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File: 7 KB, 250x242, great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3806295 No.3806295 [Reply] [Original]

help me /biz/
i just gambled away 36 bitcoins on just-dice.

what do i do? i just want to die

>> No.3806307

What the hell.

>> No.3806314

well then just die, you obviously want to since you gambled away all your moneyz

>> No.3806317

Post proof faggot.

>> No.3806330

you still have plenty left right?

>> No.3806337

double down

>> No.3806342
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>> No.3806347

i doubled them to 143 btcs and got greedy and lost it all

>> No.3806349

why the fuck would you do that

>> No.3806356

You know what to do OP.

>> No.3806372

holy shit post proof if true

>> No.3806375

jesus wat
u got none left?

>> No.3806383

Weak larp matey.

>> No.3806391

Stop larping and give us some proof.

>> No.3806398

thats why you all in fags will always lose

>> No.3806401
File: 2 KB, 125x78, for deluded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3806468

this makes me feel better about losing 40 btc back in early june from shorting the bitshare pump.

>> No.3806488
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 64534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like JUST-dice, amirite fellas?

>> No.3806592

no you didnt

t. offsite max

>> No.3806651

Man. 143 BTC, damn.

>> No.3806856

Well, assuming this is true, that absolutely sucks, dude, I'm very sorry to hear that. Human psychology makes losses feel more intense than gains, but do try to remember that it really is just money, and money comes and goes. Try to imagine you were somebody outside of the situation, and what you would say to someone in a similar situation. As long as you have your health and faculties (to the extent that we can in this world of alcohol, sugar and caffeine), you are fine. How much of your actual money (your stake) did you lose?

>> No.3806909
File: 185 KB, 400x400, kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have anything left, send it to this address. This is called a leap of faith. You send me what you have left and I'll send you back the 36 bitcoins you lost.

t. richfag with a soft spot for gamblers because my brother had a gambling problem

>> No.3806941
File: 876 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170423-141509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

>> No.3806966
File: 105 KB, 828x720, 1506950757810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking advantage of a self-admitted gambling addict when they're at a low point.

you should kys

>> No.3807037
File: 22 KB, 265x259, 1501185880591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying someone who is dumb enough to gamble away his money and then also fall for this weak ruse isn't supposed to be selected out of the gene pool

How about you go back to facebook, libcuck

>> No.3807050

kys why do you think jews profit the most when there is war?

>> No.3807079

>aspiring to be like that

day of the rope soon

>> No.3807178

so you're saying that exploiting people at their lowest psychological point for profit is a jewish trick, and a good one? maybe hitler was right...

>> No.3807213


>> No.3807236

>This is called a leap of faith

This is called being mentally retarded

>> No.3807250

I can't fucking believe it. Why didn't you cash out?

>> No.3807260

l'll keep them safe for you and more


No worries.

>> No.3807284


I recently wrote a 20 page essay on pathological gambling. The statistics are horrific. You need to seek professional help quickly before you fuck up again.

>> No.3807288

Why did you do it?

>> No.3807430

its a fucking disease dude, one I suffered from myself and still do, I only learned to control it and to be so conscious of my compulsion that I can suppress it.

So many aspects of gambling are destructive and it can manifest into other undesirable traits like lying, deception, manipulation, willful ignorance, etc. It's sad too because some of the worst gamblers I've known have had some of the highest intelligence and yet they make so many dumb fucking choices.

>> No.3807551

Blame it on a cat. Ask for refund

>> No.3807557

u just want two di(c)e

>> No.3807568


anyone that does this would be incapable of making a thread for various reasons

>> No.3807600

Just-dice nowadays uses CLAMS not bitcoins

>> No.3807611

so....instead of putting everything in an oversold altcoin with lot of moon potential like LINK, OMG, or WTC, you literally throw your money away....how retarded are you? nah, you're probably just larping, no way a total idiot has 36 btc.

>> No.3807641

If you're stupid enough to gamble with coins against random chance that you can already gamble with via trading but have news, stats, or some favor on your side then you deserve it.

>> No.3807806

im so fucking drunk andd ready to off myself. hate my life.
never ever gamle if you are thinking about it

>> No.3807879

sell your horse and go all in on Ethereum and wait a year

>> No.3808413

Show proof with betting history or you just seeking sympathy at this point

>> No.3808439

Kill yourself. It even says on the site that the house has a 1% edge. You're fucking retarded and are an example of why poor people are poor.

>> No.3808640

I've been there OP. I must have gambled away at least 40 BTC in the past 5 years. Most recently 4 BTC a couple of weeks ago. Feels bad but you will get over it.

>> No.3808684

ALWAYS pay your profits out.
Only start accumulating when you can prove before yourself that if you had a million you wouldn't waste it away.

>> No.3808687
File: 57 KB, 528x152, etherflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are going to gamble, at least gamble at Etherflip, where your losing bets will earn you dividend-producing tokens and ownership stake in the contract

>> No.3809126

Its an addiction to risk

>> No.3809160


Delet this