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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3773311 No.3773311 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3773315

you mean buy

>> No.3773333

pretty safe time to buy if you believe in the token

>> No.3773365


>> No.3773372


>> No.3773374

If you believe then buy as much as you fucking can.

If you don't believe then you probably haven't done enough independent research.

This is my safest highest upside HODL.

Yes ETH will rise but probably not the same % in the mid term

Yes LINK will rise but probably short term and who knows whats coming - it does look good though.

OMG is as sure a bet as you can get in the crypto space.

17+ trillion market with foot already in the door. This is Paypal + Stripe on steroids. Government backing and the fifth largest banking group giving them the tick of approval and putting their money where their mouth is.

I sleep soundly every night with this coin in my wallet.

>> No.3773376

OMG is one of the few coins that will be around in 5 years. Along with LINK, XMR, ETH, and some others.

Why do people see "down means sell and up means buy"? It's the OPPOSITE. You want it when it's CHEAPER.

>> No.3773384
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>> No.3773385

Most people on this sub don't have a clue or are FUDing to try and drive the price lower so they can buy. There is no logical reason not to be bullish on this coin.

>> No.3773392
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>> No.3773395
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>> No.3773397



You have to go back.

>> No.3773401
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>> No.3773409
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>> No.3773415
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kek fair call.

>> No.3773433

yes sell NOW omg is a scammer they lied about apple acuqisitions!

>> No.3773483

Low effort try harder.

>> No.3773507

No way would anyone sane wait 5 years for a potential 5x return in crypto.

>> No.3773524
File: 82 KB, 481x251, omg cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3773536

no really look it up apple doesnt even own any omise stock

>> No.3773597

please show evidence of any communications where omisego said they were working with apple
cant find any?
hmm guess they didnt lie after all
those rumours were started on /biz/ and reddit anyone with half a brain knew they weren't true

>> No.3773640

No shit retard.

>this guy actually thought that.

>> No.3773644

They never said they were working with Apple dumb lying cunt

>> No.3773647

Donnie egged on the rumours by tweeting apple emojis and the official Twitter stating that "the news ” was coming later that month that never did. No, the bank funding didn't count because that was announced earlier and priced in. If it was the award, no one gives a shit about their government award. This manlet fuck deliberately misled everyone and caused the dump where still in the middle of.

>> No.3773650

Kek bought 100k

>> No.3773652


>> No.3773660

yeah but they didnt correct anyone. shit south east shitcoin taking all your money. Hold your bags

>> No.3773692

It came. The news was the official partnership with Ronald Fucking McDonald.

They then backed it up again the next month with a huge vote of confidence from the fifth largest banking conglomerate of the world and one of the biggest players in the region they are in when they put their money where their mouth is as gave them a cool 30 MIL for 'strategic reasons'.

Get your head out of your arse.

>> No.3773705

no you stop jerking off to south east asian porn. its gross

>> No.3773708

175k sats coming if 190k wall falls

>> No.3773711
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>> No.3773725

This. The news came and it was fucking solid.
The opinions of dumb newcoiners who took memes seriously is irreverent. No one with a stake worth half a shit even know about the "apple rumors".

>> No.3773734
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>there are people that care if OMG is at 12 or 5$ out there

Jezus fucking christ i guess idiots will stay idiots

>> No.3773757

Wise observation.

Would you care if you bought BTC or ETH at 5 or 12? Big & difference back then but is now so laughable to be mostly irrelevant.

This whole market is going up and if you play your cards right, and similarly over the last year, it won't be hard (Fucking Litecoin is on the top 10), you will have made money.

Strap in and keep your arms and legs inside the rocket.

>> No.3773777

That funding was the second round of money already announced prior. McDonald's was more or less confirmed weeks before they were flogging this "the news" horseshit and well and truly priced in. These fuckers has nothing and lied to keep the hype train going and the price spiking. They've burnt a lot of investors with they're bullshit. So much for a professional organisation. The bar must be very fucking low in SEA.

>> No.3773797

Assholes like these two are the reason why regulators are up the arse of every ICO now. If they were pulling this shit with securities they'd have their asses rightfully sued.

>> No.3773802
File: 32 KB, 400x400, ekbXPi5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show evidence of any communications where omisego said they were working with apple

>> No.3773810

I'm sure they are so shady Mr Moral McGee Vitalik Buterin is on board. The Prime Rib of Thailand is on board. The Banking giants with Trillions in assets and the large businesses with over 37 Billion in transactions ready to go.

By all means get emotional over how you think they should do their marketing or hearing 'rumours' before officially announced. But don't let it cloud your judgement on what you should understand, and that is this coin will be increasing in value dramatically as this team delivers in a growing market with a better product - and they will.

>> No.3773817

>Would you care if you bought BTC or ETH at 5 or 12?
well yeah, youd have double the money right now

nice get

What exactly did they lie about?

>sued over the stickers some dude puts on his skateboard
Lmao. People like you are the reason SEC is cracking down. Because absolute retards refuse to accept they are gambling losers and cry to big daddy gubberment whenever they hurt themselves, putting the blame onto whatever their little monkey brains come up with.

>> No.3773819

Why was nobody saying Omise were working with Element?

Hurr Durrrrr

>> No.3773831

Obvious reasons.

>> No.3773836

down to 0,001?

>> No.3773846

As obvious as working with Apple for anyone with half a brain.

>> No.3773860

Alright bro.

>> No.3773883

Good kek

>> No.3773902

buy omg

>> No.3773920

Buy back at 2 bucks

>> No.3773922


There are teenage coin gamblers and mouth breathing aspies throughout this board. You can find some great information but a large % of people are after lazy pumps with no research. They want to be shilled to and to FOMO in.

Let them while we reap the rewards when smart money comes, and it's coming.

>> No.3773968

it will moon when they start talking about the blockchain being released, that much is sure