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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 183 KB, 528x747, sibos swift chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815027 No.3815027 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there will be no "news" and no "announcements" at SIBOS.

Chainlink is doing a live demo of a proof of concept developed with/for SWIFT at one of the biggest finance conferences in the world.
The topic: one of the hottest items in today's finance: smart contracts.

If this alone does not get you sufficiently hyped, then you need shock therapy.

- no news
- no announcements
Only one big giant marketing opportunity for Chainlink

>> No.3815040

They confirmed on slack there there are announcements to be expected after the conference.

>> No.3815052

just curious why you feel the need to FUD? nothing else to do with your time? kys neet

>> No.3815054

i suppose giant marketing is a good thing, aren't you trying to fud?

>> No.3815057

What they meant is that they will start communicating more after SIBOS.

Right now they're preparing and don't have time for anything else.
They will be less busy after SIBOS, and thus more communicative.

>> No.3815084

I'm absolutely not trying to fud, I'm actually hyping LINK.

The demo at SIBOS will happen exactly as planned, and the implications of this massive marketing event are gigantic.

It's just that so many people seem to believe that "dude the price will dump if there are no announcements at SIBOS".
There were NEVER going to be any announcements, only the fucking demo; and it will be glorious (although boring on the surface of course).

SIBOS is a marketing opportunity, not a fucking press conference.

>> No.3815086

no they meant what they said, announcement is not communicating. If they said they want to communicate more, they would say we will communicate more. fucknut

>> No.3815088



>> No.3815100


>Have 500 LINK
>Worth now 155,5 €
>Worth after Sibos
>Realisticly 300 Euro
>When i'm drunk 500
>When I'm euphoric and dreaming 1000

>> No.3815102

I'd prefer to take their word than yours

>> No.3815108

How do you think you convey announcements? By communicating.

Of course there will be announcements after SIBOS, but SIBOS itself is about the demo and ONLY about the demo.

And how am I contradicting them?

>> No.3815117
File: 45 KB, 987x652, oracle setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go set up an oracle on their website right now.

>> No.3815136
File: 4 KB, 201x178, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHRwglRRbs-C3JmhiLHYSCq0hVDtuX13LZf4id4oQFCMAbZo5E3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcement is not communicating

>> No.3815138


Fuck does this have to do with the coin?

>> No.3815147

Oracle operators get rewarded in LINK.
Can't have a decentralized network without rewards.

>> No.3815150

go read their whitepaper

>> No.3815161


And how much link do they get to facilitate a contract?

>> No.3815165

It depends. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.3815174


Ball park it.

>> No.3815183


>> No.3815190


Thought so. Fucking shills.

>> No.3815235

There's still time anon. LINK is still dirt cheap.
Right now /biz/ is probably the most woke on the topic of LINK among the mainstream, but industry players are paying close attention.

The WEF (World Economic Forum) for instance mentioned Smartcontract(s).com by name in 2016:

So did Capgemini in 2016:

Google "WEF" and "Capgemini" please if you don't know them.

After SIBOS, the fire will spread.

>> No.3815263


>google wef and capgemini


>> No.3815283


>> No.3815290

>Fuck does this have to do with the coin?
Everybody take a hard look at this faggot.

These are the people FUDing LINK, they have no idea what it's even about.

>> No.3815353
File: 71 KB, 800x600, pierogi ruskie (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sergey about to press start for link presentation
>laptop catch fire and die
>russian dumpligns everywhere
>people get out from the room, some of them piss on the wall because it's toilet

>> No.3815408

Screencap this.

>> No.3815461


>screencap this


>> No.3815483

> SIBOS live stream goes online
> Sergey stands in front of a group of 20-30 Chinese people
> There are two cages to the left and right of him
> Sergey opens the cages and releases the dogs
> The Chinks position themselves in a circle and start clubbing the dogs to death
> Stream goes offline

>> No.3815489


This is not an answer, pajeet.

>> No.3815505
File: 2.23 MB, 200x150, vince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is chainlink?

>ChainLink is blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts to access key off-chain resources like data feeds, various web APIs, and traditional bank account payments.

>By providing smart contracts secure access to these key resources, ChainLink allows them to mimic real world agreements that require external proof of performance and need to make payment in widely available payment methods e.g. bank payments.

what problem does chainlink solve?

>Smart Contracts are unable to communicate with external resources on their own. Data feeds, any/all APIs and traditional bank payment systems are all inaccessible to smart contracts without blockchain middleware like ChainLink.

>This limitation is inherent in how smart contract data is secured on a blockchain, and is due to the way that consensus is reached by miners around blockchain-based transaction data, this limitation will remain for all smart contracts for the forseeable future.

>The way this problem is traditionally solved is through the use of a blockchain middleware called an "oracle", which is the role ChainLink plays in the smart contract ecosystem.

ITT: people who cant see the forest through the trees

>> No.3815512


>> No.3815514

Looking at your replies, you're the pajeet here famalam.
Read the whitepaper you dumb fuck. But then again, you probably wouldn't even understand it.

>> No.3815530


I'm busy juggling support calls rn. No time to read a fucking whitepaper. Why is it so hard for you shills to answer simple fucking questions, eh?

>> No.3815537

>spoonfeed me

Bro, you will NOT make it in this game unless you research stuff like this.

We have been trying to tell everyone that LINK actually has a working product with it.

Fucking BUY

>> No.3815547


>I can't actually TL;DR how this works, just fucking buy it.

Yeah ok.

>> No.3815564

You got your TL;DR.
But if you want the technical details on how rewards are allocated, you're going to need to read the whitepaper.

>> No.3815601

You don't get it OP, chainlink may not announce anything AT SIBOS, but they can release an announcement during SIBOS. Why? Because that's the best time for them to do so, having a lot of attention on for free marketing.

>> No.3815620

If they do, it's merely a cherry on top.
However, too many people are predicating the perceived success of SIBOS on fucking announcements.