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3786923 No.3786923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3786983

I tell no one of what I put my money in.
Tried to explain to my gf what blockchain is... she didn't get why it's revolutionary.
She has no idea how much money I have.
We're both working shit jobs, mine is not that hard and I'm keeping up appearances for at least another 5 years.

>> No.3786997

I've been with her for 2 years and want to see if she's a keeper. I was basically poor when we met and worked at a factory.

>> No.3787023

If we bring more normies in, won’t everything we’re hodling go on a moon mission since they’re buying in later? Or am I a fucking retard?

>> No.3787061

its still too early
it will ruin crypto
we must wait a couple of years until the ecosystem matures

>> No.3787075

>understands the value of blockchain
>doesn't understand that companies will develop their own proprietary blockchain tech when they're ready to use it
>doesn't see how that leads to almost every coin on the market becoming intrinsically worthless as soon as GoldmanCoin is announced

This is why you are poor, and will stay poor.

>> No.3787812

Nope. Bubble will inflate too quickly and normalfags will want to cash out causing panic selling resulting in mass opinion calling crypto scam etc... look up ".com bubble" to get the idea.

>> No.3787836

nice story

>> No.3787839

Normies need to fuck off.
How am I supposed to accumulate 300 coins, if you invite too many normies?

>> No.3787934

no, u

>> No.3787937

why? sure it causes some volatility but generally inexperienced normies are just going to feed their money to people that actually know what they're doing.

It's like not wanting a fish in your poker game because he's going to make unconventional/inexperienced plays, but in the long run you'll end up with all his money because of it.

>> No.3787976

If she can't handle your dip she doesn't deserve your green candles

>> No.3788089

You dumbfuck motherfuckers if normies don't accumulate then the banks will. I'd rather share this emerging economy with normies than with the same psychofuck motherfuckers who fucked us over in 2008.

Get real

>> No.3788402

>thinking that highly bureaucratic banks are actually buying bitcoin
Son, are you retarded? Back when Elon Musk was interning at a bank he found a legal way for the bank to double billions of dollars free of risk. They told him to fuck off.

>> No.3788589

>not understanding that people actually need to download your client for your blockchain to survive

>> No.3788654

You're all deluded """investors""". All that matters is btc, let the other shitcoins die, stop holding long term. As long as you trade after whatever coin spikes, you will always be in profit, doesn't matter if the market crashes, the normies come in, goldman sacks does, doesn't matter. No reason to hold anything but btc.

>> No.3788730


>> No.3788780

Told my normies friends they basically thrashed me telling me how i was going to lose my house because of it and money on a website means nothing , i think we're good with cryptos for a while

>> No.3788795


Yeah those will have lots of value lmao

>> No.3788809
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Who cares if the normies know. I literally made £2000 from Matched betting. It's easy enough to make that when you first start out. Look it up if you don't know what that is.

I told my friends because I wanted us all to make it, I was a faggot back then. But they literally didn't even try it even though I was willing to walk them through it over skype. That was literally no effort free money.

Normies don't want money. Don't overestimate them.

>> No.3788832

Bitcoin is the ultimate useless shitcoin though you faggot

>> No.3788844
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>sharing anything with normies

i hate them more than i hate banks

>> No.3788846

Normies won't get into crypto until it's advertised to them constantly via the media, celebrities, tv, and popular normie podcasts. Ideas need to be pounded into their thick heads before they get it. I'm not concerned at all for the next few years.

>> No.3789789


>> No.3790436

Anyone have that Pink Wojak Etherium youtube video?

>> No.3790532

Uh correct me if I'm wrong but don't big businesses buy out indie guys all the time?

>> No.3790575


t. first heard about crypto in April of this year

>> No.3790670

Crypto is dead. Blockchain is starting to be trialled in industry. They have been using their own Blockchain platforms. Its game over soon. Dont reply to my post and make a big deal out of it or entire alt coins will crash. Just take in what i say. Make the most of crypto while it lasts

>> No.3790679

Its not them you have to worry about. Its corporations

>> No.3790768

>Doesn't understand that companies developing their own personal blockchain is no different from using an inhouse distributed database
>thinks he's intelligent
Dunning-Kruger at its finest.

>> No.3790807

if youre worried because you still want to invest more, you've already missed out, sorry.

the right time to get in was before everyone was even considering telling other people to throw their money in.