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File: 419 KB, 768x435, Screenshot 2017-10-09 at 11.27.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3803674 No.3803674 [Reply] [Original]

11 minutes in


more robust speaker than vitalik

>> No.3803690

And no memey mlp t-shirts like the money skeleton

>> No.3803698
File: 174 KB, 562x960, 21935458_10208183773346962_1124153176_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No spaghetti to be seen anywhere; You got this Sergey!

>> No.3803699

no chat box?

>> No.3803714

So eloquent, he's our guy

>> No.3803716

nice just bought 100k

>> No.3803761


unironically I did as well

>> No.3803803

that cringe ass hipster faggot at the end, why is this allowed???

>> No.3803812

Through all the shilling and FUD, I think we have a very solid project on our hands.

>> No.3803817

I don't know how to evaluate cryptos if not by the darkness of their memes, what do I do here?

>> No.3803832

that's why there is so much shilling and FUD
everybody can see it's probably going to do well

>> No.3803834

Sergei must have ousted that European Chad who spoke after him. Smartcontract won the competition.

>> No.3803850

Sergey is a fucking boss.

>> No.3803901

Is there any picture of Sergey where he doesn't look like he's hung over and inbetween vomiting?

>> No.3803910

Looks and sounds like prequel Obi-Wan Kenobi's autistic little brother

>> No.3803925

People don't realize that this video was their prize.

Sergey being at Sibos this year is an entirely new ball game and everything indicates it is gonna be a blast.

>> No.3803955

People who don’t buy in , how can they even think they are not anything else but retards?

>> No.3803960

>that European Chad
he seemed all show and no substance, I was almost certain he'd curl up on the floor at some point, between that and some dumb stacey financial wannabe Serjo had it in the bag

>> No.3803979

I just wish BTC could make its mind up so I know when to throw my last 10k at this

>> No.3803988
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was this you two?

>> No.3804008

>biz shills OMG
>everyone buys OMG
>OMG dies

>biz shills LINK
>everyone buys LINK

>> No.3804040

OMG was conspiracy theories and hype from a Vitalik connection. The devs also constantly hyped the product and news.

Link has actual connections and neither Serg or the team is hyping anything. They are focused on a conference with any news coming after.

>> No.3804045

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.3804047


roughly 12 hours ago? Yeah. Then two idiots market bought 30 btc worth of LINK spiking the price to 9500, only to get dumped on moments later


OMG is 20x ICO, LINK is 3.5x

>> No.3804048

Okay. I finally did it and bought 20k Chainlink against my better initial judgement (which wasn't so good since I also thought about buying as well when it dipped to 0.13$.) I usually never buy in when it already pumped a while ago and starts bleeding, but this seems actually very promising, UNLIKE EVERY OTHER PIECE OF SHIT SHILLED HERE. But in a long term perspective it just seems superior. Even if it goes lower again I buy another 10k. I Hope this is the right call. Go Link.

>> No.3804069

plsss sergey shower me with your golden money rain \:0/

so superior so fantastic mmmmhhhhhhhh

>> No.3804101

Buy high sell low

>> No.3804118

this guy has shittier teeth than an english person.

hopefully chainlink gains will pay for his dental work.

>> No.3804134

>laughing white guys at RIZE

>> No.3804143

Kek at those other 'winners'. It's no surprise that only smartcontract.com is presenting a poc at SIBOS.

>> No.3804153

guys I've been browsing reddit and various crypto forums

LINK has garnered a ton of interest in the last few days. The reason we haven't seen a price spike is because most people are thinking it will dip lower due to this hardfork.

Once the price starts to rocket a bit there are many traders ready to FOMO in

>> No.3804197
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ya this is actually not a bad buy in point

LINK was hyped a bit - they were pushed as having some sort of special relationship with SWIFT, which they dont

also in OP's video he is just one of a million presenters giving their 5 second case

>> No.3804281


>LINKChad: "We're going to use Smart Contracts to interact with existing financial technology so that you can automatically exchange data from your existing infrastructure onto the blockchain instantly"
>RISEVirgin: "We're gonna do the same thing, except you'll need to pay someone to manually transfer the data from your infrastructure onto the BlockChain"

>> No.3804288

>don't have a special relationship with SWIFT
>been working for 4 years with SWIFT
Did you even get your diploma?

