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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 512x512, Coss Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3768522 No.3768522 [Reply] [Original]


Have a good time anon.

>> No.3768590
File: 41 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not expect that my biggest gains will come from COSS and not LINK. Already +250% and it looks like it's just starting.

Also, can't wait to see these pink wojaks from morons who keep FUDding and accusing it of being a scam even though it's been explained dozens of times by now.

Tonight I sleep well.

>> No.3768697

Feels comfy af lads.
That's actually how a coin should be shilled, normies will be all over COSS and this is great.

>> No.3768754


I'm already 2x. Comfy as fuck with a lot more to go.

Remember, they're partnered with ARK. If you're holding this long term, you may want to hold that too.

>> No.3768799

>bought at 47000 since coss was taking hours to process.
it was fucking comfy as fuck though. never did it dip below my buy price

>> No.3768821


Yeah it took me ages to get in at 43, thought I was a bit late.

mfw I wake up to 70% gain

>> No.3768890

Cossplayer reporting in at 50k coss at 40k buy in.

>> No.3768913

Pretty comfy, only a couple of coins but this project has a good future imo.

>> No.3769027

it's like Binance, TenX and OMG combined.

>Exchange, with over 50 trading pairs already
>Mastercard with crypto funding
>Crypto Payment processing with hundreds of merchants signed up already
>Dividends, revenue sharing 50% of transaction fees starting this sunday.

Their site has gone from 0 - 1.5 million per day in revenue in the week its been up.
It's a pretty slick site, and it can only grow from here as they ad more coins.

There is rumors they will be added to another exchange soon. hopefully its binance.

This is getting ready to explode, everyones saying $1 by sunday

>> No.3769042


Nah, it wont be. But if the payouts go without a hitch, it will go far to prove its not a scam.
After that we will be on the road towards 1$ and higher.

>> No.3769064

so at what time and timezone will the conference be? i want to try and sell high an rebuy at Monday when its all lowered again

>> No.3769088

I heard that the guy was a confirmed scammer

>> No.3769121

Ripple has the conference 16-18

This will be a payout, no time known, only its on sunday.

>> No.3769158

I think theres some information on the FAQ on which ETH block its going to happen at

>> No.3769172

as in oct or what?

>> No.3769209

No conference, its paying weekly dividends starting sunday.
They won't be huge but it will grow as the site grows.
for this reason there will be a lot of people holding, it might continue to run higher after sunday.

>> No.3769235

This sunday. there is currently a moon mission on COSS.

>> No.3769257
File: 566 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-10-05-19-46-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin was created by a guy by the name of Rune Evensen. He has had multiple companies that are know cash grab schemes. Maybe this will be his first legitimate business but his history speaks a different tune.

Invest at your own risk

>> No.3769258

so just dont try to take advantage of a dip? that might not occur

>> No.3769267
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-10-05-23-17-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3769274


Yes, a three day conference starting in 9 days.

>> No.3769327
File: 22 KB, 606x434, coss_moon_mission_confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you /biz/? this is an official moon mission

>> No.3769365
File: 296 KB, 2048x1365, official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After sunday

>> No.3769465
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>Moon mission is a-go

Strap yourselves in, boys

>> No.3769487

lets goo bought in at 12 cents when i saw the obvious P&D set up, planning on selling at 30 cents for an easy 2x.

>> No.3769488

That just means more people think the price will drop vs gain...

>> No.3769527

Lol y tho?

>> No.3769536
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1505401026364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My holdings are ready

>> No.3769579

because there's more people betting they will be able to grab it at a lower price than people betting they can sell at a high price?

Are you retarded?

>> No.3769642


>> No.3769673

i dont think you understand, 3 days ago the order book was empty, yesterday there was only 100 eth buy orders, today theres 300 eth on the buy.

>> No.3769706


Well it takes time to get people, it takes time for them to get verified, it takes time for them to transfer coins.

>> No.3769738

is it too late to get in on this moon mission?

>> No.3769757
File: 121 KB, 640x640, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw COSS hits +450% from ICO

>> No.3769761


Im willing to bet that its not. It actually has a working product, so it won't completely crash. It will go 200-400% and then correct.

>> No.3769771

>One of mi last names is Cossio

Is it a hint from god telling me to go all in?

