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File: 119 KB, 435x435, how much wealth can you tolerate.docx_shutterstock_72135460_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3772258 No.3772258 [Reply] [Original]

Society is driven mostly by the lack of wealth distributed to the majority and the challenge of acquiring wealth.

If you are born poor, you must work/move your body to make money or else essentially die or be homeless. If you are born rich, you essentially have opportunities that born poor people don't, such as being able to go to the best schools, easily purchase a car and home, and travel.

Basically, we need people to be born poor or nothing gets done. We need poor people to learn crafts like making shoes, building websites, selling products. Doesn't that just make you want to throw up?

>> No.3772280

It's a sick game no one asked to play.

>> No.3772294

It's okay, when the day finally comes who do you think will be dragged into the street butchered alive and raped in front of their family? The guy who redid your floors? Nope... the streets will run red

>> No.3772303

I'm honestly exhausted of this. I finished my degree last year, working in a job which I am discriminated against because I have a degree - nobody else does. I am paid less than everyone and set up so that I can not progress. I decided yesterday I cannot do this for another 2 years. Applying for a higher paying job as we speak so I can take those funds and invest with so I can escape this hell.

>> No.3772309

that wont happen anymore.
it didnt happen in 2008. the time when we should have hung a couple of hundred bankers again. but nothing happened.

>> No.3772319

Heh 2008 wasn't even close, its coming soon though don't worry

>> No.3772347

Stop whining, comparing what you have to what others have, if you didn't have society everyone would be born poor and then you wouldn't be whining, if you want to make it in society work you way up, if you don't want society go make it outside of it

>> No.3772351

I understand this state lament is ironic because I was not born poor. I was fortunate to be born mid-upper middle. I think the idea of barter systems and working for your take was great, back in the midieval days you want food? You gotta trade for it with shit you made. It all starts with shit you make to trade for something worth more. Horse? Use your trade skill. These days people get shit for free really easy and it's kind of fucked shit up. If we went back to bartering and having to learn trades I'd be royally fucked.

>> No.3772381

My only skill is wiping ass though

>> No.3772391

Lol they're gonna shoot you dead in their foyer you dumb commie nigger

>> No.3772398

lol probably but they won't be able to kill everyone

>> No.3772404
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You need to go back even further. the problem lies in Nature itself being a resource competitive environment. species even cannibalize each other.

even plants, the most peaceful living things must compete for sunlight, good soil, etc. the gist of the idea is: not everyone can have everything, because "supplies" are limited. Just as the old must die to make room for the young. Evolution would not occur without this "preening" of the unfit. In a sense you can thank your advanced and developed genetics to thousands of years of war and violence on the natural level.

you think lions play nice with gazelles? you think one species of ant gets along with another? this is not the state of earth my friend. Sure there is symbiosis but it is ALL a struggle to reach the top of the pyramid. because at the top of the pyramid lies security, abundance, and guaranteed offspring.

tl'dr non-renewable resources basically ensure eternal slavery due to the need to protect those resources lest a competing species capitalizes on your weakness to grow their own genetic line.

still tho, we're advanced as fuck creatures so it hasn't all been for naught. if that system is necessary to bring us into being then that is just the intelligence of nature itself bearing fruit in the form of consciousness

>> No.3772415


At least if everyone was born poor it would be a fair race instead of people being born past the finish line. Acquiring wealth is arguably the main competition of modern society. Its pretty much what everyone tries to do when they wake up.
Also don't even get me started on taxes.

>> No.3772433

Found the person living in Sudan

>> No.3772434


Great post.

>> No.3772455

Ill kill you before you kill me commmie scum

>> No.3772477

Actually if you look at the ecosystem of a forest, it is not the most dominating or powerful form of life that thrives, it is that organism which makes itself indispensable to the OTHER organisms in the forests which thrives, as this incentivises the whole ecosystem to keep it alive as it is most needed by everyone else.

It's Darwinism interpreted properly

>> No.3772496

>Acquiring wealth is arguably the main competition of modern society. Its pretty much what everyone tries to do when they wake up.
Yea but that's not where true happiness lies

Money gives you comfort, comfort doesn't give you happiness, you have plenty of rich depressed people and plenty of poor happy people, that's cause true happiness doesn't lie in money, however money can help you reach it if you need to completely disconnect from the struggle for survival to be able to reach it (say an emotional artist who can only be happy by expressing his inner feelings but who can't while working a repetitive soul-killing office job every day)

>> No.3772534

The ecosystem doesn't see incentives though, it just auto-regulates itself, when a species proliferates to the point of destroying the ecosystem it drives itself to its own demise which enables other species to start thriving again

But really on the long run a species that thrives is a species that finds an equilibrium within its environment, can't say that's the case with humans the way things are going. Also humans are in competition against each other for their own survival instead of realizing that they could all survive together by working together and not being in this endless competition that permeates every aspect of society.

>> No.3773549
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>> No.3773935

>not everyone can have everything, because "supplies" are limited.

You speak as if there's no such thing as advanced civilization, where something like 40 percent of the food we produce is thrown away, and it only takes around 7 months to build a house and it's there forever.

People are poor because of legal scam artists. That's it. Usury, taxes, gouging, outsourcing, and liberal "feel good" programs which rob the honest working man to pay for parasites.

>> No.3774003

i would love to live in a country with 50% taxes if it would mean i would have insurance for literally everything that can happen to me

>> No.3774038
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to cope with not being born rich is being born a Chad. If you are 8+ guy with a big dick you can fuck hot girls since day 1 of High School.

If not, you not only slave away, but get no pussy.

If in 10 years my 21 BTC don't make me rich im killing myself.

>> No.3774039


>> No.3774060

wow, wait until you hear about corporate welfare and wage theft

>> No.3774091
File: 323 KB, 584x717, pp12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest working man
pick one

>> No.3774231

Then enjoy your crooked money system and legalized thievery, you fucks deserve it. God does not pity you and will set fire to your cesspool when the stench gets potent enough.