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File: 49 KB, 600x314, Ha_mQhUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3820518 No.3820518 [Reply] [Original]

>Putin Condemns Bitcoin
>No price movement.

So I take it *we* don't care or what?

>> No.3820552

>No source
>Daily 'muh Russia' thread.
Kill yourself Pajeet.

>> No.3820556

He's just accumulating

>> No.3820563
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1507322365028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian here, Im fucking scared
excuse me for a moment. someone is banging on my door quite loudly

>> No.3820567
File: 85 KB, 178x188, 1397366250923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's obviously cointelegraph you faggot, google it yourself


>> No.3820588

Oh nevermind, there goes the price. Top kek, first time I heard news before a chart fucked me ragged before I could even google "bitcoin pls".

>> No.3820606
File: 29 KB, 640x427, putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Putin actually loves Bitcoin


>> No.3820614

This crooked faggot can eat my dick.

>> No.3820626
File: 79 KB, 178x161, 1426962744689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a german tries to steal my link

Not today, not today.

>> No.3820653
File: 27 KB, 572x516, chill out dickwad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the link is legit tho
>yfw Russia plans to mine 30% of all bitcoins

>> No.3820670

how are his ransomware companies going to get payed/cash out?

>> No.3820703

He's an ethereum maximalist.

>> No.3820757


Well interesting how little impact this has had. Be interesting to see how it develops. Of course what it will be is BTC would have crashed to $200 after China ban and then crashed to $0 after this Russia news but imaginary USDT is propping it up while whales sell ready for us to have the bags.

>> No.3820768

>Le market reacted to and then shrugged off all the bad news last week. Guess Bitcoin is just that strong

Why the FUCK do news organizations always assume market motives, just based around news?

>> No.3820779

WTF!!!??? all my link dissapearededed!!!@#!@@


>> No.3820797

We're in pure market manipulation by the whales, even if Trump take out his dick and put in her daughter assholes live on the CNN shouting out loud "I'm banning Bitcoin! Power to the dollars USA USA USA!" won't affect the price.

>> No.3820852

>Shvetsov’s revelatory comments on the central bank’s stance on cryptocurrencies coincide with similar recent statements by Russia’s deputy finance minister Alexei Moiseev. In a televised interview in August, Moiseev compared cryptocurrency investments to that of a “high-risk” financial pyramid, ahead of regulations expected in 2018. Moisev also revealed that regulations could allow “only qualified investors to buy and sell [bitcoin]” in exchanges in the country.

They'll ban it then charge a fee to get 'qualified' to trade it. Its just revenue raising

>> No.3820880


>> No.3820934

>Jews and people who suck copious amounts of Jew cock relentlessly talk shit about BTC
Auschwitz coin when?