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3825123 No.3825123 [Reply] [Original]

>spend five years toiling away at work
>managed to save $500,000
>half a fucking million dollars
>still not enough to retire on




>> No.3825216

Anon, I feel sorry for you having to wagecuck so long for 500k. Because of that, I'll share with you the one secret I have for success in this world. The one moon mission you can't miss out on. A new coin with groundbreaking tech and multi-functional oracles. You may not see it posted often, but it does have a very high volume due to smart money from institutional investors pouring in and out of this absolute fucking mindfuck of a coin.

All-In DGB

>> No.3825249

It's called "move to a third world country".

>> No.3825250

Wage slavery is just fucked up.
The guys at the top making all the real money while you waste countless hours for their pocket change.
It is allowed because of the golden rule. Those with gold make the rules.

>> No.3825272


This is b8. 5 years of work and you have 500k in the bank? And you're unhappy about that? Buy LINK faggot

>> No.3825281

This. Incredible low price after alt crashes, will moon soon

>> No.3825283

>5 years

>> No.3825289

your prediction on future cost of living is too high.

go buy some land in the middle of no where, with access to water, and you can grow your own food, raise some animals, and survive on $500,000...it's been done before. look up tiny houses, there's a whole movement behind it. you can build and own a minimalist house for under $20,000 these days.

if you want to continue living in "comfy" cities with electricity and internet and easy access to all the shit you've been accustomed to, then yea $500K is not enough for early retirement.

>> No.3825299

I can't keep saving $100k after tax a year in any other country. In a third world country I wouldn't need any more money at all, but I don't want a bottom tier standard of living, and $500k is not enough to live off of in any reasonable country.

I'm perfectly fine with a tiny house, but $500k at 3% SWR is only $15,000 a year. That's poverty tier, you can't live on that for a 40+ year retirement.

>> No.3825311

work part time nigga goddamn

>> No.3825314
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>> No.3825316

>buy bitcoin
>wait 1 year
>now you have 2 million

>> No.3825336


Half a million in 5 years isn't so bad. Put it in a dividend ETF at around 5% p.a. and you can live of the returns of 2000 bucks per month

>> No.3825370

Part-time is a waste. It significantly reduces savings but it lengthens work time. For example if I reduce hours by half I will reduce savings by half and I'll end up more-than-doubling the amount of time I have to work for because of lost interest.

I've got it in SPY but you can't rely on 5% indefinitely. The classic safe withdrawal rate is 4% and studies suggest that for a longer retirement that actual safe withdrawal rate is closer to 3% in order to be able to weather a downturn in the market.

>> No.3825505

Work 5 more years and retire to a third world country.

>> No.3825656

>Part-time is a waste
Then work full time a few more years until you hit whatever magic limit is in your head you fucking faggot.

I've personally worked 2 days a week for the last 4 years. I spend all day listening to podcasts, comedy specials and other shit I wanna do in my free time anyways.
I own an appartment, a car and eat nice food erry day. Together with interest from some savings I still manage to profit about 500$ a month and generally feel like I'm cheating life

>> No.3825675

lol fuck off

you dont understand costs and inflation

>> No.3825685

OP... You have half a million dollars. Growing that cash is now your job. Sort it out.

>> No.3825691

>>Part-time is a waste
>Then work full time a few more years until you hit whatever magic limit is in your head you fucking faggot.
>I've personally worked 2 days a week for the last 4 years. I spend all day listening to podcasts, comedy specials and other shit I wanna do in my free time anyways.
>I own an appartment, a car and eat nice food erry day. Together with interest from some savings I still manage to profit about 500$ a month and generally feel like I'm cheating life

What a dream life. Whad do you do?

>> No.3825757
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Drive overhead cranes in a harbor on saturday/sunday. So yeah, hurts the social life a bit, but I'm not super big on that anyways and I can usually trade for a friday or monday once in a while if i wanna do something. The weekend pay is like 65% more an hour

>> No.3825843

Does it pay so good or where did u get money for the flat and car?

>> No.3826000

I get about 40$ an hour on the weekends, and don't pay a lot of tax since my total income isn't that high.
I have a mortgage on the apartment like anybody else. So initially only paid 30,000$ for the apartment. I had odd jobs in high-school and saved all the money, and worked full time 1 year before moving out from parents.

>> No.3826131

gj but you should really try to get laid with all your free time

>> No.3826143

>That's poverty tier, you can't live on that for a 40+ year retirement.
> $12,060
You're not a wage slave, you're a wage cuckold

>> No.3826153

I have a gf, doesn't live with me though

>> No.3826220

>get laid
sell your bitcoins you degenerate

>> No.3826421

>live in first world country
>spend ~€15,000 a year
>haven't worked a wage job in my life

Burgers are literal niggers. Just like Africa offered its inhabitants too many resources to the point blacks never had to develop civilization, the US offers its citizens too much money to the point they never progress beyond wasting their dollars.

