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File: 55 KB, 682x504, capgemini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3813413 No.3813413 [Reply] [Original]

In case you're still unsure about the importance of mainstream smart contracts, here's a report by Capgemini Consulting (one of Europe's biggest management consulting companies):
(or google "Smart Contracts in Financial Services: Getting from Hype to Reality")

Smartcontract.com (=Chainlink) and Sergey Nazarov are mentioned by name multiple times as the only providers of smart contracts that can use external data.

>> No.3813423

A few excerpts:

>Sometimes, external inputs such as prices, performance, or other real-world data may be required to process a transaction, and oracle services help smart contracts with inputs such as these.

Chainlink (Smartcontract.com) is the only player in the entire report that is associated with oracles.

>> No.3813440

shhhh let them sell us their bags anon

>> No.3813445

The Gartner research paper stated that Sergey already has lined up top tier data providers ready to go to provide data to the ChainLink ecosystem.

>> No.3813449

Here's an excerpt from the report talking about the need for smart contract solutions to have low-threshold integration, to save on costs:
>Smart contracts need to be integrated with the industry’s existing systems, raising significant questions about the effort involved and the investment that will be required.
>Thomas Hardjono, CTO at MIT Connection Science, believes that it is a key cost component that needs to be factored in early on.
>“When a company, a big bank or a big company is trying to bring in new technology, this integration is a cost item”

Chainlink (Smartcontract.com) is VERY low-threshold for industry players, as it's basically a plug&play add-on thanks to its decentralized network.

>> No.3813456



>> No.3813465

Link is


>> No.3813466

It wasn't my words. It is literally word for word how the research writer wrote to describe the data providers. Go read it yourself.

>> No.3813471


>> No.3813474


>> No.3813475

Please delet i need to accumulate still

>> No.3813486

Yeah no shit Chainlink is going to be huge.

It will partner with all smart contract platforms (eth, neo, qtum, ubiq, lisk etc)

I'd say it is probably one of the best long term potentials right now. Who cares what it is dipping at right now if it is gonna be huge down the road, buy the fucking dip

>> No.3813493

Is reddit also all in like us or they missed it?

>> No.3813494

Damn. Nice. Although it's obviously true

>> No.3813495

please explain the accumulate meme

why didn't you buy a 30k sats ? why now ? for how long ? why are you not just going all in now ?

>> No.3813516

At first they were being their usual idiotic self, still clinging to OMG and the old guard like ETH and BTC.
Firmly investing their egos in whatever they know and trust, so they view promising newcomers like LINK with distrust and derision.

Not sure if things have changed by now.

>> No.3813527

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe ChainLink won't be used by the institutions
Feels so good to be balls deep on this

>> No.3813539
File: 5 KB, 175x175, 1486792044270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only put like $50-130 a week into crypto. i'm still accumulating pls

>> No.3813566


There's a "what alts should I buy" thread that has a few LINK mentions but nothing comprehensive and nothing enthusiastic.

They'll figure it out in a week or two.

>> No.3813568


>> No.3813571

I went balls deep on the 7500sat dip yesterday. Feels good. 20k LINK rdy.

It is actually funny how people rather invest in generic shitcoins all over instead of taking the time and assessing the big potential here, only to FOMO in near the top and panic selling at the first dip.

2x is a 100% safe bet in the next weeks
3x is still very conservative evaluation
5x until december is expected
10x would be a bit unrealistic but not out of reach in a 6 month time frame

>> No.3813582


Holy fuck this nigger was not lying about Capgemini being fucking massive.

>> No.3813591

>5x EOY
nice memes

>> No.3813594

Not a rumor. Some dude from Slack acquired that 500 dollar research paper and it stated Sergey has had these bitches lined up since 2016.

>> No.3813601

Capgemini Consulting is a massive consulting operation; and the parent company Capgemini is "one of the world's largest IT consulting, outsourcing and professional services companies".

It's not just a consulting giant, it's also an IT giant.
So a topic like smart contracts is right up their alley.

>> No.3813604

i am all in i need time to get more money to put into LINK

>> No.3813610

>"not a rumor"
>rumoring without evidence

>> No.3813620

Yet LINK still lies dying in the gutter

>> No.3813627

then buy it

>> No.3813628
File: 93 KB, 564x214, 0a1e38a7c4195ca8b23c5fcbce89278b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor though

>> No.3813646

... at more than 3x ICO, while still on a beautifully stepped uptrend.

