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3783943 No.3783943 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find SEC compliant ICOs? Being American is suffering.

>> No.3783950
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Most ICOs are rip offs and on only worth flipping to bigger idiots than yourself

>> No.3783954

Well, literally none of them file S-1s.
So, you'll need to be an accredited investor, first off.

>> No.3783962

I'm in the same boat bro.

Don't do ICO's tho. Wait til it's on a reputable exchange so you don't get scammed.

Slower profits are better than getting your crypto stolen.

>> No.3783980

>accredited investor
lol guess who counts?
>(5) Any natural person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person's spouse, exceeds $1,000,000.

>> No.3783988

>Wait til it's on a reputable exchange so you don't get scammed.
Those are literally the people who get scammed the most.

>> No.3784022

Yeah. Its fucked. The SEC made these rules in the name of "protecting investors". America is the only country who's regulators deemed the population to be too stupid to handle their own money.

>> No.3784032

they're really fucking obvious if you look at their wording anon
like it's sooo fucking obvious
like the recent trex delistings
all VERY obvious securities

> Corporate shares are heavily regulated by the SEC, but none of those regulations prevent them from being issued or traded on an alternative trading system.
funny part is, "alternative trading system" links FROM their website to wiki that defines them as something that must be registered with the SEC
they're so fucking incompetent it's hilarious. They put out some shitty blog post too that said "we followed coinbase's guide to running an ICO so we're definitely not a security", even though coinbase's guidelines had NOTHING to do with the howey test, a test for defining a security, and was just a guideline to run an ICO in general lmao
>Darcrus can be seen as a token representing the value of Sigwo Technologies. 10% of net profits of any work of Sigwo Technologies will be used to buy back and burn Darcrus from the market.
straight up security, no questions asked.
same shit as BTS. like it's the same coin basically with a different name lmao

basically, OP, stay away from shit that LITERALLY tells you it's avoiding the SEC (ex. Bitshares), shit that tells you it has corporate shares as tokens (darcrus, bitshares, bata)
basically stay away from anything that offers you direct profit in the form of dividends, if it launched as an ICO. Anything with voting rights too should be avoided.

>> No.3784053
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There are some dumb fucking rich people tho

>> No.3784063

Only current ICO that I know US citizens are legally allowed to participate in is Dragonchain.

>> No.3784079


>> No.3784113

Yup. I haven't bothered with it because of that, but it's interesting to see big names on twitter shilling it. Been tempted to throw a few hundred dollars at it.

>> No.3784122

If everyone wants in gets in, who are you going to flip to?

>> No.3784162

most ICOs aren't SEC compliant lol. Why do you think they set up "foundations" and are based outside of the US a lot of the time?

Is better that way to be honest. The (((SEC))) is cancer

>> No.3784165

For every 1000 people who buy an ICO, there's 1000 more who didn't hear about it or will fomo in when it hits exchanges. Plus, based on who made the blockchain, you don't think it'll be pushed into the normie market faster?

>> No.3784217

No, in fact a lot of people in uncapped ICOs have buyers remorse because they had no idea how much they were buying

>> No.3784255

Intelligent trading token

>> No.3784960
File: 49 KB, 375x455, 1505599895482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow do i now this feel

>wow red pulse looks so good i might go against my belief and contribute to this ICO
>cant because amerifat
>wow request looks really good i want to join the ICO
>cant because amerifat
>wow anyrze looks pretty interesting hopefully i ca..
>cant join because amerifat

Just why

>> No.3784998
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land of the free amirite? rofl