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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3809028 No.3809028 [Reply] [Original]

Okay. I am about to tell you the greatest moon mission of Q4 that is going to occur on November 1st 2017. I am talking about 1000%-10000% moon.

On November 1st everyone is going to be getting there BTG. Money will start going into Alts.

November 1st is a little thing called DIONS block call.
After this block call in 2 weeks DIONS will be released.

During those two weeks expect the greatest pump of Quarter 4.

It is currently at 50k sats. By the end of it we will be at 500k sats. Be smart don't miss out on this.

People are even fudding on here to get cheaper coins cause they know what's about the happen.

Good Luck. Hopefully you don't miss out.

>> No.3809101

Holy shit I'm buying

>> No.3809114

This dip ain't looking so good. Really testing no my hodling OP but if I lose it all then so be it

>> No.3809118

you may make it kid

>> No.3809183

BTG is a joke.
Unless you meant the 2X fork
it's going to greatly affect the market even if this shit gets hyped.

>> No.3809215

The FUD about the lead (Joel AKA Chad) leaving is fake. It's the same lie that ODN whales are using....

Now is the magic time to buy in. 100% gains can be easily made within 2 months.

This is a legit project. It has reasonable goals and a long roadmap of features that will shake up the market. this is the "supercoin" some of you have talked about.
No, the DIONS suite isn't revolutionary, but let us take a look at the competition.
>Status -- competing messaging platform
>raised over 100MM USD, complete radio silence, at least on /biz/
>Obsidian -- dApp ecosystem - building messaging dApp
>I actually like this coin so I'm not going to FUD it. All I can say right now is that their messaging dApp will probably have a "different" userbase, as opposed to IOC's enterprise users, and it is farther from completion than DIONS.
>Nexus -- reversible txns (on IOC roadmap)
>I don't really know much about Nexus although the tech looks strong
>doesn't have the feature suite that IOC plans to have soon and in the future

BTG is a premined scam
2X will probably take over, but people are going to want to dump their BTC (Core)..I'd be careful with BTG and BTC1 (2X) because of lack of replay protection, you could lose your Bitcoin (whatever you are trying to accumulate more of) if you send/spend your BTG/Core/BTC1 if that txn is maliciously relayed to the other chain(s).

>> No.3809906

bumping because it took time to write this shit and you fuckers need to read it

>> No.3809970


>like we don't know already

>> No.3809975

DIONS, bro thanks for the heads up. Is it wise to buy bitcoin at ATH and dumping it straight into IOC? Kicking myself for not stocking up on dry powder BTC and seeing all these firesale prices now with no ammo. Thanks IOC bro.

>> No.3809990

Same here, I sold some of my IOC and bought a bunch of shitcoins. I'd say yes.

>> No.3810405

IOC is best coin on the market. In 3 weeks people will notice it.

>> No.3811112
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>> No.3811137
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>> No.3811170

I sold all of mine. This coin is retarded. On top of that, I hate the memes.

>> No.3811305

ODN AND IOC are best day ever.

>> No.3811618
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bruh i am an IOC and ODN holder... they are both for two different things. Chill senpai we both gonna make it.

>> No.3811737

I'm waiting for this day. When everyone FOMO buys and the price explodes. Even now you can't buy it that easily as most holders aren't interested in selling.

This is the coin that will make me a millionaire. See you on the moon anons.

>> No.3812084

idk about a millionaire... but if you can accumulate 5000 - 10000 coins before November 1st you won the game.

>> No.3812195

Damn good find just put a order in for 1k.

>> No.3812205

I sold towards the top I am rebuying in once I get my BTG hopefully there is some for sale.

>> No.3812227

Delete this please OP, too soon to start the hype. Lot of us are still trying to accumulate at this legendary price so leave us be and post this in a week or two, thanks.

Anybody who saw this though, it's the coin of Q4, nothing will come close. Screencap this if you don't believe me

>> No.3812238

I said it was gonna be Q4 NEO... Bruh

>> No.3812240

OP stop dude I never thought this would be below 60k again. I'm trying to accomulate let idiots dump it

>> No.3812243
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Just a big nothingburger, I'm sure.