>> No.3769779
File: 76 KB, 932x423, 1507183920486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obv anon

>> No.3769805

Their trading platform sucks dick

>> No.3769834


Its still BETA. It will only get better.

>> No.3769836

so comfy lol, but I still think will increase more since the 0.0006 wall has been broken.

>> No.3769969 [DELETED] 


>> No.3769986

Well it's a scam so...

>> No.3770033

Keep telling yourself that as you miss the 500% profits

>> No.3770085

This seems like an enormous red flag to investigate thoroughly before throwing a dime at this project. If you're getting in on this for the pump, tread carefully anons.

>> No.3771163
File: 21 KB, 512x111, Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 10.08.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these pathetic attempts to drive down the price

>> No.3771250

LMFAO, you're in denial!

>> No.3771265

there is no stop on the coss train, sell wall fall down like crazy

>> No.3771308

This will be $1 by sunday night... easy 5x gains. Get in here /biz/

>> No.3771335

Doubt a $ maybe .75 cents

>> No.3771344

FUD as much as you can, while I HODL and x10

>> No.3771392

The more the FUD, the better your investment!

>> No.3771461

im not selling until $1. If it fails to reach $1 on sunday witch i doubt, i will hold long term for $3

>> No.3771498

$1 isn't possible, but I'm saying it's wishful thinking, it's already Friday.

>> No.3771500
File: 803 KB, 1100x700, JSyG4lN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never be more true my fellow anon

>> No.3771527


What? $1 definitely possible by Sunday, it's already tested above 25 cents

It can run to 50 cents tomorrow and once fomo kicks in could go higher

Don't forget you only have a 2k per day limit without more verification, so people will have to spread out their buys over several days. Also deposits take forever so fomo will hit hard

Good thing I bought all I could at 11 cents lmao

>> No.3771555


I bought a small amount at 12 cents because I was just semi optimistic

why not more T_T

>> No.3771581

its not too late to join the moon mission.
This will pay better gains than anything else in the next day.

>> No.3771735


Got in at 0.05 ;) and I'm a poorfag.

>> No.3771815

Feel like it’s already too late. As soon as I buy it’s gonna crash :(

>> No.3771837

no you fucking idiot buy in its mooning to a dollar easily by sunday. Or just stay poor forever your choice.

>> No.3771895

Yeah that’s what they said to me about ODN. I’m making money on LINK. This could go to a dollar but it could also drop down to 14 cents. Not sure it’s worth the risk.

>> No.3771928

why the fuck did you buy odn for? COSS vs ODN is like oranges and lemons.and you bought a lemon.

>> No.3771938
File: 126 KB, 900x676, just-the-tip-of-the-jewberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what people don't realize is this will be like OMG and will one day be worth 100's per token.

we finna be rich boys
no one will believe me now, but its true. god it feels good to be jewish.

>> No.3771964

Does anyone have slack?

Apparently big news is out.. i can't read it, i don't have an account.
Someone tell me what this says.. Could mean /biz/ loads up even more before mega moon

>> No.3771967
File: 55 KB, 640x591, c1ac6c85a53770b2a99dedc2c283a1eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I bought at below 14 cents

>> No.3771999
File: 41 KB, 400x416, AAAAHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3772017

wtf happened?

>> No.3772043

ok, someone told me what it said...

If we cant get it to $1 theres something wrong with /biz/

>> No.3772126

Because people on biz were shilling it into a boom like this. I made money that way on ELIX. I’m making money that way right now on LINK. But someone’s gonna have to convince me that this thing is worth it.

>> No.3772201

LOL just playing with you.

>> No.3772221

it's like Binance, TenX and OMG combined.

>Exchange, with over 50 trading pairs already
>Mastercard with crypto funding
>Crypto Payment processing with hundreds of merchants signed up already
>Dividends, revenue sharing 50% of transaction fees starting this sunday.

Their site has gone from 0 - 1.5 million per day in revenue in the week its been up.
It's a pretty slick site, and it can only grow from here as they ad more coins.

Its also being listed on Binance, Bittrex and Liqui very soon.

This is getting ready to explode, $1 by sunday

>> No.3772243

why would anyone waste their time convincing you of something that's going to make you money?

this things going to $1 soon and $3-5 longterm. Exact total supply as BNB but with a more comprehensive platform, plus dividends.

