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File: 39 KB, 564x723, 1505266504139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3806675 No.3806675 [Reply] [Original]

Take a look at the charts these people posted.


Bittrex dumped all the fees they earn on trading pairs so they could get BTC and make millions off the hard fork.

>> No.3806693

I ain't clicking that fucking link nigga.

>> No.3806700

bumping for visibility

>> No.3806715


Then stop being a dumbass, copy the link into google and view it there.

>> No.3807454
File: 609 KB, 1434x2162, 20170924_055139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it is, People, the Monday Ripple Crash I promised. Kimmie was vanquished today, so the Korean Threat is over. POTUS has moved on to dealing with Iran. Buy the pfomised Ripple crash as previously advised. Thank me later

>> No.3807522

When I copy it into google it shows this post and nothing else you nigger. What kind of shit you trying to pull pajeet?

>> No.3807581


>> No.3807599

Don't click that Link. i am serious.

>> No.3807602

i find this interesting

>> No.3807609
File: 224 KB, 808x805, 1498757172120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I clicked the link

Please have mercy on me pajeet I don't have anything else to my name. Don't steal my shit.

>> No.3807642

Basically, every single cryptocurrency (alts) listed on Bittrex has fallen in a very similar pattern in relation to one another. Not every coin, but coins that are listed on Bittrex. Between the hours of 1200 and 0900 at UTC-4 on 8th October 2017, a large number of alts experienced a mass dump executed within minutes of each other. Coincidence? We’ll let the charts speak for us.

Our speculation is that an entity at Bittrex made a monumental mistake. Comparative analysis, completed by Syndicate.Enrique, shows that only an entity/group with a massive (nearly complete) diversification of alt-coins would have been able to create a uniform sell off, within the exchange, in the same time frame, for the same percentages.

Bittrex: Whenever fees are assessed from Bittrex, they aren’t transferred away from Bittrex, and are more than likely not swapped to different coins (BTC or other) unilaterally when the fees are acquired. At some point, Bittrex needs to be convert these fees into BTC – should they be motivated to stack their BTC bags. Considering this, it’s probable – though still speculative – this crash was an attempt to automate offsetting their load. The result, Bittrex dumped their bags too quickly, all at the same time. Typically, shielding this kind of activity would be the aim, using a much longer time frame to avoid creating market panic, and also to keep prying eyes like ours from being able to dissect the market manipulation performed against investors.
We would like to give Bittrex the benefit of the doubt, but this is way too much of a coincidence. No other exchange has experienced these patterns in their assets. Cryptocurrencies that were NOT listed on Bittrex were not affected in the same way. Every other exchange we looked at, Binance, Kraken, Bitstamp, Coinbase, GDAX, Coss, Cryptopia, Yobit – all experienced patterns that were indicative of market reaction stemming from a single source of flash sell-down: Bittrex.

>> No.3807659

Who else has a portfolio of alt-currencies so diversified that they could sell off volume in uniform succession in a limited time frame?

Argument: People are moving alts to BTC

This is also false. Though it is true, it didn’t happen at the scale that matches with the volumes moved from alts to BTC across any other exchange. This wasn’t a market-wide movement like we saw with BIP91 activity between June and July.

Argument: It’s just whales

If it were just whales, you wouldn’t have seen this level of diversification and havoc in every page of Bittrex. This pattern is everywhere, from page 1, through page 7. This pattern doesn’t show up on any other exchange in this fashion. Whales don’t buy LGD, come on…

>> No.3807669
File: 2.61 MB, 4575x2462, bittrekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3807678

I clicked the link. Please tell me what to do to remove the virus, I will send you 0.1 BTC.

>> No.3807694
File: 50 KB, 768x672, 1501073902013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malwarebytes didn't detect anything but I'm scared.

>> No.3807696

oh fuck i clicked it in a virtual machine and his virus escaped.

>> No.3807738

fear is the little death

>> No.3807769

wait why is does it looks like there are no offices in those towers and the sun just shines right threw AHHHHH WTF ITS FAKE

>> No.3807787

Can someone briefly explain what is it that bittrex is doing and what action should someone who has some alt coins on them take?

>> No.3807795

What is wrong with clicking the link?

>> No.3807801
File: 1.54 MB, 1400x2371, 1507566251691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice crop job you fucking freemason faggot. Go back to your cave.

