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3767995 No.3767995 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for people who lost the game. Eaten by whales, bots, bad choices and bad luck.

Turned 15k into 60k, discovered margin trading, have 2k now. Going back to the career I despise. To be haunted the remainder of my life knowing I squandered the biggest opportunity I ever had.

How the hell do taxes work for this? Do I claim a 13k loss or a 58k loss? I hardly care anymore. If I can't have financial gains then I will have physical ones. Third week into injecting my ass with steroids as a last hope for my life to be even remotely worth living.

>> No.3768007

put all ur money into XCS make it back buddy

>> No.3768136

post your story op and buy the next link dip

>> No.3768173

The IRS only cares about net loss.
If you claim 58k loss they'll want tax on that 60k.

>> No.3768193

Dont give up learn from mistakes

If i can go from bronze 5 to plat 2 in league u can recover

>> No.3768212

add up your net gains subtract from net losses. Thats what you owe taxes on. if you profited 45k you owed taxes on it. if you then lost 58k you should be ok, since you lost more than you gained.

Also well done. I think your story is quite comon in the investing world. greed gets most of em. the rest are just stupid and make bad decisions based on being fucking stupid.

>> No.3768245

Done trading. Literally can't risk another dollar. As for my story basically I thought Iota was going somewhere but the distribution and the shithead devs are so fucked that it's eternally plagued by random downward spikes.

I thought I was gonna make it at one point. That I'd start my own business and travel the world with a QT asian girlfriend. I actually thought that was possible.

What a fucking tool I am.

>> No.3768254

>margin trading
>not even once

thanks for the life lesson sempai

>> No.3768266

i traveled the world with some whore for years off savings from wagecucking

if thats your dream go do it and stop being such an overwhelmingly huge faget

>> No.3768275

>If i can go from bronze 5 to plat 2 in league u can recover
holy fucking cancer, please you have to go back or at least have some decency and kys you fucking faggot

>> No.3768277

I sent all my BTC to WTC # $7.45... I don't feel like it's ever going to recover

>> No.3768279

story time sempai

>> No.3768283

>13k or 58k


>> No.3768289

Keep fighting.
You deserve the life you want. Make it real OP. Every succesful trader got burned at one point.

>> No.3768319

I like you.

>> No.3768339

>margin trading highly volatile low-liquidity assets, with no experience
all you had to do was HODL... and not the shitcoins.

Consider it a lesson in Greed.

>> No.3768343

Oh yeah, OP this is by the way that point in your life were you get some fucking guts and push trough it, the point you hear successful people talk about all the time, you know, where they fuck up 99 times but make it once, and it's really big THIS IS FUCKING IT!
You either man the fuck up and get the fuck back out there, and even if you never make more than you once did, getting back out there is a bigger success than anything else you could do atm.
Seriously don't be that guy that 30 years from now is going to wonder "what if", make your comeback and do it now!
Also get the fuck off those roids if you're serious!

>> No.3768452

steroids are cope. Get jacked, fuck gutter sluts on tinder every weekend, receive validation from walking around jacked. Fun for a while. But it gets old. So does money I guess.

Good luck man. That fucking sucks what happened.

>> No.3768509

Last year around the time of the halvening I was margin trading pretty heavily, I turned a 5k loan into about 20k profit. Then my cockiness got the better of me and I was like this shit is going to the moon I'm gonna be a millionaire! Everything is plagued with downspikes. A few of them caught me out and I went about 2k in debt. I tried to recover my losses a few times and it just made it worse. I got out of trading then for about a year.

I just got back in around may this year. Just decided to invest in high profile ICOs pretty much. I started with 5k again, I'm sitting on about 60k right now. I'm still a bit of a loser and hold a lot of shit when I should sell (DNT/ZRX) but I'm starting to get there and trying to write a few trading bots and things. Margin trading is giving your money away.