>> No.3804342


was trying to pull up that web document where the relationship was noted a billion times, but cbf to find it.

>> No.3804431

well this coin has like 100x more proof than 99% of all other shitcoins that it is viable for investment. If people invest in other things but not refuse to look at chainlink, then they are really dumb. But yeah, I mean the only big downside is the massive shilling which made me also shy away in the first place. But facts > emotions

>> No.3804459

"more robust speaker than vitalik"


anyone is a more robust speaker than vitalik, that fucking 90lb. faggot

>> No.3804507


>> No.3804538

>XRPers: Were going to do the same thing, except it's a degrading currency with a decent volume to ensure everything works and increases value for long term investors.

>> No.3804561

Would you two chads sell everything to bring the price down to 7600 sats?

>> No.3804563

>We are also going to require you to completely change your infrastructure and entrust your finances to us

>> No.3804570
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all I need is a higher than 66% probability that this shitcoin is at least over $2.75 by the end of this year. Do I have it?

>> No.3804584

bugs, easy on the double negations...

>> No.3804595

It's possible but a bit too ambitious.

>> No.3804597

It's going to be $.005 or $20. No middle ground. Heaven or hell.

>> No.3804613

top kek

>> No.3804623

>more robust speaker
Jesus christ. Fuck you

>> No.3804631

Why did the pajeets look unimpressed when Sergey was talking?

>> No.3804797

I have to admit my hands weren't 100% before watching this but now they're stainless 120% steel.

What colour lambo guys?

>> No.3804825

I say 70 to 80c by EOY.

>> No.3804874

That's very low price when partnership news come.

>> No.3804889

Man, Sergey certainly knows how to sell his product.

>> No.3805016

He's the only one that seems like he's working on the product he's presenting.
The other two seem like salesmen.

>> No.3805028

Sergey smells blood. Everyone else BTFO'd. I feel confident putting my money behind this man. He does not fuck around.

>> No.3805134

Omg have no real use case today. It's all speculation.
Omise handles billions in payments and they are working toward decentralisation to save on the processing fees. This will be paid to token holders.

With other words when omg plasma is live and nodes fully operational the node fees and rewards will be stake to token holders. This is have.

When will this be ready)? 2018? Probably. 2019? Possible.

>> No.3805143
File: 279 KB, 457x366, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking guy behind him man...
keeps fucking distracting my attention

>> No.3805166

Damn so RISE and CoinScience got rekt and ChainLink is the winner out of these three thats awesome

>> No.3805191

LOOOOOLLLA gave me chills. Looks like he wants to eat him

>> No.3805276

He really does carry himself well.

>> No.3805293

fuck off reddit

>> No.3805296

Poker face.

>> No.3805382

Sergey is honestly more chad than money skel

i said it

>> No.3805625

Pajeet's trying hard not to shit his pants.

>> No.3806036


Bc they aren't white like him.

>> No.3806162

>That diversity speech around 6 mins
These people need to fucking stop, no one gives a shit about this meme any more.

>> No.3806189
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>> No.3806200

thats a pretty low floor dude

>> No.3806201


>> No.3806368

I'm thinking forest green with some white accents

>> No.3806429

obv scam

>> No.3806549

>link has actual connections
Omise has a partnership with the 5th largest banking conglomerate in the world (they just got 30million off them), backing by Thai government, Vitalik is working on the team not just an advisor, and all the companies partnered with omise already worth billions collectively

Youre an idiot who falls for memes that only exist on 4chan (muh apple)

>> No.3806586

Also no news from the smart contract team is not good, no matter how you try to trick yourself that it is

>bbbut too busy working to talk to investors!
Too busy working on a 30 minute presentation for a product that has meant to be already finished for a year? Yeah okay Lmao

>> No.3806678

Needs the eyes

>> No.3806713

See you in two weeks when the NDA is lifted.

>> No.3806730


>> No.3806731

Sergey will leak news at or right after SIBOS so who cares.

>> No.3806751

probably busy implementing the tech so it can go live

>> No.3806752

Not a single thing has been hinted thay there's an nda. They are just lazy devs who either don't give a fuck about investors or they actually are too busy working on a year old finished project for a 30 minute presentation. Either way it's not good.

>> No.3806801

Again, see you in two weeks.