>> No.3807836
File: 360 KB, 1162x850, f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bitrex needed to unload their fees in alts into BTC and caused this afternoon's crash. great time to buy more alts

>> No.3807886
File: 74 KB, 1024x614, don't touch it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's kinda cute and interesting but DON'T TOUCH IT

>> No.3807894

nothing. They are small but known group that is trying to make a (legit) name for themselves. There is no virus.

>> No.3807952

This is retarded. It's across the board nigga. Only alts on bittrex are even worth taking seriously. No one with serious investment invests in shit

>> No.3808042

everything crashed because the price of bitcoin spiked. as far as i can see the price of bitcoin spiked on all the exchanges at the same time. how do you know it was bittrex that caused the price of bitcoin to spike?

>> No.3808107
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>> No.3808122

>We would like to give Bittrex the benefit of the doubt
Those nigs cannot be trusted

>> No.3808261

the article has been edited. It wasnt meant to imply Bittrex was responsible, but that someone was "leveraging" it to cause the market reaction.

>> No.3808299

>we have no proof of our claims

Literally LMAO

>> No.3808349
File: 108 KB, 1092x726, 1497723819423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK Now Guys Please Stop Dumping: The Thread

>> No.3808848

I forgot to screencap, but VirusTotal says the link is legit. So theres that.

Tip me if i helped you


>> No.3809181

how could VirusTotal legitimize that conspiracy theory, I suspect you might have a tad much trust in their service lad

>> No.3809356

bittrex did it
half trolling, they fucked their own site over, but everyone was going all in on BTC for the snapshot so i guess they followed.
can't blame them for following you guys.

>> No.3809403

This fits my personal belief that Brittrex is shit so i will choose to believe this completly

>> No.3809598

I wouldn't trust some fud from a website owner that cannot establish a database connection.

>> No.3809612


more on the bittrex stuff from same guys

>> No.3809623

nice steath coss thread nigger.

No i dont want your bags

>> No.3809633

Buy chainlink woof

>> No.3809678

This guy spreading the fud is an idiot. Just watched the video. He obviously got rekt and is crying for sympathy. Absolute bullshit. He obviously doesn't understand how technology works and how the markets can be manipulated from outsiders. This guy has no authority. Just some normie that made bad trade decisions and crappy money management now he's trying to attention whore. The dumb fuck can't even keep his Wordpress website up with a caching plugin. What an absolute pleb.

>> No.3809687


>> No.3809886


If you don't know how to play the market cash out now and take up gardening or invest in an ice cream truck business.

Anon described the situation here:


Alts are dumping before BTC dumps again so to buy alts at a cheaper price.

>> No.3809909

You're an idiot.

>> No.3810024
File: 1.31 MB, 1403x1706, nrekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uses his own wife to shill his startup.

I wouldn't take on board whatever this idiot is saying.

>> No.3810092

'Uses his wife'

>Implying you have a wife who owns her own company, implying you are not a virgin who uses his crypto gains to buy thunderbirds toys.

>> No.3810136

>because married couples aren't allowed to express opinions about each other's works.
LOL your life must be lonely

>> No.3810275

TIL a CMO means that you own a company. Genius.

You guys really are dumb as fuck and love to jump on some uneducated FUD bandwagon.

>> No.3810564

Just what I needed. Another reason to delude myself further to not cut my losses.

>> No.3811400

people don't know how the internet works and think that clicking a link will allow a hacker to steal all their bags.

>> No.3811410

Good volatile market is a happy one

>> No.3811424

he's saying VirusTotal gave the link itself the OK. As in, there's no virus found on the website...

It's not approving the actual content of the website.

per se

>> No.3811706
File: 2.86 MB, 376x278, 1507294410568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were built to colapse, Anon.

>> No.3811934

Or you could only use links on your phone

>> No.3811956

god I hope you're baiting because there's a crane on the top of the ST and the windows/aluminum siding aren't even halfway done yet

>> No.3812727

You look away for 4 days from this cunt market and half your value is gone. This is why crypto will always be shit. It's only good if you are looking at it 24/7. Babysitter assets.

How long until the ALTS recover ?

>> No.3813243

Relax lassie, its a joke, see?

>> No.3813765
File: 720 KB, 760x864, 1505556836543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Goy

>> No.3813800

>implying that exact scenario didn't actually happen literally 2 weeks ago due to Ether Delta's pajeet coding

>> No.3813822

Look at EVERY Altcoin chart on Bittrex...start off with NMR

then look at BCH

notice how they resemble the same pumped and dumped pattern?