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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 120 KB, 1366x768, BROTIERSUPREME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3818231 No.3818231 [Reply] [Original]

REMINDER that /biz/ is a bro-tier forum.

Look out for one another

>> No.3818250

Yeah, probs a lot more empathy here than on rest of site desu. I've sent a few shitcoins here and there for bros though nothing at all major.

>> No.3818259

I have 396. I'm begging for 4 link and everyone's asking for a sharpie in pooper :(

>> No.3818268

It used to feel bro-tier, feels kind of lonely and empty now with everyone shilling different shit ico's that are only on obscure exchanges that will probably get goxxed soon.

>> No.3818272

The money doesn't seem real to me, I can lose thousands in crypto and not feel a thing, but losing that much in fiat would devastate me.

>> No.3818279

Some anon gave me 95 LINK a while back.
There truly are some bros around here.

>> No.3818288

Biz is only a good place during EU hours, once Americans wake up they shit all over the place with FUD and shitposting.

.t burger

>> No.3818296

My portfolio swings by hundreds at least to thousands at most almost daily. Meanwhile in my checking account I have <$200. Life is surreal man.

>> No.3818304


carrot in pooper and i'll send you 604LINK

>> No.3818310

thats because were loaded as fuck because of ETH, ANS/NEO, OMG, and now LINK. /biz/ is always early

seriously /biz/ has a lot of juicy discussions compared to shit like plebbit if you can filter through the crap

>> No.3818318


>> No.3818322

You guys are amazing. You actually pushed me into cryptos.
I was lurking I don't know for what reason for the first time, and there was a thread about 100 ELIX giveaway.
I rolled dem quads and I was forced to learn about cryptos. I'm still learning though.
If you ignore obvious FUDers community is amazing.

>> No.3818323

I'd take that deal, damn fine deal

>> No.3818343

great but can somebody get me a job?

web dev in maryland pls

>> No.3818344

The only thing I have right now is a big screwdriver with rubber handle.
How much?

>> No.3818361
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>> No.3818380

Put a fork, knife, and spoon up your ass pointed end first and I'll send you 2000 LINK.

>> No.3818384

Send 0.3 ETH to this address:

and comment with your email and the transaction hash, and I'll get you a job.

Do you believe in miracles, anon?

>> No.3818390

send me btc: 1FZBYp2MYKsFjsD3sk4GxQeDiu8Vitx7Dx
or link: 0x78848ceab6890a62d2a8e891f37670f804569079

>> No.3818391

How about a big screw driver with handle side up my ass?

>> No.3818396

I once helped some anon by sending him some ETH to pay for transaction fees for shitcoins and he sent me like 10x that. Be good to /biz/ and /biz/ will be good to you.

>> No.3818399
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>> No.3818401
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Man this inspires me...
If quints i'll give you ONE whole Digibytes .

>> No.3818404

LINKCHAIN written on your ass w/ carrot in pooper pls

>> No.3818405

Bro I'll send you 4 link on payday but I can't break my perfect 1k

>> No.3818411

wait a minute, i've seen this movie before - didn't end in LINK

>> No.3818425

yesterday I had 0.3 euros on my bank account (today was payday).

Hodling 143k LINK.

>> No.3818474

I need 61.13 LINK for perfect 1500 stack, really rustles me

>> No.3818487

need 30.17 LINK for nice round 200
feels bad man
help a borther out

>> No.3818503

I did the sharpie in the pooper and dressed in girl clothes AND I GOT NOTHING with time stamps

>> No.3818506

I need to know what iron hands are and if BTC is gonna crash or moon. C'mon bros.

>> No.3818522

Just so happens, I need 61 LINK to perfect my 99,939 stack and transcend into lamboland.

Help a biz bro out?

>> No.3818528

Another link beg thread huh? Might as well try this one too.

I only need like 6 (six) fucking linkies to get to 300. I'll remember you generosity forever if any of you would be so kind to help me out. Thank you for your time, and hard earned coins if you do decide to send some. Have a great day all!


