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File: 38 KB, 400x300, day-trading-indicators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3817870 No.3817870 [Reply] [Original]

How does day trading work and why is it better than hodl?

>> No.3817888

I wonder if anyone on this board is going to answer this correctly

>> No.3817925

Because you can't usually predict when is the best time to sell or buy

>> No.3817937

>Have high iq and a lot of experience in business and finance.
>And/or have insider information or a killer model

Otherwise you will lose money on average. Holding only makes sense for currency with a limited money supply. Fundamental investing is not day trading.

>> No.3817939

Do you have at least 7+ years experience of active trading?


>> No.3817955

In crypto that means 7 weeks

>> No.3817974

I know you're being funny, but that has some truth to it kek

>> No.3817978

1.Zero sum game
2.fuck off

>> No.3818012

Because if you lose all your money like 90% of daytraders you just stay quiet and leave the game.
If you're one of the successfull trader you don't stop talking about it (and exagerate your gains) and gullible people think they also can do it.

There are also people living with gambling like the vegas shooter who won millions but most of gamblers are suicidal depressed single men in their 40s that will be in debt foreber.

>> No.3818044

Tfw made the most money by manipulating low volume coins over the course of a few days
>lose it all by trying to hodl bleeding coins and not bailing when I have profit

>> No.3818056

>If you're one of the successfull trader you don't stop talking about it (and exagerate your gains)

This is the big one. Kid I knew day traded for years kept telling us how much $ he was making. Gullible friends who believed him tried it out themselves and got rekt.

Many years later turned out the kid just made bank off some inheritance.

>> No.3818075

You find a volatile stock and get a read for its max and lows and buy high and sell low.
I made 10% on amd in 5 months because I sell at 13.5 and buy at 12.5. At worst my stock is stuck in the machine and I have to wait to make a profit or I sell and cant buy back in for a long time and have to make a choice of waiting or not.
I do it for fun so I dont expect to make any real money off of it. Also dont buy all or sell all. You should progressive sell off unless you are getting a good deal and the same for buying.

>> No.3818106

This is also including my learning phase where I actually lost money for a while. I only started making gains in the last two months.

>> No.3818123

90% do not lose daytrading up. I suggest you look up the statistics before you speak out of your ass.
In fact, most WIN while daytrading.
The losing part, where 90% actually end up losing, is KEEPING their gains, knowing the "final" exit. July was the "Final" exit for alts for that market cycle. anyone holding lost all their gains. anyone trading lost a significant portion too. but anyone who traded made more than people who just held.
look at the sia guy with 3 million$ at ATH. He's broke now.

>> No.3818168

is there any evidence out there that TA works?

you use TA to daytrade, right?

>> No.3818181

>How does day trading work
it doesn't, if you think you do just because you watched someone's totally live, and in no way orchestrated video titled "How I make 1000$ a day just day trading for 5 minutes", then you are stupid and deserve to lose your money.

>why is it better than hodl
It's not, memes aside and all, it's fucking retarded, even if you start out good, it's like a car crash, the longer you keep driving the more your chance of crashing get's closer to 100%, sooner or later it will, and when it does, you better have ém pink wojis ready, or just don't be retarded and make smart investments

>> No.3818229

This, basically. I moved all my money out of alts after taking a huge fucking loss because I knew an alt crash would come as the hardfork approached. People get cucked with holding when the market shits itself. I made hundreds off of ICN then didn't cash out at the end of june, and I ended up with a huge fucking loss in that coin from waiting for it to recover.
The only coins you should ever hodl are coins with ongoing projects that grow steadily. Hodling after pumps is just suicidal.

>> No.3818252

my favorite answer so far

see folks, either this person is really smart and trying to fool you

......or he's literally fucking retarded

>> No.3818254

Your question is fundamentally flawed.
It's a trading PLAN, moron. It's not a mystical ball to predict the future. It lets you know what to do, when to get the fuck out, when to get in. What to do if the price goes down a certain amount. It adjusts as the market adjusts.
It exists so you dont sit here posting pink wojaks on a japanese image board when things go south.

>> No.3818326

how are you determining when to go long or short and when to close your positions?

