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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.71 MB, 769x1024, mom holiday 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38248 No.38248 [Reply] [Original]

My mom is worth over $2m

Would you have sex with her?

>> No.38257

Where are you from /biz/nessman?


>> No.38256

No but she can lick my gooch and/or eat the bits of hardened shit from my asshole

>> No.38258

Hey anon... for someone over 35 that's not actually that impressive, my parents are worth easily over $5m and they're normal as fuck.

BTW that's $5m AUD

>> No.38264

No. I'm worth considerably more.

>> No.38270

Australia pls go

>> No.38277


Yup, she's a milf

>> No.38278

>lying on the internet

>> No.38280
File: 26 KB, 238x231, 1389893310291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$5m AUD

>> No.38286

Yeah but my dad is worth over $100m

>> No.38296

How is there over 200 votes but only like 5 replies in this thread...

>> No.38306

>>38278 >>38280 >>38286
They own 7 properties in Melbourne, 3 of them are worth over a million each. They went crazy buying really cheap properties in the mid 80s and then the property bubble happened, and now they're technically millionaires.

Same shit happens for a lot of people with shares, it just takes a bit of luck and the right investment, and then boom, you're a literal millionaire.

>> No.38309


My dad is Nintendo, get #rekt;

>> No.38318

Why does your mom dress like such a slut, OP?

>> No.38326

5m AUD is like a couple of pesos in any oher country. Shit, even n Australia 5m isn't very much. even houses in WEST Sydney cost upwards of 500k, most 'decent' ones going for at least 800k.

>> No.38328

You like exposing her faggot? email me

avaricericci at gmail

>> No.38334

saw this on /int/ a while ago

>> No.38349

>Australia as a continent

Is the author of this pool American?

>> No.38354

She is so beautiful, but she aint your mom.

And besides, what the hell is a /b/-type thread doing here?


>> No.38357

I'd love to dump a load in your mom's hairy pussy, OP. Hope she doesn't shave.

>> No.38375

Australia is a continent, although it's more polite to say Australasia to include kiwifags and Papuans. Oceania is even more polite, because it includes all 2 posters from the pacific islands.

>> No.38380


Oceania is the proper name of the continent, not Australia. Australia is a part of Oceania.

>> No.38383

I'd stick that necklace in her asshole while I fuck her.

She's got some decent tits on her. Thanks for sharing that, OP.

>> No.38386

That picture is old as fuck you newfag

>> No.38387


>> No.38391


Oh come on. Let me wallow in my dreams.

>> No.38397

This made me hard as fuck.

What else would you do to my mom?

>> No.38412


Tell her to make me a cum and tears sandwich.

>> No.38419

You're very funny anon, mind if I use that line at parties?

>> No.38429

Exactly - if this is the quality of biz threads here, I am going to stay at digital point.

>> No.38445


Lurk The Wall Street Journal and leave us to our trolling, ya shit.

>> No.38453

No seriously. Tell me what you would do to her.

My ultimate fantasy is watching her get fucked by a big dick. You have a big dick, right?

>> No.38455

Even without the money I would wreck her.

>> No.38473


>> No.38471


Five inches is barely enough for her peehole.

>> No.38504

lol you small dick beta

>> No.38522


>> No.38562


>> No.38570

looks pretty enough. would have sex with for free

>> No.38578

anymore pics then?

>> No.38647

I'll give you 3k for nudes

>> No.38709

Is she wearing anal beads?

>> No.38723

She NEEDS the D.
He's posting that shit everywhere.

>> No.38901


That photo was taken on a sex tour of Europe

>> No.39031


your mum kinda looks like Mary McDonnell,

>> No.39039

I would destroy your mom and drown her in my cum

Then I'd get her to buy me a Rolex

>> No.39074

She could be penniless and I would still bend her over and give her the most uncomfortable 3 minutes of her life.

>> No.39105

But that's not your mom.


>> No.39110

>BTW that's $5m AUD

That's like what, $30,000 USD? A fourth of a small house in Sidney?

>> No.39115

Holy link, Batman!

>> No.39699


i would have sex with her regardless of her being worth over $2m