>> No.3818534

I need 98k LINK to have a round number of 100k LINK.

Pls someone?

>> No.3818538

I need 4 :(

>> No.3818550


Dude I put a knife, fork and spoon in my anus (sharp sides up) with timestamp and three videos and got nothing...

>> No.3818576
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For 300? Holy fuck man, I feel for you, and with you brother!

>> No.3818589

I need 4 for 400

>> No.3818610

e b i n

Come on /biz/nessmen just 10 Link for 2 (poor)anons!

>> No.3818621

How about a screw driver

>> No.3818625

That's because matey boy didn't put them in his anus

>> No.3818644

The handle part of the screw driver?

>> No.3818663

I try everyday to be a decent person here. Hell, some anon gave me $40 of ETH like two months ago and I'm just waiting until Request to give it back. Great guy. Also, I gave two Request accounts for free here, I hope those anons make it.

>> No.3818666

Please tell me odn will go to a dollar end of month. I'm a poorfag that needs a break.

>> No.3818676

Satan smiles upon you.

>> No.3818732


>> No.3818781

How to start with cryptocurrency ?
I wanted to start a while a go but i havent got the balls for it . Any tips for a newbie how to start slowly but steadily ?

>> No.3818795

Go to reddit and read the wikin on r/cryptocurrency

Biz can be toxic for starters.

>> No.3818857
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Actually it is, but you don't get it you centralizing promoting fagot

>> No.3818882

Im not a big fan of reddit but well, i guess thats the best for start .

>> No.3818907

probably /c/ and shit like that



/b/ TIER

/b/ (piss levels at all time low due to global warming)


>> No.3818924

Biz is good for finding new coins. But basics and all, reddit is where it's at.
Go under the wiki section. They have everything there.

>> No.3818928

yeah? What about that guy that was promised 1500 link if he shoved cutlery up his ass yesterday?

>> No.3818940

Did he ever deliver? I lost interest

>> No.3818948

He did. But /biz didn't deliver

>> No.3818974

I'll do anything.

Hire me. I have many skills, maybe something you would be interested in learning.


>> No.3818979


Okay Anon listen up and dont repeat i did /( ilost money ) so you will not make the same mistakes i did:

First of all: Never ever chase the hype.
This means if you see a coin "mooning" with 100 or 200% you will regret buying it. Most of the time you will buy shit on top of something than it will fall and you will lose money. So predict the hype and look up for cois that will go up
2. Educate yourself.
This means all the lingo ( bull, bear ) basics and advanced things klike looking for traingles, or cup and handle or head and shoulders. And in the end moving avarages and so one.
A good youtuber is DataDash

Look up some of his videos and even his predictions because there are , in my opinion on point

3. Never believe anything if you see it for the first time.
If you see somebody shilling a coin research it. Read the whitepaper. Do you think it sounds good? If yes look up other opinions by just topiing in
coinname opinions
The crypto market is 120 billion dollars big and 50% of them are in Bitcoin.
How many people do you think have bitcoins?
More people have genital herpes in this world that Cryptotrader and most people just gamble without intelligence
4. Use good passwords on exchanges
Not even kidding 123456 isnt a good password and hackers can easily take away your money
5. Depositing cryptos to the wrong address will lose you it forever. Always copy and paste and double check
6. If buying cryptos watch out for mistakes.
Imagine you want to buy for 10k satoshis and you type in 100k satoshis.
1 wrong number and you lose x10
7. If you believe a coin is going to moon in the long distance dont sell 2 weeks later.
How many people i encountered that said: I will HODL my investment and sold 2 weeks later with many losses. Dont be this guys because it will cost you your money

Thats about it Anon. That what i learned so far here
If you ever make it into lamboland remember me and donate to my address

>> No.3819019

Thanks alot anon .
Time to subscribe DataDash and lurk on reddit .
How mutch did you lose ?

