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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3806441 No.3806441 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3806456

Money being pulled out of alts to go into btc

>> No.3806466

Now's the time to buy more then retard

>> No.3806467

>tfw all in on BTC
thanks for all the cheap shitcoins

>> No.3806472


>> No.3806483

Shillcoiners BTFO

Glad i didn't listen to all the shills on this board and went 100% BTC. Bye bye losers.

>> No.3806492

no, now is the time to PANIC-SELL alts in exchange for BTC at its near-all-time-high

bai hai sell low roundeyes

>> No.3806498

Why do my bones hurt? Why did you let this happen? Mommy?

>> No.3806504

btc crashes, alts crash
btc moons, alts crash

this game is rigged boys.

>> No.3806518

>tfw 100% BTC
i'm unironically glad i followed reddit advice and don't have a single shitcoin to my name

>> No.3806536

this is probably the best time to buy the altcoin dip. maybe wait for BTC 5k and let it sink into the altcoin market a bit for better discounts. but we're going to 250 billion market cap this time around lad

>> No.3806541

100% Bitcoiner

Good feels

>> No.3806553

enjoy your 20% gains at most, i've already more than 5x my money on recent OMG/Walton pumps

>> No.3806562

it's called overselling...smart people realize this and do the opposite of what the sheep do.

tldr: buy the dip

>> No.3806566

me too boyos
well yeah, wtf is habbening, will btc crash, should i cash out now or ride this like a madman ?

>> No.3806613

We hold BTC and all the forks all the way to lamboland

>> No.3806641
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I dont get it, why sell alts for BTC at a loss, to catch like a 10-20% increase while you can make way fucking more on alts. People are stupid beyond belief. By doing it en masse, alts crash. what the actual fuck

>> No.3806658


desu you're right, I'm actually probably going to use this dip to buy ETH

>> No.3806666

why I wish I never got into alts and just stayed all in with BTC. huge opportunity cost being in shitcoins. even when alts go up, unless it's a low cap coin that's mooning altcoin gains are typically lower than BTC, and altcoin losses typically greater.

>> No.3806674

Market is fucking retarded. Just buy the dip.

>> No.3806679

I kind of want to sell and buy a fuckton of OMG/LTC
I'm only down -$3 after this crash. I just don't know if LINK or LTC/OMG is going to rebound harder

>> No.3806697


That's why I love free markets. You can make so much money when the market's full of sheeps.

>> No.3806896

This is why only few will succeed and the most will be broke. Stay smart.

>> No.3806925

you forgot to sell your btc when it dips below your buy price and buy back your alts for more than you sold

>> No.3806927



4 dip days in a fucking row. we all lost

>> No.3806957

I'm at 7x holding bitcoin for a year now.

I was doing nothing while you were having multiple heart attacks and shilling your bags around here.

Feels good.

>> No.3806983

and if I hadn't made 100x on coins like bitbean pie and stratis I wouldn't have the BTC i have now, what's your point numbnuts?

>> No.3806985

Tripes have spoken. Buy moar ALTCOINS

>> No.3806994

Whether most of the market is dumb as a rock or slightly intelligent doesn't really matter, in the end it's all up to the whales what happens. The annoying thing is they have "muh free btc gold" as a powerful catalyst atm.

>> No.3807007

>you can make way fucking more on alts

Top kek

No you can't dumbass, it's fucking happening once again, bitcoin the king is woke and putting the boys out from the house.

>> No.3807009
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>> No.3807031

fuck u

>> No.3807057

You make 100x but you are not crazy enough to invest thousands and thousands of dollars into risky shitcoins.

So the point is, shitcoin is for poorfags who have nothing to lose.

Rich people like me only want bitcoin.

Have fun.

>> No.3807074

Don't people realize that all coins go up and down. Shit like etherium is going to start recovering best to buy now.

>> No.3807086

>when you already have money you don't need 100x gains as badly

gee really tell me more you're a bonafide sage

>> No.3807112


you guys deserve to be poor.

Go sell some mooncoins pajeet.

>> No.3807124

You sound genuinely mad that some altcoins go up more than bitcoin did this last year

You should get help

>> No.3807199

what's so hard to grasp?
BTC fork incoming = people cash out alts for BTC.
Fork over = People invest back in alts

>> No.3807238

Wrap your brainlet brain around what leveraged liquidity is with respect to a single equity and you'll understand.

>> No.3807381

There, here he is...a prime example of market stupidity.

Tell me friend, when is the last time bitcoin went x5 or x10 it's value?

>> No.3807501

im learning the hard way that alts should only be for quick 1.5 - 3x gains and then sold immediately, holding most of the long has just been disastrous for me, they either stagnate tying up capital, or they slowly bleed. Sure you get the occasional good day with your shitcoin gets targeted by a pnd group or something but that's not the norm and trying to hold in hopes you've got "the next Ethereum!" is fucking dumb because you're going to be wrong 999/1000

>> No.3807560

invest in a labiaplasty you fucking roastie, all flippity floppity. disgusting.

>> No.3808124

I don't know pajeet, which coin are you dumping next?

>> No.3808172
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7x holding will have 10% stop loss, one morning you'll wake up with an empty stash after a margin call