>muh lifestyle

Self-created problem to invent adversity in your life devoid of challenge. You don't need to do cocaine, to shop at Whole Foods, to live in a crowded city of faggotish millenials and to eat out $15 avocado toast 5 times a week.

>> No.3827504


>> No.3828188


everybody will be third world at this rate in 5 fucking years

>> No.3828327

>>spend five years toiling away at work
>>managed to save $500,000
>>half a fucking million dollars
>>still not enough to retire on
Look up "1 year fixed rate bank bonds" (the type that pay monthly) anon.

>> No.3829190

it'll be another 10 till you break out of the wagecuck game at this rate stop playing it safe and actually invest some of the money

fucking retard, growing food isn't cheap on a small scale, if you wanna eat cheap chickpeas, lentils and beans are the go

>> No.3829454

If I had just 50,000 dollars I could retire. Is just swing trade penny stocks every week. Even at just 1% profit a week, which is easy to do, I'd make $2,000 a month.

Of course you really need about 3 to 4x that amount to be able to average down when needed.

Still, holy fuck. 500,000k?

Just stack cds or some gay shit like your great grandpa and you would be making $450+ a month on interest alone. And that's a worst case scenario.

>> No.3829879

>1% a week
>70% a year
>this teenagerspacing retard is actually serious
If you could actually do that, you could just take three 25,000$ loans without security at and retire today.

>> No.3830162


I was losing faith, then I read this post and itt reaffirmed my gut feeling.

DGB will fucking moon. It will be $1.00 in a year. They won part of the conference. Digusign works. DGB gaming relaunching on dota 2.

This coin is going to skyrocket

>> No.3830199


>Part time is a waste.

You're a fucking crybaby.

Do something part time that impacts other people's lives and you enjoy doing.

I plan on retiring at 40 but working part time as a teacher. That is my dream.

>> No.3830223

>move to turkey
>buy a house in Antalya or Bodrum
>spend the rest of the money until you die
>enjoy the best weather and beach

>> No.3830224

Gonna agree with this. I just always find it weird how much money burgers need to live what they call "a comfortable life"

>> No.3830261

You managed to articulate what I think every time a burger discusses the ridiculous amount of money they think they need to live comfortably.

>> No.3830274


>saving $100,000 a year after tax
>Assuming you lived frugally, would mean you'd be getting a $200,000 salary


>> No.3830287

on the internet it's just called RP actually

>> No.3830313

That would be rapidly Islamizing Turkey? Nah maybe not. Better options for similar climate/better looking women/less barbaric religion would be Croatia and other countries around there.

>> No.3830325

There are plenty of very cheap areas in the US to live anon. $500k is fucking plenty. But if you just absolutely NEED to live in some expensive shithole like New York or California so be it, you've only yourself to blame.

>> No.3830717

>yeah dude just go live on you own farm spending all day hunting, farming, fixing shit, and cooking with 1 hour of free time at best that is surely so much better than working

Might as well just fucking work then, the work is probably way less intensive, gives you more free time, and pays better.

>> No.3831278

Croatia is actually quite expensive, especially along the coast.

Islam isnt barbaric, your mother is for giving birth to you. You should learn about things before you say fallacies about it. Just because your spoonfed information from tv and too lazy to actually seek answers does not make you an authority when it comes to classifying what something is or isnt. Educate yourself fool.

>> No.3831340
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lmao fuck off with your taqyyia

>> No.3831356
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>> No.3831366
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>islam isn't barbaric

>> No.3831389

Wow, youre good at copy pasting discussions from a racist anonymous online forum. You must be smart. Congratulations dude.

>> No.3831556
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>Islam isnt barbaric

I know this is bait, but have a (You) anyway.

>> No.3831639

Defending islam is too late now , you're basicly trying to make us believe that water is dry. Better luck with your next imaginary friend cult.

>> No.3831712

Great argument goatfucker
Allah has sucked my dick multiple times.

>> No.3832015

buy $500k house and just work a couple hours a week to pay for food?

>> No.3832200

>this manchild literally believes that owning a house is cheaper than an apartment

>> No.3832504


> Not enough to retire on
> You can easily earn $35,000 per year in comfy investments

Well shit man how nice do you need to live?

Just work like 1 day a week to supplement your income. Retirement is boring anyway.

>> No.3832747

I dunno OP I can live off 1.5k monthly in a midsize US city decently. 2k a month and I can enjoy myself more but it's not required.

If you put that 500k in a dividend fund you could be bagging enough monthly to live like I am.

If I were you tho I'd wage slave some more to get to 750k for cushion room.