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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3793479 No.3793479 [Reply] [Original]

You people are the most irrational idealistic fuckwits. That's why you'll never ever make it in life, because of your emotions. Nothing so easy as making money from the most gullible and predictable nubs, it's like taking candy from a baby. One day you will develop thick skin and learn tenacity, stick to the facts and you might get somewhere. Till then, may you watch in pain as the success train leaves you behind.

>> No.3793497

It's gone so far I cant even tell if its a fudd or a shill

>> No.3793506
File: 138 KB, 312x396, ivanka finger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that how you really feel

>> No.3793533

Amen, all these retarded worry fucks crybabies shouldn’t even invest with their fucking lunchmoney , screaming and crying at every damn movement dumb fucks.

>> No.3793539


dats right a western girl to advertise neo just like its demand

>> No.3793546

>Says LINKies won't ever make it in life because of emotions
>Makes emotional rant
What did he mean by this?

>> No.3793552

Amateurs thinking everything has to be either fud or shill... tsk tsk.

Fud has made me rich

>> No.3793559

chinks gotta chink bro
ltc and neo are my top chinkcoins

would rather have chinkcoinz than gayshit puerto-rican fag shit like IOC, or that other shitcoin NXS that tanked bigly after their conference.

>> No.3793580

stop with ur cold logics

>> No.3793592

The panic is repulsive, for that i take joy in taking their money

>> No.3793604


>> No.3793615

There must be something to Link. Either it is the most elaborate scam in the history of crypto that will actually destroy the entire crypto world or it's going to have a bull run to 500 Billion.

On paper it's one of the most promising crypto on the market. However outside of /biz/ it's considered garbage and has the most intense and irritating shill and fud campaign I have ever seen.

I mean fuck OMG and ANS weren't nearly as bad.

I don't know which way Link is going at this point but I KNOW in eight days this board is going to explode one way or another. I expect 99% of the threads to be about Link and or Ripple.

>> No.3793633

fud will make me rich too, seeing as I've gone all in on LINK very cheaply because of all the weak hands out there

>> No.3793639


Bro this train is headed straight to 7k

>> No.3793645

stop shilling to retards man, they contribute nothing they just panic sell at a loss then cry about it

>> No.3793646


you shouldn't go on /biz/ if you have so much hatred towards /biz/

based on your /rant/, you think it's mostly /biz/ poasters who are selling, but really most trading is done by automated algos. mostly bots and other reddit-tier fags are driving this selloff

go fuck yourself next time you want to go on a site with a shared ethos and community, like 4chan, and then try to blame us for some massive selloff that is caused by automated BOTS reacting to the price of btc moving up rapidly.

you dumbfuck pajeet faggot

>> No.3793662

>On paper it's one of the most promising crypto on the market.

>> No.3793679


It solves the Oracle problem

>> No.3793717

it shoves its ChainLink slavdicc into the Oracle's neghole

who cares
trade trends

the vast majority of people who bought LINK don't know what the oracle problem is or what it means...only like 5% of LINK holders are the nerds who read everything and understand this blockchain stuff.

>> No.3793756

It's attending Sibos regardless of context and ignoring and bullshit speculation on partnerships. It functions as an easy to integrate interface between traditional finance and the crpyto world. It also allegedly has a working product.

That is more promising than most of the crypto around. Whether or not it is vaporware is to be seen but it's still promising on paper.

>> No.3793784

wish they had a better logo

>> No.3793794

Literally millions of chancrs to board this pos train to the center of earth

>> No.3793811

>partnered with the bank of the new world order
>solved the grandfather paradox
>is the only way for smart contracts to query data from the event horizon of a black hole
If you aren't buying this dip you are criminally insane.

>> No.3793827

Because of buzzwords
Thats literally it

>> No.3793828

You are doing god's work, anon. OMG fudder reporting in.

>> No.3793836

>Been on the GainLINK shuttle for over a week now
I wish we could take off and leave these chumps behind already

>> No.3793860

You faggots have made me rich, as did the reddit fags

>> No.3793865

you left out that chainlink oracles can only get data from inside NON-ROTATING black holes. fucking useless scam coin.

>> No.3793883

We're gonna make it, if you ever see me, say hi. I'm gonna be the dude in a lambo

>> No.3793912

not sure what people whine about

still 100% up in profit kek

>> No.3793947

Looking at their reddit page, they seem to have more cohesion and sense than this lot

>> No.3793960

indeed, they panic buy ath and panic sell atl