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3797262 No.3797262 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3797741

bump. I too am interested in this.

>> No.3797786

pls post, I need it.

>> No.3797839

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bully? I’ll have you know I lasted 16 years in Canada, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on my own body, and I have over 300 ML of bleach drank. I am trained in self harm and I’m the top Clorox chugger in BC, Canada. I will wipe myself the fuck out with chugging the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am knotting my 2 meters long of rope across my neck and your feels are being hurt right now so you better prepare for the suicide, bully. The suicide that wipes out the pathetic little thing I call my life. You’re fucking done kid. I can die anywhere, anytime, and I can kill myself in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with Clorox and rope, you fucked up bully, I will shit sadness on you and you will drown in it, I’m fucking done kiddo.

>> No.3797945
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>> No.3798924

> I don’t think this is it. The guy claimed to have graduated in the top of his class in the shadow school or some shit like that?

>> No.3798936

Here's the problem, OP. The Japanese ethos was warped forever by the atomic bomb attacks during WWII. Millions of Japanese men, women, and children were forced to come to terms with the idea of an overwhelmingly powerful entity outside of their control that could wipe them out of existence without warning using unspeakable weapons. They did this, for the most part, by exploring the idea in fiction. Godzilla is one example. Anime is another. If the United States of America were to deploy nuclear weaponry against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and France, chances are the same thing would happen again: More Godzillas, and more anime. Do you think the world can really handle six animes? In the 1980's, United States President Ronald Reagan developed an idea known as "Mutually-Assured Destruction" (MAD). This philosophy stated that war with Russia would not happen, because there was no way to wage it without both countries being destroyed. I see this same situation today. We cannot nuke more countries for fear of mutually assured destruction when they create more anime. Thank you for your time.

>> No.3799899


This is beautiful. Sniff.