>> No.3818330

>see folks, either this person is really smart and trying to fool you
>......or he's literally fucking retarded

that's what everything in life comes down to really ;^)

>> No.3818353

okay, confirmed retard

>> No.3818357

Pseudoscientific, self-fulfilling horseshit is the term you are looking for. Bears a very close resemblance to cult behaviour. It predicts how cultist retards are going to react to price movements.

>> No.3818379

no u

>> No.3818393
File: 17 KB, 595x175, rlymakesyouthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't
Oh, so I'm sure all those HFTs are just losing all their money trading intraday?

>> No.3818398

so how do you decide on whether to go long or short?

>> No.3818409

he doesn't, he bagholds instead.

>> No.3818422

how do you decide whether to go long or short?

>> No.3818442

Fundamentals and trend lines. I'm not a degenerate daytrading faggot and don't margin trade.

Fundamentals were enough for me to have gotten the fuck out alts a couple of days ago before the shit hit the fan. If you were relying TArd you got your shit pushed in.

>> No.3818449

You can't do it for a living because you can't guarantee any return you just follow what the market is doing. If an index is headed up, you can jump on and off minus transaction costs and make 10% many times or do the same headed down. But if you had held, maybe the index went up 30% and hldthedoor won that day. You won't beat all the boomer faggots with parked money or be able to quit your job and do it for a living in my experience.
Tldnr. Nice extra gambling for fun but too time consuming and stressful if you might miss rent that month and be homeless

>> No.3818456

i 4x my crypto since i got in two months ago
you fell for the hodl meme

>> No.3818467

another favorite!

again, either smart or retarded

>> No.3818471

>hft's making money
>you making money
pick one and only one

seriously if y'all morons can't understand why (you) will never make the shitload of money you so desperately want this way you deserve to be filthy plebs forever

>> No.3818472

so what's your opinion

>> No.3818483

also post ém sweet ass gains you make everyday, don't worry I'll wait

>> No.3818490

Ignore his bait. he wants to brag to us apparently

Pls kys

>> No.3818515
File: 33 KB, 1818x45, Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 2.34.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% or more of the world can't be helped

okay here you go

>> No.3818533

>depressed single men in their 40s that will be in debt foreber
Thanks for reminding me, jackass.

>> No.3818555

do you hang out on Wall Street giving traders smug looks because of your crypto gains? I bet not. it's scary in the city

>> No.3818571

Who the fuck would listen to 99% of what /biz/ has to say anyway. They have prob lost hard on trying to day trade shitcoins and never done it in the stock market or forex before. scrubs

>> No.3818590

lol I seriously, SERIOUSLY wonder just how many people in the world are beating these percents

>> No.3818592

>Fundamentals were enough for me to have gotten the fuck out alts a couple of days ago
>of altcoins
okay, guy.

>> No.3818596

I said sweet ass gains... Anyway I'll be sure to throw you a nickel when I see you ;^)

>> No.3818599


I think he is salty because he is a failed day trader.

>> No.3818603

making more in two weeks than what fucking stock faggots make in a year

but sure, I'll take your nickel and turn it into millions

>> No.3818641

>2 months
>implying 4x isnt an unreasonable variance for a shitcoin
>implying you wont just keep doing it and lose a comparable amount because 4x once in 12 months isnt good enough for you

>> No.3818643

Where dem dollar bills yo? Where dat timestamped lambo? Surely if stockfaggs have them, then you must have even more? ;^)

>> No.3818647

do you use TA?

>> No.3818680

....yeah I just write and record music


>> No.3818694

>having to prove your wealth to internet strangers

kys friendo :)

>> No.3818695

so you buy undervalued coins based on fundamentals?

>> No.3818696

I'm 6x in two months only hodling. What's been holding you back?

>> No.3818728

out of the 50-60 different coins I trade, probably 95% of them are being shilled on here constantly

the other 5% are "undervalued coins based on fundamentals" sure

>> No.3818741

no u

>> No.3818746

and you day trade?

>> No.3818755

on nine different exchanges

>> No.3818759

Because those who bought shitcoins in summer now they have lost 90% hodling.

>> No.3818761

so you use a bot?

>> No.3818767

bots can't beat me, I guarantee it

>> No.3818794

if you are day-trading and not using a bot, how are you picking your positions? I'm not asking for details, just a general explanation

>> No.3818814


>> No.3818818


A team + TA.