>> No.3819027
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Chancoin is the most bro-tier crypto project.

>> No.3819106


I bought LINK, Verge , SALT and Ripple.
Link and Ripple are doing great.
SALT on the other hand was overvalued and i bought at 7 bucks and sold at 4 and invested everything else in LINK:
Lost about 300 bucks just for this on mistake.
I nearly have it back now because LINK is mooning and i bought ARK at all time low because i predicted ( not even kidding here i made few threads about ARK ) that it would rise.
Indicators were the 21 day and 50 day moving avarage i learned from DataDash

>> No.3819116

Lots of shitty YT analyzer bro's out there, this guy seems a lot more realistic, nice find.

>> No.3819154

I'm adding 0.1 BTC. I want to see blood.

>> No.3819168

143k?!?! Holy shit, dude.

>> No.3819237

Is link worth investing ?

>> No.3819245

Fuck yes.

>> No.3819253

I just need 1 btc to perfect my stack off 999

>> No.3819254

How we know?

Read the white paper.
See the price. See the volume/ market cap.
Easy x5 gains atleast.

>> No.3819262

> 4chan is a bro-forum
> bro invites me deltaV
> bro takes money for a whitelisted e-mail
There are no bros in a zero sum game. That is the only thing biz taught me

>> No.3819281

It has already hit x4
If I was sure it will soar, I'd max out my bank credit to buy LINK
However, I have chosen to hold 1.5k LINK

>> No.3819328

I am exactly the opposite

>> No.3819527

How do you make predictions?
Is it just a feeling in your guts or what?

>> No.3819571

Not for me it hasn't been

Spent 4 hours one day rolling to get quads with a neo meme for OP who said he was giving 100 neo when it was down the gutter to whoever won it
I did and he left

Days later I rolled trips for another OP who said he would give bat
needless to say I didn't

the only good thing that ever happened to me on biz was some ico's that I saw on hidden threads with only 2 or 3 replies that are being launched this month, that's how I got into the whitelist on stormtoken :)

Overall, I lost a lot more money than I made, but I'm not ready to give up yet, I'll just keep my head up

>> No.3819618


In the last few weekswith moving avarages and shit like traingles and wedges.
You can do them on tradingview.com

I did one for every "major" altcoin that was bleeding like fuck.
And than i found ARK.
Good whitepaper, good team, good development so far.
The price was falling but that was predictable because everytime the coin flew to new heights it dumped shortly after 60-70% of the gains.
Moving avarage was going up for the coin and thats when i bought it.
I used 21 and 50 .
Also it was predictable because looking at the graph you could clearly see a uptrend from the beginning of the coin.
I bought at 48k Satoshis and its at 54K right just now and will continue to go up in the next weeks and months.
I dont do daytrading so every position i have is long therm

>> No.3819629

It's not. nu/biz/raelis need to know you can't trust anyone here. They're just being nice to get your money.

>> No.3819673
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The KYC to stormtoken is today, I have a few e-mails left eligible to get 15% bonus on the crowdsale
If some anon wants, I can give them the spot

I'll be good hoping that one day someone else is going to be good for me too :)

>> No.3819860

Which subreddit?

>> No.3820254

Well... I am not a doc. But I think you shouldn't do that.

>> No.3820438


>> No.3820698
File: 1.45 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20171010_234003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone mentioned carrot in pooper for LINK?

>> No.3820758

Back when OMG was first rising madly, and was around $3, I had 20,000 OMG. Some anon made his girlfriend hold up an OMG sign, so I sent him 2 OMG. That's the only bro/pity I've ever provided.

>> No.3820780

LINK threads are legit the most fucking disgusting and degenerate threads on /biz/

>> No.3820799

I dont need preaching, what I need is LINK

>> No.3820941 [DELETED] 

I literally have 900
Can a Bro up me to 1k plz

>> No.3820985

jesus H

>> No.3821582

You're just clenching the carrot with your ass cheeks bruh
Classic McGroober