Good luck.

>> No.3772244

Sources on this?

>> No.3772255


Don't think it's getting listed on any of those anytime soon, if ever. Maybe Liqui, but big fucking deal. Who cares.

>> No.3772265

Yeah I'd rather kill myself then use Liqui again. Those small exchanges are so fucking shit

>> No.3772283

what is your sell order at for coss?
actually can everyone tell me what their sell order is? and how much % of you stack your selling at that price.
kinda new and want to see opinions

>> No.3772286

exchange listings:

or the new exchange and payment services: www.coss.io

>> No.3772423

many just use the 1$ mark
so maybe you just place a bit below and buy the dip

>> No.3772451

currently i have a sell order at 0.00274897 eth for 50% my stack. that would give me a 6x and actually be just as much value as my original investment in cryptocurrency as a whole 3 days ago. really tempted to just cash out for 100% of my stack at that number though

>> No.3772452

Transfer rate is .01 ETH this is going to crash as soon as niggers realize this. Get your 3-4x and sell this shitcoin

>> No.3772478

Nice FUD faggot!

Try again!

>> No.3772638

Is coss still worth buying?

>> No.3772647

Yes, just look at the bot doing 0.1 COSS sells at 750 to keep the price down

>> No.3772658

best place to quickly buy coss with BTC transfer?

Etherdelta, Hitbtc or coss exchange

>> No.3772664

Hitbtc, but you can only buy with Eth.

>> No.3772746
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>> No.3772771

hope I didn't sell too soon because the hood hasn't sold this shitcoin to you wiggers

>> No.3772805

This coin is gonna moon till the end of time. Only 5 million CAP WTF :D that's time 20 to 100 million !!!

>> No.3772818

I just bought 5000 more, coss, this coin is here to stay, the exchange is running, no reason to not last.

>> No.3772825

ONLY 5 Million cap

If this goes to 100 Million, that's 20X
I put in 5k usd guys -> this gonna make me 100K usd :D


>> No.3772930


To you idiots who think the cap is $5 million

It's closer to 20 milliom, confirmed on the slack channel.

>> No.3772969
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1506152187767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol those weirdos that think it allready mooned market cap is only 5 mln

>> No.3772976


Market cap is higher, Cmc has wrong # of coins outstanding but still its only like 15-20 million market cap so lots of room to run

>> No.3772986

The exchange sucks ass. It's slow. And the transfer rates after you cash out of this niggercoin is way too high. Get out while you can unless you're a literal vampire potbelly goblin whale.

>> No.3772989

thats bad then there are better projects

>> No.3772992

Straight from slack its closer to 8-10 Million

>> No.3772994


It's still in beta

Revenue sharing will be comfy

>> No.3772999

Keep crying faggot and go back to Bittrex because you're impatient and want to trade cracker coins for $10.

>> No.3773033

It's funny because COSS is actually going to hit $10 soon

>> No.3773053

if volume and crypto payment processing revenue get up to 10 million a day (its already at 1.5m after a week) it will be a $10 coin

>> No.3773054

lets not kid ourselves okay. i have coin. what in gods name miracle could happen to put this coin at 10$?

>> No.3773056

Have fun with your $.0002 coin when people find out the cofounder is balls deep in pyramid schemes and the exchange is slower that 24 chromosomes

>> No.3773064


>> No.3773081

Btw, if circulating coin supply changes on CMC, does that mean that the coin value goes down significantly?

>> No.3773090


>> No.3773093

Goodbye faggot don't FUD stfu and get out. Go back to mommy.

>> No.3773104

Dude's been spreading FUD alllllll 3 days and it's consistently been this Norwegian fag.

>> No.3773108

Have fun holding the bags. Literally less value than George Soros' eyebags

>> No.3773159

thanks for your 1 cent now get out

>> No.3773179

Whoever sold it will cry in a few weeks

>> No.3773204

You'll cowards won't even snort Coss when it hits .01 and lower

>> No.3773265

thats seems highly optimistic

>> No.3773299

>that 14ETH sell

>> No.3773312

>that 13 eth buy

>> No.3773334


>> No.3773398

he mad

>> No.3774153

The exchange is such garbage holy fucking shit. Hope the maintenance will fix at least a bunch of shit.

>> No.3774290


Its still in BETA. It will only get better.