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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 600x800, mfh45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3794629 No.3794629 [Reply] [Original]

share your advice/experience in:

>affiliate marketing
>share some hot niches and target markets
>how to start your own business
>betting in horses/games etc
>make money with selling tshirts

previous thread >>3786833

>> No.3794729

I cannot believe the last thread went into the archive with barely any activity. What in the fucking shit. How are we letting ourselves get bullied into a single thread as if the whole of /biz/ now belonged to cryptofags??? Unbelievable. Crypto needs its own board, and very fucking urgently.

end of rant.

>> No.3795682

This exactly my thoughts, crypto should get their own board.

>> No.3795786

This is our board, dropshitters.
This is your cage - stop rattling it.

>> No.3795808
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meh btc is crashing so to be expected
this is the containment board, /g/ was flooded with crypto shit until /biz/ but it would be nice to see some additional business talk, even if it still involves crypto, something other than shilling specific coins

>> No.3795816


>> No.3795824

meant to say shitcoins are crashing, btc is way up

>> No.3796408

nice booty, too bad for the ankle tat

>> No.3796435

Does that add belong to Coolio's girl?

>> No.3796463

Im thinking about good niches to target to trying to become a freelance programmer and I was thinking of overlapping this with biz by getting really good at developing plugins, indicators, expert advisers, etc etc for platforms like MT4, cTrader, etc. What do you guys think?

>> No.3796496


We do have our own board. This is it.

>> No.3796506

Off topic, but you guys know best. If I bought a fake associates degree for a college like the Univeristy of Pheonix, or some other shit online college to get a job that requires an AS, do you think it can work? Do you think anyone would question going to a shit online school like that? Pls, I know it's off topic, but I value you guys and your opinions. It's a help desk job that pays $16 an hour. I already know everything about the field, (troubleshooting,networking,hardware and software instulation,and all major operation systems. Why should I waste money and go to school for 4 years for something I already know how to do?

>> No.3796535
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>sell drugs
>invest profit into shitcoins
>rinse and repeat till' lamboland and rich NEET fag


>> No.3796547

>not selling normie shit on ebay so you dont have to jump through hoops dealing w taxes and deal w unpredictable drug addicts

>> No.3796563

Why don't you guys use better looking asses for the /mfh/ threads?

>> No.3796567

From the old thread

>> No.3796595
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>Selling barely on 2x-3x markup because markets flooded with normies selling sametrash
>giving 30% cut to feebay

I'd rather give half cut to Jamal so he can sell my flowers that I grow almost for free ayyy

>implying Jamal won't nig me and run with muh Maria and muh monee

>> No.3796598


They post asses that they think they can realistically get. They live in a limited world of small, attainable goals.

>> No.3796608

Everyone in here please request on the feedback page that crypto get it's own fucking board.

>> No.3796630
File: 2.86 MB, 320x240, 1506436386224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too hairy to whore myself out for memeshekels as a cam trapboii

>> No.3796636


i'm going to request that dropshitting and shady MLM trash gets it's own board.

>> No.3796642

She's not asian

>> No.3796959

Might be just that. Fucking losers.

>> No.3796967

have you thought of maybe making yourself less ugly?

>> No.3797001


do it. I would absolutely do it.

>> No.3797037

Is there a market for selling high quality art prints for say 59$ on amazon? Thinking of giving it a shot with a 5k business loan and amazon FBA (read about it in one of the last threads).

I have no doubts I'll make my money back on the biz loan, question is just how fast that will be... 2 years to sell 5k of prints, or 3 months?

Finding a good niche is 90% of the battle, isn't it?

>> No.3797041

>implying I really want to whore myself out as a cam trapboi for shekels

Nah fampai, I'm fine and handsome enough selling legal drugs t. hairy hipster starfucks barista

>> No.3797063

Maybe these threads would be more successful if you stopped posting cringe photos in the OP.

>> No.3797073

thanks for the bump

>> No.3797121

this sounds like the one situation where you might be able to get away with it and the hazards are okay

Art prints of what?

>> No.3797123

Thanks dude.

>> No.3797136
File: 2.48 MB, 2264x3258, IMG_20170921_201555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you bangcock?
Sorry you will loose your moneyz on ur art (At least if you can make the prints for barely no cost for you and way better and unique than those chinese ones that sell for decoring living rooms in a hipster yuppie way, maaaaaybe you can make some shekels. Also never trust the Amazon jew with more than 5k)
You could also try some ultra niché market by doing unique R A R E pepes and wojaks artistically by hand if you can meme and detail your prints gud.

>> No.3797164

This is our board you bully

>> No.3797229


stuff like this. abstract, decorative, bit higher priced than generitrash.


link me to the chinese ones? i have no idea what's out there but i'm europoor and around here all the rage is non-artsy prints. think movies, funny phrases, illustrations, pop culture references, trashy and nerdy art, etc etc. that's why i'm considering giving it a try with a 5k loan.

honestly don't think the pepes and wojaks would be worth trying seriously for.

>> No.3797237


>> No.3797252
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>> No.3797317



/coin/ when?

>> No.3797351
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forgot pic. stuff like this is what I'd be going for.

>> No.3797363

I have an LLC for merch but I'm making so much money off crypto right now. When I get some time I'll make some designs and put them on Amazon and eventually set up my own web shop and shill it on instagram.

>> No.3797606

A cursory glance on Amazon says the price is too high. You'd be at an advantage in that it's a very specific aesthtic, but you might want to see about finding a printer who also does framing so you can mark up the price.

You need to look into what kind of Yuppies and other people would buy abstract pieces like that. I have a feeling that you'd need to offer them in collections - like color coordinated light fittings, the art, table cloths, plates etc.

Or you only print out pieces that use very common interior design colors so they go with anything. Have a look at IKEA catalogues and see what the current merch is like

>> No.3797730

can you refrain from posting such frightening images, please?

>> No.3797787


>> No.3797810
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calle calle

>> No.3798041
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Unappetizing white girl ass.