Reassess and come back with a new strategy, you might make it, you might not. I might make it, I might not. But fuck it there's no fucking way I'm voluntarily being a wagecuck for the rest of my life and the success is going to be so much sweeter when I get that first million knowing it actually wasn't super easy and that I did fail a few times. Keep going OP

>> No.3768530


>> No.3768548
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Don't worry OP I stole .5 btc off a smaller exchange this week from a little nifty xss I crafted, then I lost it all margin trading in 24 hrs and they patched the bug... idk why I bother trading when half these exchanges and icos were made by people with downs

>> No.3768632

OP has yet to chose for himself which side he's going to be on, those who made it or those who didn't, and even though getting back out there won't guarantee anything, not doing it guarantees him being part of the latter.

>> No.3768997
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I know your pain Op.

I had a break in last month, all my electronic gear got stolen. And with that my hardrive with all my wallets and passphrases, total value of 9btc.

I started with 2btc and it took me 1 year to get to those 9.

I don't feel like i can start all this again. It just mentally tore me apart. I have no energy and no lifelust, just nothing.

But we will manage to get past it Anon, give it time. We should not have this defeat us, i believe there is still money to be made. We are not too late.

Just take your time anon, take your time in processing this loss, and then come back twice as strong.

We can do this.

>> No.3769102

Does being a nocoiner count?

>> No.3769171

cant you guys just mine bitcoins?

>> No.3769204

lol are you the etherdelta hacker?

>> No.3769219


>That I'd start my own business and travel the world with a QT asian girlfriend

Wow what a pathetic loser you are. How about you find somebody you actually care about, instead of being a faggot

>> No.3769255

Was earning $120k a year as an estimator in construction. Decided I wanted to open my own business and use my contacts to buy products from me.

3 years later I just closed down my business, lost over $500,000 AUD and now im crawling back to my old company for work.

>> No.3769263

what kind of business what it m8?

>> No.3769275

Bought Bitcoin at a thousand, sold it at $400. Found Bitcoin again a month ago and realized that I missed out on tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.3769343

Not sure how travelling the world with an asian girlfriend makes me a faggot. Guess you prefer americans like this one?

Damn dude that sucks.

That REALLY fucking sucks. Was always afraid of storing my shit on hardware for that very reason.

As for me it's back to the grindstone. It's pretty likely I'll throw my spare cash back into crypto but I doubt I'll ever have the hope and enthusiasm I once had.

>> No.3769350
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forgot pic

>> No.3769391

>Be me
>Invest in MTL in the past
>Make nice profit with it
>Come back recently
>Buy at 22
>It plummets
>Lost 40%
>Wanna kms

Coming back to coins you've already done business with was a colossal mistake. I didn't learn the first time with NEO, now I got punished again with MTL. Why am I so fucking stupid. Well, I've still 550% my portfolio since starting 2 and a half months ago but I keep making these rookie mistakes.

>> No.3770406

>win some satoshis on a website
>no way to sell them

>> No.3771854


>> No.3772390

>Lost 40%
How do you do that? Don't you set stop-losses? Read about risk management. One book I'd recommend is "The New Trading For a Living" by Alexander Elder. You >>3767995 too, OP, it also speaks about gambling.

>> No.3772399

The author is a psychiatrist.

>> No.3772457

>I'm also pregnant
>That's none of your business though
Lol what the fuck?

>> No.3772894

noted and bookmarked

>> No.3772907


actually being jacked never gets old. Only someone who has never been jacked would say that.

>> No.3772918

You kept your private key on the PC that you wanted to protect? Why? I just bought a Trezor, and I have next to no money in this game. Please, next time, back it up on paper. I really do feel for you, though.

Sucks, but pretty much everyone here heard about BTC before it got fat. If we invested back then I can guarantee we wouldn't be posting here. Don't feel too bad about it. We all got lazy or FUDed.

>> No.3773045

Did you buy IOTA at the ATH then sell when it dropped by 50%?

>> No.3773115

hey op i was did a similar stupid mistake although not as severe. put 25k in, got up to 35k and than margin traded and lost all the way down to 5k. decided to stop margin trading and stop with bullshit long term holding and just daytrade the big volume coins. with my 5 remaining i decided to put 10k more in and give it a last shot in august. now im up to 65k so in the end it worked out and now im only ever going to day trade and stay in cash mainly and never margin trade

>> No.3773249


Same story here bro. MTL has fucked me hard in the last few days. I'm still holding though, fuck it