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3797181 No.3797181 [Reply] [Original]

I've been ignoring crypto for the last month or so to preserve my sanity. I realized I had put a fair sum on the ICO the other day when I got an email from them. Lo and behold here I am. Should I sell now while I can still make a profit or hold? I see I could have tripled my return just yesterday... Now double. Don't lie to me anons, I know some of you bought at the peak a few days ago.

>> No.3797226
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I'm not going to lie to you Anon, I would and am holding. There's a shitload of Fud going on for cheap ODN. Just take what you hold and stake it. The market cap is too low for it not to go beyond ATH.

Use mathematics and probability.

God speed to you whatever you do.

>> No.3797241

Honestly? Sell anon. Get out while there's still SOMETHING on the market to sell to.

>> No.3797249

Hold. Great brand, great cap, great supply, new exchange and roadmap confirmed this month, etc. it'll be around 2 dollars this time next month

>> No.3797270

this bro. The fud is real for the pajeets who missed out and they want cheap odn bad. Market cap is low privacy and platform are so hot right now and we are going on HitBtc on the 15t. Also new roadmap and announcement of new devs this week. Start staking and step away from biz for a little while longer

>> No.3797283

Hold. Listen to this man: >>3797226

I hold an opinion as well that I posted here: >>3797263

>> No.3797286

This is the definition of a scam coin.

>> No.3797310

I've seen some of the FUD the last few days, it sounds unsubstantiated for the most part. Though I haven't been keeping up. HitBtc could be good, or not so much. I'm not worried about the initial investment much but the opportunity cost could be much higher if I don't sell. Hmm

>> No.3797315

The project would be dead by now if that was so. There are a plethora of coins out there with no use, team, or website. These guys are active as fuck in Slack, have a demo (inb4 "It's not connected to the blockchain"), and will be offering something that is extremely desired: Secure decentralized communication and file transmission that is NOT Tor (which a notable number of the exit nodes are believed to be compromised). There are a lot of legitimate and illegitimate reasons for this product.

>> No.3797324
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>> No.3797356

hodl now or pink wojack later

>> No.3797615
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Hold. The marketcap is bottom....its not going to fall much farther, it has too much of a foundation and support base to go much farther below $10M marketcap.

There has been an enormous fud campaign on ODN these last few days. I suspect there are many groups of people interested in the project. Some of them have outright expressed interest in ODN on biz, some have been rumors like the pump and dump groups.

Theres really no point in selling unless you have lost faith in the team. But the devs are super active, there is a clear roadmap planned, and there is a clear use case and demand for the product, and they already have an alpha.

This is a solid hold.

>> No.3798183

Thanks for the feedback. I was going to just dump it but now I'll do some digging, I'm leaning towards holding

>> No.3798295

Tbh I would hold too. People just want cheap ODN cause they know once BTG shit is over ODN gonna moon.

>> No.3799377

Actually, I'm buying more.
Don't worry bro. This fud is all over just because they want your coins for the low price. You shouldn't care.