>> No.3806804

Nice FUD

We are going up

>> No.3806820

>developing for Swift
>no nda

pick one you runt

>> No.3806832

Yeah. I'll see the wojaks after sibos when rhe newcoiners got dumped on by whales because they don't know the fundamentals about crypto
>sell the news
Sibos will be a bloodbath

>> No.3806845

>>sell the news
what news?

>> No.3806847

Our first target is 1 usd which is 3x. I would say there is a less than 15% probability of $2.50+ in the next 2 months. Next year however...

>> No.3806886

>biz shills ETH
>everyone buys ETH

>> No.3806902

answer pls, what news?

>> No.3806906

>fundamentals about crypto

Wtf are you even talking?

>> No.3806926

Looks shit lad. Come on put some effort into it.

>> No.3806955

He's not trying to sell his product to a bunch of basement dwelling NEETs. He's trying to sell it to banks.

>> No.3806959


So many hyping and buying up to it
What happens on the day? They sell

>> No.3806991

You have done a lot of research.
It's a fcking live demo of a working product. Marketing and selling right into the arms of the financial big boys.
But just let LINK be LINK. Why do you even bother?

>> No.3807003

I asked you "what news", not "what's the name of the conference".

Now please answer; what news?

>> No.3807042

Because he is an Omisemarine that hates the fact that Link had the connections Omise could only dream of. If it were Omise presenting on behalf of Swift he would be rubbing it in your face.

>> No.3807106

i love this pasta even though im a linkie

>> No.3807134

Do some research kid because it's clear you get all your information from shit posts on 4chan
Omise has partnerships and customers already in the billions and they just partnered with 5th largest banking conglomerate in the world last month
Support from Thai central bank and backing from the government.

You're a dumb fuck who actually fell for the apple memes made on 4chan. Seriously how stupid can someone be.

>> No.3807163

I can feel the jealousy and fear from here friend.

>> No.3807195

I can feel the stupidity from here my friend

So tell me more about those apple memes you fell for

>> No.3807208

>if you're looking in this space at the moment, you probably think smart contracts are the answer.
Kevin Johnson, SWIFT bigwig

>> No.3807292
File: 25 KB, 575x335, 1505810882442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, as you might recognize by the pic related I keep on posting when I talk about LINK, I'm balls deep inside LINK.

Guys, /biz/, my fellow NEETS and WageKEKS,
please do your research and buy some LINK. This dip is a gift from god to get you onboard this amazing project. This coin is going to make you a lot, a lot of money in the short, medium and long term.

I genuinely want you guys to make it, I'm not out here shilling a 4m market cap shitcoin on yobit that I can possibly pump. If you have any question regarding LINK or how to buy I'm willing to help.

Make the right choice, do your research, take calculated risks, make money.

>> No.3807310

Price prediction in 3 days?

>> No.3807327

Stop asking this. Way too many variables.

>> No.3807332

it's going to dip more retard. you think this run is over? just wait until tomorrow

>> No.3807362
File: 897 KB, 664x856, helpedme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this guy??

I too have compiled a large amount of educational information

>> No.3807374
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>> No.3807378


he didn't say to buy it this moment did he? You jewish fuck

>> No.3807387

No that's me.

>> No.3807395


Absolutely no one knows about the very short term ( except if there is an event planned or if you have inside info). It can dip further or stabilizes around that price or rise a little, no one knows.
Hopefully it dips a little more so that you can get in, personally I wouldn't risk it but thats just me.

>> No.3807414
File: 185 KB, 402x269, 1484966568185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these days treating you?

>> No.3807447

Had to pull some shit to get back into LINK, and the cryptogods are testing my faith again.
Guess one good thing is, after the theft dips like this hurt a lot less lol.

>> No.3807456

my thoughts on the little bit i watched
1. sirgay did good. seemed a little nervous but in a tech nerd way. so by seeming nervous he comes across as more intelligent by appearing more mr. robot-esque

2. The RISE guy is way too attractive to be taken seriously as a dev. I hope he's just some figurehead fag. I wouldn't not trust any code from a guy who looks like that. He would be good in the sales department though.

3. Random FEMALE from some company I don't even remember. Like she just said it but it was so forgettable I forgot it already. Total "diversity" pick. I feel sorry for the men whose wives invested their money into this "womyn owned blockchain" company.

Is there a hedge fund where you can short female run companies or companies where there are too many females in leadership positions?

>> No.3807461


Beautiful penmanship. Aesthetic as fuck.