>> No.3818839

>was worried about having link bags after only buying them 12 hours ago
>wake up, they sold at a profit

>> No.3818863

how did you go about finding a team

>> No.3818866

can you be more specific?

>> No.3818874


>> No.3818920

It is not, why bother with crypto if you gonna sit 8 hours a day infront of a desk .
Same as wage cucking , actually . worse than wage cucking , since with wage cucking you will earn money you can actually use to hodl without stressing your mind about 1% gains.

>> No.3818941


Start by learning, having a ton of practise and being good, have something to give first. Then just make yourself a name in the comunities, make friends, have fun and you'll find yourself in a nice team.

You don't have enough eyes to watch all the coins and catch all the news.

>> No.3819800

OP, the only way to gain short term alpha when you are trying to beat something which can be modelled by a random walk process is through quant trading and exploitation. Anybody telling you otherwise, especially fags who suggest meme charts, is either a retard, a larping fag or just lucky. Now long term forecasting or a fundamental approach is a whole other thing.

>> No.3819832

Aw man you were larping pretty good why did you have to go and ruin it

>> No.3819855

longterm forecasting? Is that TA done on weekly/monthly charts?

>> No.3819909

>beat something which can be modelled by a random walk process is through quant trading
That's a meme my boy. Can't solve macro random walk using an incomplete micro theory based model.

>> No.3819935

did you ever considering the compounding gains of "10% many times" ?

Also look up protecting against losses like those "holders" don't care about

>> No.3819961

Forget TA. My point above is you are not gonna gain anything trying to forecast a random walk short term. So unless you can exploit, forget predicting hourly price movements based purely on past data. Long term is a different thing, look into stochastic volatility modelling and go from there if you are serious about this.

>> No.3819979

You are a fucking meme. You are thinking of forecasting, Im not.

>> No.3820036

you're a terrible bullshitter

>> No.3820076
File: 1.98 MB, 500x341, tumblr_n7c534b6gh1shbc9ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would estimate intraday forex or gold or wti or something like that for retailers after spreads and slippage is nearly if impossible 2017. bitcoin might be possible to intraday trade maybe with a slight profit after spread, but not many trades during a day

obviously in stock markets there are retailers who can make significant profit intraday, there are several verified track records in tokyo for example, probably best retail traders still live, with something like 30k --> 300 million usd first years they can achieve outstanding profits but as their bankroll grow large enough, over 100m they cannot intraday trade anymore and are forced to trade longer timeframes, while also their annual profits decreasing greatly, being only slightly better than best hedge funds in the worlds on risk adjusted basis

>> No.3820136
File: 17 KB, 595x166, brettygud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daytraders cant make money
>HFTs can make money

HFTs ARE daytraders! Your premise that daytrading isn't profitable for anyone is wrong.

As for my own gains, I make a comfortable six figure living daytrading. My image from my first post was a typical P/L for a day in that account/trading strategy. I'll post yesterday's if you want to see more, just to humor you.

It is very true 90% of traders losing 90% of their capital in 90 days, so my case is an exception. However, the premise that anyone cant make money daytrading is ridiculous. But hey, I can be here living the life while you slave away with your negativity, right?

>> No.3820170

In this world everything go fast, even learning how to trade.

I'm still a newbie but in less than a month I learned from my mistakes and learned to predict decently how this market works and the basics of TA (I wouldn't go too technical on cryptos, it's still an easy market).

>> No.3820178
File: 997 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hft markets profit have been declining too every year, it's insanely competitive environment and most companies have gone bust. only the absolute top survives these days but even for them the profits are probably not even half what they used to be few years back

>> No.3820181
File: 52 KB, 604x368, Foto 11-12-16 20 40 44 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exponential grwoth you fucking jew

>> No.3820183

do you ever get mad when people call you a 'gay trader'?

>> No.3820218

Question should be restated as "Is trading on meme charts more profitable than holding" and then we are talking. Retards fucking fail to grasp that TA is not the be all and end all of looking at financial time series data.

>> No.3820251

Don't daytrade

Weektrade or monthtrade, far more effective

>> No.3820447

I turned 40 eth into 2 daytrading. It's easier than you could ever imagine.

>> No.3820845

98% of people reading this thread are shit at day trading and will always be shit at day trading.

100% of people reading this thread can be as good as the world's best HODL'er with no prior training. All they have to do is HODL.

'Nuff said.