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3781769 No.3781769 [Reply] [Original]

How much in crypto will I need to get a girl to leave her husband for me? They do not yet have any kids and me and the dude are about equal in the looks department, maybe I have the slight edge but I'm autistic though.

>> No.3781788

A clean million. That or 500k and you'd better be flaunting it like mad.

>> No.3781800

There is 7 billion people on earth and half of them are women. Find one that is single.

>> No.3781811

is 500k really enough to steal a girl like that??

what type of purchases will i need to get her attention?

>> No.3781840

but i love this one she is the only thing that makes me happy and she is all i want and i know i can make her happier than this guy all they have is history that is all

>> No.3781870

You deserve to be miserable the rest of your life.

>> No.3781909
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you only like her because you can't have her, how fucking normie are you faggot. die.

>> No.3781925

Whatever man when link hits $3 I'm set and going to get this girl and finally be happy. There is nothing wrong with loving someone and wanting to be loved.

>> No.3782261

whats stopping her leaving you for another man?

>> No.3782269

What the fuck!

>> No.3782287 [DELETED] 

You are trash. You don't love her, but most importantly you don't love yourself.

>> No.3782293

10 BTC should be plenty. Pay people to frame her husband and gangstalk her. She'll get creeped out and you'll be there to pick up the pieces.

>> No.3783147

She pledged to be faithful to him forever. You don't want a woman who breaks that promise.

>> No.3783180

This isn't how life works move on anon get over it

>> No.3783196

>wanting a woman to break her marriage promises so she can be with you
>thinks this is a good idea
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.3783234

you deserve to get miserable. Seriously... used goods. Then when you turn 80, you would cry regretting to waste your life getting a bitch who barely remembers your name.

>> No.3783295

also, your such a passive cuck. I bet you voted for hillary.

>> No.3783376

I don't blame you for wanting to be with a married girl. But you have to win her over through your personality.

>> No.3783417

Talk to the husband. Maybe he'll help you bang her to get rid of her. Maybe he'll pay you!

>> No.3783447

Big if true!

>> No.3783453


>making money for girls


>> No.3783487 [DELETED] 

We really click on a personality level which is why I can't stop thinking about her. At first I think there was a real chance that we could have been together we were really on but we were both new at a really good job and I figured it wasn't worth risking plus autism so I never made a move but now that she is married I want her more than ever and think about her 2x as much.

Please help what can I do?

>> No.3783532
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And an orbiter is born. Beautiful

>> No.3783566

Start off by killing yourself you piece of shit. Why would you get with a girl with no loyalty. You'd run the risk of the same thing happening but you only think with your dick you human garbage. I hope you tell her how you feel and she's grossed out. Better yet I hope the husband murders you.
Remember affairs are one of the top reasons for homicide.

>> No.3783577

sorry OP, she will never love you

>> No.3783592

it's not about sex, it's about the mental connection achieved from it, i want her to belong to me mentally. i want to be her most important person, that she loves and can count on.

also she got married real young to a beta shes been dating forever she doesn't even like that much she didn't know any better society pressured her into this loveless marriage i could make her more happy

>> No.3783598

Christ OP, you have a mental disability, she's being nice to you because she holds you on a lower standard and feels bad for you.

>> No.3783606

A girl that leaves his man for you, will leave you for another man.

>> No.3784771

You don't seem to know her very well.
I love how you think you know she wants you. A commitment is still a commitment

>> No.3784866

This. Women who leave their husbands for a better catch get addicted to trading up and she will always be trying to find someone better than you because you proved to her that it was possible. Once she gets a taste of that blood she is ruined forever and you not only ruined a mans life, your ruining your own. If you can't see this I would say to try your best. You deserve misery.

>> No.3785003

But it sounds like you're certain and a mind reader and you got her figured out so idk why you're talking to us why don't you go get her lmao. You're an outsider looking into a relationship as if you understand what's going on behind the scenes. Grade A total retard.

>> No.3785868

LINK shills are very versatile and creativr in their shilling..

>> No.3786013

2-5 M makes you rich in the US, if that is not enough for a woman, to be rich when compared to rest of the populus, than perhaps she can suck a horse