>> No.3812253

Yeah I was just saying that it's gonna be one of the greatest moons of Q4, sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

>> No.3812257

It has so much further to fall unfortunately. good luck

>> No.3812306

One can hope more gains.

>> No.3812703

I hope it keeps falling. This is one of the few coins i believe in. Out of the 5 coins i've invested in Ethereum at 10, neo at 1, wtc at .8 and link at .1, this is my 5th and inevitable moon. I think it will hit 500ksats by quarter 2, not so soon if I'm being realistic.

and guys if u are planning to buy make sure u are buying ioc not the other scam coins

>> No.3812788

got 5k of these am i gonna make it?

>> No.3813856

update of the team: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=695855.msg22801398#msg22801398

>> No.3813863

Stop bloody bumping this. I want to buy sub 30k IOC

>> No.3813866
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unironically buying 20k IOC

>> No.3814103

Fuck this coin. They have been 'testing' DIONS for years

>> No.3814291

Not a chance.

>> No.3814355

> I am talking about 1000%-10000% moon.
>It is currently at 50k sats. By the end of it we will be at 500k sats.


>> No.3814427

This is a joke right. This is a pump group isn't it?

Get the fuck out of here you cucks

>> No.3814446

Yep total dead coin. Do not buy under any circumstances

>> No.3814495

i will buy IOC after the BTG distribution, that one is a good bet

>> No.3814520

i only have 120 IOC that i have had since march. i had more but sold during a time when it was high, around $5 i think. not buying anymore, but if this hits a good surge and gets to $30, i'll sell what i have.

>> No.3814556

This is going to be amazing

>> No.3814583

Where the hell do you retards from pump groups pip up from. Stop scamming people jesus Christ.

>> No.3814602

Who the fuck is from a pump group... Stop fudding. This is 3 years in the fucking making... No pump group required.

>> No.3814628

research some guys jeez, this coin will be 15$ very soon

>> No.3814665
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Oh my god we've been over this already /biz/. The founder is LITERALLY a failed rapper Taino. His only developer is by his words a genius engeneer working at CERN.

DIONS is literally useless app. You can send messages or pictures to your friends who own IOC too.

And even if you wanted to actually use DIONS fro anything, it was supposed to be already realeased many times.

This whole project is a mess.

>> No.3814677

You are pathetic. Good things take times. That's not all DIONs is. This is why you are going to stay poor. Stop trying to get cheap fucking IOC. Like I get it. But stop.

>> No.3814685

Not sure about $15 But definitely upwards of $5 In the short term.

Fill your boots whilst you can

>> No.3814692

Dions isn't even for that that's like ODN. So you obviously just an idiot who has no idea what's going on. A fucking troll GTFO bro.

>> No.3814728

K have fun getting scammed on BTG I'mma collect more IOC so I can actually make some money. All you idiots are putting your money in BTC for a coin you probably won't even get, or by the time you do it'll be dumped on you. BTG is biggest scam to trick idiots who were like oh BCH got me money let's do it again.

Only difference they premined 200,000 of them to dump on yo asses before you even get a chance.

>> No.3814742

THIS, fucking delusional IOC holders you are the fucking worst

>> No.3814762

I am not even mad. All great things have fud. Literally needed to test everything on all three operating systems. If you are going to be securely storing important documents and such security is most important thing. Sorry things take time. There was no ico. They didn't scam people. This is how crypto should be.

>> No.3814764

I'm not trying to troll. Actually, I've been heavily into IOCoin during September and it gave me some nice return, too. But the whole project gives me a bad vibe now.

>> No.3814792
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>> No.3814798

So you road the first wave sold made a profit. Now you are fudding. You really are the worst thing of person. Don't get me wrong I sold too. I rebought back in with more of them though.

>> No.3814861

Yeah, you are probably right, /biz/ is not good for mental health and it made me a worse person than I was this spring.

>> No.3814928

Moment you say something is garb because of someone's race I auto ignore you.

>> No.3814973

I literally have no idea what are you talking about. Who's race?

>> No.3815071

That's just the waves.

>> No.3815135

I bought at 100k wont sell for less then 500k. :^)

>> No.3815636


>> No.3815729

I actually have 5.5k IOC. Still want more though.