>> No.3807482

thx lol

>> No.3807505

Stainless 120% steel. That's perfect meme material right there.

>> No.3807586

I wasnt saying there were smart

>> No.3807601

>smart contract

overrated shit. avoid this scam.

>> No.3807671

You should research this. Next to general "blockchain" tech, smart contracts are one of the very top priorities for finance companies.

Like SWIFT itself:
(this is a PDF download of an official SWIFT doc. If you don't trust my link, google "Information paper Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Business Standards and ISO 20022")

>> No.3807673

lol. This was a year ago too, and if Sergey has been working with Swift he's going to be a lot more comfortable at Sibos. I like him as a speaker, no bullshit and what hes talking about has incredible implications.

Swift is just one (albeit a very important) use case of Chainlink. Literally any current real world application that wants to use a smart contract for whatever can use Chainlink. What its doing at this price I dont know.

>> No.3807681
File: 213 KB, 400x400, 1507522357962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is /ourguy/

>> No.3807686

change "if Sergey" to "because Sergey"

>> No.3807695

you can't tell me what to do faggot i'll read it as it was originally written

>> No.3807703

In short, LINK doesn't need SWIFT, but SWIFT needs (something like) LINK.

LINK is at its core a peer-to-peer contract/agreement solution, but at the same time also happens to be the ideal plug&play smart contract add-on for banks.

>> No.3807717

he blew those 2 out

>> No.3807746


>> No.3807767

lmao, i've been waiting for this so long.

>> No.3807847

haha fair enough

Yeh, I'm still unsure whether SWIFT are just working with LINK to create their own in-house solution or they'd actually use LINK. But if its not the latter I don't know why they'd let Sergey bother to speak if they weren't going to use Chainlink.


Thats the main dude from SWIFT talking about nostro accounts (what ripple are trying to disrupt)


Thats Sergeys talk. About something totally different to do with SWIFT. A different Proof of concept.

Either way Chainlink is going to do well with or without banks, its reaches far beyond that.

>> No.3807917

The key phrase is ISO 20022 and Swift messaging. Look through the program and you will notice there are a few which focus on the subject with Swift advising people on how to handle the new ISO 20022 standards.

It's also the first presentation on the subject and the first in the Swift Lab in addition to him being the only person who isn't a Swift employee presenting in that room outside of lunch.

I think that Swift is actually going to integrate a Chainlink based product for ISO 20022 related things and ONLY for ISO 20022.

>> No.3807938

Managing or attaching their name to a decentralized external network of input nodes doesn't seem like something SWIFT would take on.
They have their network of finance industry users to worry about.

Smartcontract/chainlink has been working on this for years, since before ETH, so it's fair to say this type of solution isn't just shat out or replicated.
They probably wouldn't try replicating after having featured them at their conference. There's still such a thing as intellectual property rights.

Chainlink the organization is very much in the background, the star is the network.
Pretty sure SWIFT would be willing to work with Chainlink for this. It's a small price to pay to prevent full-on obsolescence if they fail to adopt blockchain tech.

>> No.3808275

If thats the case ISO 20022 standards covers a lot of ground.


I don't have a clue about bond instruments and coupon payments though lol. They would have to introduce blockchain and oracles, as Sergey has said, in incremental steps. It would be too disruptive otherwise.

Yeh this is what concerns me. Would banks use external nodes run by who knows? Probably not. However Chainlink have kept the majority of LINK tokens to give/sell to more important businesses/ possibly banks. They are going to release news after the Sibos anyway so guess we'll find out.

>> No.3808670
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we are going to drink your milkshake! but we want you to build our straw you fucking parasites!

>> No.3809384

>LINK is 3.5x

Link isn't on bittrex.

>> No.3809399

Not yet, but when LINK does make it to other exchanges, expect volatility & price to both swell.

>> No.3809458

worst justing I have ever seen. Honestly.

>> No.3809521


>> No.3809580

Sergei says it at the end. They don't want to be left behind on this.

Can someone get the opinion of this from people that actually matter not shillers on 4chan please. Like someone in that room. Is this shot just sci fi to them or is it for reals? If I was in the industry I might position myself to be the head fucker that works on this for big industrial player.

>> No.3809595

Linkbros can you confirm these patents are owned by sergey? Or am i pumped for nothing dafuck


>> No.3809607
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