>> No.3813728
File: 55 KB, 645x968, 1507594405907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coin up 3x since 2 weeks, already corrected down from 4x.
>"Lies down in the gutter"

Classic biztard.

>> No.3813755

That's a nice pdf.

>> No.3813759

And in case you REALLY aren't sure just how big smart contracts are;
here's SWIFT talking about two major pillars of fintech:
1) distributed ledgers
2) smart contracts

Source: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
(this is a PDF download of an official SWIFT doc. If you don't trust my link, google "Information paper Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Business Standards and ISO 20022")

>> No.3813766

wellp i will drop another 500€ today

>> No.3813768

this will reach $700 mil MC by the end of november screencap this cunts.

>> No.3813774

Not everyone has $50,000 lying around in savings they can afford to throw into crypto. Some people take longer to accumulate because they rely on weekly paychecks to fund their investments.

basically poor wagecucks can't afford to go balls deep in LINK because of wagecuck shit like bills

>> No.3813791

Very first line of that SWIFT document:
>Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers.

Nicely outlines the two main pillars: DLT and Smart Contracts.

>> No.3813812

That's it. I'm going all in

>> No.3813978
File: 325 KB, 904x583, 1506709934149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 100 link


>> No.3814051

You know a wage isn't paid all at the beginning of the year, don't you?

>> No.3814136
File: 25 KB, 575x335, 1505810882442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the article, I'm glad I went all in. Looks like it was the smartest decision in my life

>> No.3814368

We're all gonna make it bro.

>> No.3815149

Lmao, just found out that I have access to Gartner research through my university. I can confirm that the screenshot is from a Gartner report.

>> No.3815311
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>> No.3815333

I'm deeply jealous of people with 400k+ Link.

>> No.3815365

I'm afraid that ripple might have something new too though.
their market is already more established even if chainlink has a wider spectrum of use cases

>> No.3815394

Everyone already know ChainLink will be huge enough already

>> No.3815437

I'm thinking about selling my other holdings and go full yolo on link before sibos. Pretty much set on it, just don't know how much time I have left until the price pumps pre-sibos. Any idea?

>> No.3815464
File: 33 KB, 500x318, ripplefedchina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the babbies get their asses to them by this shit coin, remember the one who will rule them all.

>> No.3815498

tfw only 5k link

>> No.3815521

I also work at a university and found this trolling through Gartner research. This article is directly based off a Gartner article published 04 May 2017.


>> No.3815584
File: 1.40 MB, 942x628, foite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is entirely outside of the feud between SWIFT and Ripple.

LINK can perfectly coexist with either, both, or neither.

>> No.3815693

Anyone have a pdf of the Gartner document? My uni does not have access and it's $500

>> No.3815843

Can someone explain me by which mechanism Chainlink tokens will be distributed to node operators? Who pays them and how? Not fudding, I'm all in on LINK myself.

>> No.3815988

how can you be so sure?

Smartcontracts are not mainstream yet, possibly in less than 3 years is when we will see the most movement from this LINK but its gonna be massive

>> No.3816014

Things could develop a LOT faster though.

>> No.3816035

They could if we meme it hard enough

>> No.3816846

theres 350m tokens for node rewards i think according to the whitepaper, not sure if there are tx fees added as well

>> No.3817681

So its like the bitcoin mining, they get paid for every piece of data they provide?

And then the node operators sell them and then what?

They would be bought by the general public. So how do they get back into a position to be paid to the data providers again?

I have 8.5k link so i need to know

>> No.3817954


Then what?

>> No.3818054
File: 72 KB, 754x307, How LINK Works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I found out how it works from the white paper.

Basically whoever is running the smart contract buys the LINK off the open market and then pays it to the data feed operator.

They do this continuously and most likely automatically.

>> No.3818064

My high school crush works in that company

>> No.3818080

>I'm afraid that ripple might have something new too though.

No they don't, if they had they would've announced it by now. Hosting your own sad little event right next to SIBOS, on the same fucking day screams desperation. It's a last resort strategy, they're TRYING to steal attention from the big boys.

>> No.3818149

Considering selling my ARK and OMG to go all in on LINK. The former aren't doing shit and those skateboard photos leave a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.3818275

Definitely sell OMG to go into LINK. I'm not as sure about ARK -- likely also undervalued at this point, though not to the same degree. There's something to be said for spreading your bets at least a little bit though