands of WTC.

The one that got away...

>> No.3830232

oh crap. i fell for that shit coin

>> No.3830241

lmao rekt faggot that's what you get for thinking you're not a retard and can predict trends in a market that is complete mayhem and randomness

>> No.3830262
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>in on PAY at 66000

Bought it right as it was dipping, I know that feel bro.
It will go back up though. Just pissed about missing other opportunities in the meantime/not buying as low as I could have.

>> No.3830275
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-800 dolls on UBIQ REEEEE
I hold though.

>> No.3830281


>> No.3830292


>> No.3830305

ODN. Timed entry quite nicely (selling at ATH would have got me nearly 3x) but misstimed exit badly. Held a while then snapped yesterday and sold at the lowest point and sure enough it price started rising almost straight away. On positive note the money I took out of ODN I put into COSS and ETP and they've both canceled out my ODN loss inside 24 hours.

>> No.3830381
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Sia is my heaviest bag. THIS PIECE OF SHIT WAS LAUDED AS MUH LONGTERM SAVE BET ALL OVER /BIZ/. Bought for 200eur now is worth 40 and I just keep hodling these 5x losses cause I am hoping to break even. It doesn't matter if it goes to 0 at this point desu.

>> No.3830412

Made some good money on Ubiq to be honest. Thanks i guess

>> No.3830449

>buy high
>sell low

the /biz/ way

>> No.3830458

Havent sold yet...
but those 634 ubiq are pretty heavy bags to me rn

>> No.3830496

no it doesn't faggot kys

>> No.3830571

I bet you literally can't even...

>> No.3830583

yes it does

>> No.3831012

lost 75% value

>> No.3831051

Minereum. Bought near the top and held all the way down to 8% of my by-in.

>> No.3831088

REAL (ICO) Everex (ICO) and E-ltc

>> No.3831097

As expected of the underage to know only recent """memes"""

>> No.3831203

become an hero

>> No.3831266


>> No.3831341

OMG, but I haven't sold them and I hope I'll recover.

>> No.3831359

OMG has the bene of being a solid buy at least esp at anything below $9 if you cantime buys at 8 youd be making 15% every cycle.

>> No.3831381

It's a toss up between ANT and GNT. I think GNT takes the cake though, because ANT, at least, might have a future.

>> No.3831608

EBET. But now I understand the extent of /biz/ shilling.

>> No.3831609


>> No.3831721
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>You right now

>> No.3832247


Safex, every fucking time.

>> No.3832323

Lmao same